Chapter 1513

"Why did your kid get arrested?" Father Eagle asked while drinking.

"Forget it, that boy is too powerful." Chen Kun shook his head helplessly.

"Indeed, that boy has some skills." Father Ying's eyes instantly turned cold when he thought of his hand.

But soon, those people will all die, and none of them will survive.

The conversation between the two.

Jiang Xiaolong heard it clearly.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Kun and Father Ying actually knew each other.

Even from the conversation, it is clear that the relationship is not bad.

In other words, even if they are not friends, they are relatively familiar people.

Because of this, after everyone was arrested.

Only Chen Kun, this guy, can still be safe and sound.

Of course, for him, it is more appropriate to use the afterlife to describe it.

I thought that I would just follow to the capital of the Dajiang Empire.

As a result, I didn't expect to turn around here.

Father Ying and others were drunk and dreamed of death.

I never thought that Jiang Xiaolong could escape.

After everyone passed out, Jiang Xiaolong showed a sneer.

Afterwards, the eagle father was taken away directly and stuffed into the golden eagle statue.

Time will soon come to the time of the sacrificial ceremony.

"The sacrificial ceremony has begun!

"Why hasn't Father Eagle come yet?

"Will it be okay?"

Sack and the others waited anxiously.

In the crowd, Jiang Xiaolong watched calmly.

Zhao Lingzhi and others have been transferred by themselves.

So you don't have to worry about anything.

"What's wrong with me?" Chen Kun opened his eyes dizzily, feeling a little headache.

"You drank and smoked Yunmengxiang. 35 Jiang Xiaolong's voice sounded faintly beside him.


Chen Kun gasped for a moment.

The brain was still dizzy.

Eyes that were still confused.

Suddenly the whole person is extraordinarily spiritual.

Then hurriedly looked to the side.

Immediately, I was horrified.

"What? Scared?" Jiang Xiaolong gave him a sideways glance.

"" Chen Kun shivered, unable to speak.

"The show has just begun." Jiang Xiaolong looked at this guy meaningfully.

"Could it be?" Chen Kun suddenly realized something and looked towards the golden eagle statue.

Over half the time.

The sacrificial ceremony should have started long ago.

Unexpectedly, Father Eagle actually disappeared.

Sack and others searched for a long time, but they found nothing.

Seeing the time passing by every second, everyone became more and more dissatisfied.

Therefore, there is no other way but to forcibly start the sacrificial ceremony first.

Immediately afterwards, those who participated in the sacrificial ceremony.

Surrounded by golden eagle statues.

Then head to the vicinity of a massive fire pit.

According to the custom here, the golden eagle can become a three-legged golden crow only when it is reborn from the ashes of the fire.

Therefore, what they have to do now is to push the golden eagle statue down together.

hey yo!

hey yo!

hey yo!

thanks to the efforts of hundreds of thousands of people.

The huge golden eagle statue finally crumbled.

Then, with a loud bang, it smashed into the fire pit below.

Immediately afterwards, the hot flames began to burn.

"What's going on?" Father Eagle woke up and looked around in a stunned manner.

And at the same time.

The golden eagle eagle (cjee) also began to melt.

This made it harder for Eagle Father to get out.


Screams sounded.

It was a pity that it was covered up by the deafening cheers of the mountains and tsunamis outside.

"No!" Father Eagle's eyes were splitting.

He tried his best.

Finally, the cage in front of him was knocked open.

The whole person 'swish' rose into the air.

Soar directly in the flames.

"That's it?" Sark was stunned.

"That's it!" Chen Kun was dumbfounded.

"Retribution!" Jiang Xiaolong said lightly.

"I'm not reconciled, I don't want to die! Father Eagle struggled frantically in the air.

But just got out of the fire pit.

But the whole body has been burned like coke.

It fell to the ground with a snap, dying.

"Father Eagle!" Sark let out a shrill howl and rushed over immediately.

" me...revenge me! Father Eagle looked at him and said it intermittently.

Immediately afterwards, his vision began to dim.

After a while, he died like that.

The dignified generation of the king of the grasslands, actually died so aggrieved.

Moreover, it was pushed down the fire pit by the hundreds of thousands of people.

Father Eagle is dead?

The news spread like wildfire!

"Let's go." Jiang Xiaolong urged Chen Kun, looking at him.

"Am I dreaming?" The latter walked forward dizzily, like a walking dead.

everything that just happened.

As if in a dream.

It seems unreal.

Just got out of the tiger's mouth yesterday.

Finally went back today.

Don't wait for Sark to come back to his senses.

Jiang Xiaolong had already left with Chen Kun.

Then found Zhao Lingzhi and others who had just woken up.

They were shocked when they learned that Father Eagle had died.

"This is a big trouble." Zhao Lingzhi took a deep breath.

"The eldest princess will definitely be held accountable, and we will never die with her. 33 Zhao Bochen said helplessly.

"Someone wants to kill me, I can't let him go. Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

not to mention.

He just burned the eagle father to death.

He did not harm the entire family of the other party, and he had done his best.

"I will mediate this matter." The fire angel sinner said with a wry smile.

I didn't expect to get involved in this kind of thing.

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