Chapter 1537 An Accident Happened

Jiang Xiaolong did not follow this guy, but stood there and waited for a while.

Soon, the echo of the abyss was constantly approaching, and soon it was like a thorn in the back.

But he was still staring, trying to see something out of the nothingness.

Finally, after hearing the rumbling sound like rolling thunder entering his ears.

In the air, there seems to be a faint mist moving fast.

You can even see a pair of light blue eyes inside.

"Could it be that this is the secret of the echo of the abyss?" Jiang Xiaolong thought to himself.

Monsters hide in nothingness.

so-called reverberation.

It is because the monster is moving.

This is a symptom, a warning.

It is unclear how powerful these blue-eyed monsters are.

But the momentum gathered together is not the general vastness.

"What are you doing!" At this moment, Lei Sha's voice sounded.

The next second, Jiang Xiaolong felt the electric light around him scorching hot.

Then, the whole person was quickly taken away and left the place 143.

At the same time, the ground where he stood just now was crushed.

There are very clear and obvious crack marks, densely packed.

"Hu Chi!" Lei Sha gasped, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

"Thanks." Jiang Xiaolong smiled slightly.

"If it wasn't for me, you must have been killed by the monster. Lei Sha rolled his eyes.

"You seem to know a lot about this place?" Jiang Xiaolong asked suspiciously.

"It's not the first time I've joined the fade space. 35 Leisha smirked.

Because the body can be changed at will.

So, in fact, this is the third time to come to the ninth floor of the abyss.

The previous few times, more or less encountered some accidents.

Especially the second time, as Lei Sha and a group of people came down.

As a result, he encountered the echo of the abyss and was crushed to death by those invisible monsters.

This is the third time, when I deliberately found this (cjee) and re-occupied my body.

"I knew it was like this." Jiang Xiaolong was not surprised, because he had already guessed it.

"Next, we have to clean up the surrounding monsters." Lei Sha said seriously.

"With you, it must be very relaxing." Jiang Xiaolong said half-jokingly.

"My previous strength was still very strong." Lei Sha nodded slightly.

After a short rest.

The echo of the abyss also disappeared again.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaolong and Lei Sha began to cooperate to clear the monsters.

Two people, one lightning, one flame, the efficiency is not ordinary fast.

Although the monsters in the abyss are also extremely powerful in terms of strength.

But after all, these two are not ordinary people, so they are still in a rut.

It took almost an hour or so.

The monsters on the ninth floor of the abyss were cleaned up.

"How do I get out next?" Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"Take turns, you leave, I'll stay." Lei Sha thought for a while.

"Although in reality I don't have any major issues at the moment, but occasionally I have to take a look." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

Not surprisingly.

Zhao Lingzhi and others are getting closer and closer to the capital of the Dajiang Empire.

And because of this, it will definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

Since it is to be secretly protected, it must not be distracted.

"It doesn't matter to me. After all, I've died so many times, and I haven't been involved for a long time." Lei Sha said with a wry smile.

"What is the world you live in?" Jiang Xiaolong sat on the ground and asked curiously.

"It's very bad, the natural disaster is coming, bad luck is possessed, and everyone is in great pain. Lei Sha said with a sense of loss.

One day, a natural disaster will come.

No one was prepared, and everyone was caught off guard.

As a result, all at once, one-third of the world's population died.

And the remaining two-thirds, half died in the following time.

The last third, though surviving, were shrouded in doom.

Everyone seems to have become a monster in the legend, with claws and claws, cruel and vicious.

"That must feel very bad." Jiang Xiaolong sighed.

"What about you?" Rachel asked.

"I was already at the top, I was going to salt the fish, but I was forced to start over." Jiang Xiaolong smiled wryly.

After in-depth exchanges.

The relationship between the two is better and stronger than before.

And the time that followed was actually very boring.

However, every once in a while there is an echo of the abyss.

At that time, the originally dead monster would climb up from the next floor.

This can be regarded as a seasoning for the boring time of the two of them.

Soon it was time to leave the faded space.

"Let's go." Lei Sha waved his hand.

"Be careful." Jiang Xiaolong disappeared in place after saying that.

When the sight is restored again.

Has returned to the ancient gods.

It was just dawn.

But the team of Zhao Lingzhi and others disappeared.

Or rather, it seems to have been attacked at night.

Many corpses can be seen lying on the ground.

"Damn!" Jiang Xiaolong's face sank.

He should have thought of it long ago.

The closer it is to the capital of the Dajiang Empire.

The more someone wants to kill them.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaolong began to search.

Following the traces along the way, traced to a cave.

If nothing else, Zhao Lingzhi and others should have gone in.

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