Chapter 1595 Ancient beast ruffian wolf

Jiang Xiaolong and General Long soon returned to their previous starting point.

And at this moment, nearly a day has passed.

In the entire royal hunting ground, it seems that people are almost scattered.

But it's actually more lively than when it first started.

In this regard, the two naturally cannot continue to get together to prevent being seen by the third princess.

So they parted ways immediately, one to the left and one to the right.

In the blink of an eye, a distance of hundreds of meters has been opened, and then gradually disappeared.

"I hope to find the ancient beast." Jiang Xiaolong glanced around while exploring.

The forest has already been there.

Get a special snake egg.

And also master the things of Alex.

In any case, it has been regarded as a small gain.

And now arrived at the place, or area.

29 is a plain with occasional hillsides and mountains.

Here, there are relatively few people hunting.

Because if you look around, you can see if there is prey.

But Jiang Xiaolong had just returned from the forest after all, and knew that there should be nothing there.

So I will try to come to this place to see if I can find an ancient beast with luck.

Although no discovery has been made so far, some people have been seen participating in the royal hunting grounds.

These guys seem to have found a little trace, get together and move forward slowly.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaolong would not miss it, so he kept closing the distance and approaching quickly.

"This seems to be the trail of a ruffian!"

"It looks like you should have come this way?"

"Go on and you'll find it.""

A group of hunters are very excited and excited.

Because of their purpose this time.

In fact, it is specifically looking for this ancient beast.

It is said that the ruffian is an outlier among the wolves.

There have always been various legends.

If you can catch it.

Don't say prince.

Even the emperor must be very happy.

"The ruffian?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

It's a pity that this time I didn't bring the nine-tailed black cat scum with me.

Otherwise, this guy might know what it is.

However, since these people in front of them are so excited and excited.

It must not be some simple beasts and monsters.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaolong quietly followed behind these people.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it took almost an hour or so to go forward.

It was already completely dark, Jiang Xiaolong and the people in front came to a mountain range.

A little further ahead, once you pass over it, it is another area.


In an instant, a wolf howl sounded.

Whether it was the hunter in front or Jiang Xiaolong in the back, they were all refreshed.

One by one, they all looked forward in a hurry, and it didn't take a while.

A bald old wolf with mottled fur walked slowly up the mountain.

At this moment, the distance between Hunter and Jiang Xiaolong is no more than 300 meters.

"It's a ruffian!" The leading hunter was extremely excited.

"There doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary?" one person asked in surprise.

"The ruffian wolf is an outlier among the wolves and cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes."" The leading hunter said seriously.

"I hope we can catch it this time." Everyone around nodded.

But Jiang Xiaolong at the back felt it.

The timing of this ruffian's appearance is a little problematic.

It happened to be dark and the light just wasn't very good.

And the location is also very strange, at just the right distance.

It seems that there is a feeling of deliberate appearance, which is very strange.


The ruffian didn't seem to notice the crowd.

Wandering leisurely.

A very relaxed and indifferent look.

It even took the initiative to approach the hunters for a distance.

"Something's wrong, there's something wrong with this guy." Jiang Xiaolong took a deep breath and thought to himself.

"A little bit closer, we'll do it." The leading hunter whispered to the people around him.

It seems like a minute has passed.

At this moment, the distance between the ruffian and the human.

It has been reduced to less than two hundred meters.

This is a very dangerous distance.

190 can be reached in a few seconds by riding a horse.

But this guy still didn't notice it.

"Crush!" Seeing that it was almost time, the leading hunter immediately greeted him.

The next second, they rushed up from the foot of the mountain.

The horse under the crotch galloped hard.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between him and the ruffian was narrowed.

But at this moment, the mountains suddenly came to life.

It turned out to be a huge rock python.

The tail suddenly rolled up, instantly strangling these hunters.

"Hey!" The ruffian smiled playfully.

"The hunters will only increase." The rock python's voice sounded.

"The emperor is not willing to die like this." The ruffian pouted.

"I knew it wasn't that simple." Jiang Xiaolong looked at the two ancient beasts in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, the ruffian had long known that he would be hunted.

So I found the rock python, which is also an ancient beast, to help.

Set a very obvious trap in this place.

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