Chapter 1484 Bigger and stronger

Under the encouragement of Jiang Xiaolong and Ruo Chen.

Mendy and others were naturally convinced and began to try to hunt monsters.

At the beginning, it was really a little difficult~.

Because their own strengths have been weakened very seriously -.

When facing monsters, some people can't even bear it - they can't bear it.

But there are many people who work hard, so in the end, one really killed one.

"Here." Jiang Xiaolong held up the red ball.

"It's this thing that can make us stronger." Ruo Chen said seriously.

"Wait a minute, what if there is a problem?" Wen Qing, who had been silent for a while, suddenly asked.

"Yes, it always feels weird." Tu Su nodded in agreement.

Because of Jiang Xiaolong and Ruo Chen.

It is currently in a state of being guided.

So in fact, some people are not very trustworthy.

After all, everyone just came in not long ago.

Why do these two people know this secret?

And, without the help of others.

It is even more incredible to be able to hunt monsters alone.

"If you don't believe it, we can absorb it face to face." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"There's really no need to harm you." Ruo Chen looked helpless.

"You guys absorb it first, let's see if there are any side effects." Wen Qing said immediately.

"Are you coming or I'm coming?" Jiang Xiaolong asked, looking at Ruo Chen beside him.

"You're here." The latter waved his hand, showing that he was not very interested.

Jiang Xiaolong narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

In fact, he didn't trust Ruo Chen very much either.

The main reason is that the other party is the first to come in.

In other words, the time to stay here should be the longest.

Intuition is telling himself that this person must be hiding something.

"What?" Wen Qing saw the two hesitated.

"It's nothing." Jiang Xiaolong directly absorbed the red ball.

Then, he was observed by Wen Qing and others for at least five minutes.

It has been staring and observing for a long time like a research subject.

See that there are really no side effects, and it looks very normal.

That's what finally gained everyone's trust.

"Believe it now." Ruo Chen smiled slightly.

"I do." Wen Qing nodded.

"Go, continue to hunt monsters." Mendy shouted excitedly.

This time, Jiang Xiaolong and Ruo Chen didn't even need to guide him.

These people even took the initiative to start looking for monsters.

And the next time, naturally spent in hunting.

It didn't take long for many people to absorb the red ball.

Then I found out that Jiang Xiaolong and Ruo Chen really didn't lie.

This thing can indeed enhance its current strength.

However, the enhancement brought by a red ball is not much.

Even Jiang Xiaolong unexpectedly discovered that the more absorbed, the worse the effect.

"The monsters around are gone." Mendy glanced around and said regretfully.

"Either wait for the cycle, or let's go down. 35 Wenqing pointed to the bottom.

speak up.

Although everyone came to the loop castle for so long.

But it has always been hovering in the middle layer.

It didn't go up or down or anything like that.

At the beginning, it was because I didn't dare, which is understandable.

But now, since everyone has more or less enhanced their strength.

It must not be limited to wandering around in this layer.

After all, the cycle of these monsters does not take effect immediately.

"I also think I should go down and have a look." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

....... ask for flowers.

"Yeah." Ruochen agreed.

The minority obeys the majority.

Although some people still do not want to go.

But I can't stand everyone else thinking the same thing.

So, everyone started walking down the steps.

Jiang Xiaolong found that although he had been to the castle once before.

It was the time when it was in the belly of the Void Serpent.

But the understanding here is still very one-sided.

"What's on the ground?" Mendy said with disgust.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaolong looked and found that the ground was covered with black liquid.

"You look at the distance, it seems to be a huge red ball. 55 Griffin said excitedly.

The volume of this red sphere.

At least three or four times bigger than what I got before.

At this moment in the farthest place flashes red light.

It is like a red apple that has been completely ripe, very attractive.

"First come, first served!" Tu Su rushed over without any hesitation.

"Hey!" Jiang Xiaolong wanted to stop, but the man ran away.

Afterwards, several people passed by.

Wenqing, Griffin, etc.

Everyone wants to increase their strength.

Therefore, naturally do not dare to fall behind.

Only Jiang Xiaolong and Ruo Chen remained motionless.

Because they don't always feel right.

This bigger red orb.

As if it was placed there on purpose.

"I got it!" Tu Su said excitedly.

Just when he reached out his hand to touch it.

The thick black liquid under his feet suddenly began to move.

With a swish, he was instantly wrapped around him.

After a while, it turned into something similar to the previous monster.

Immediately afterwards, the melting river began to melt inch by inch,

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