Therefore, the soldiers have been unable to move in this space!

Jiang Xiaolong's strength is no more than the fourth rank of Yuanwu, and he can only imprison warriors below the Yuanwu level, and above the Yuanwu can only be subject to some movement restrictions!

Emperor Yu and others don't know what means Jiang Xiaolong used, after all, they are only creatures in the secret realm of the venerable, and the power of the law does not exist in the secret realm of the venerable, even if the general venerable Derun achieves the power of the law. , If you want to inject the power of law into your own secret realm, it is not enough to just understand this!

Therefore, for Jiang Xiaolong, who has mastered the power of the law, this is his capital!

The wind blade is always no match for the space force, the latter cut past the explosion and caused a small void, and these holes swallowed the wind blade!

King Pinghai was shocked enough to see that the attack of the Zhenguo Heavy Weapon was ineffective, but the next moment he saw those wind blades appearing from the heads of many immobile soldiers!

"Hehe, Emperor Yu, I said you would pay for your actions today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sneering Jiang Xiaolong flicked his fingers, and space cracks appeared above the soldiers' heads, and the vanishing wind blades miraculously appeared!

Yuan Wu Jiu's 317th stage martial artist, who is in charge of a country's heavy weapon, can't be blocked by these acquired martial artists!

In an instant, corpses were everywhere, and blood stained the sky!

But these soldiers were imprisoned and could not even scream!

Ping Haiwang and Yuhuang flew to the rescue slowly, and the other strong people in the Yuanwu realm escaped and escaped, and saved people!

But under the confinement of space, their movements are like a slow-motion picture scroll. The speed of the wind blade is extremely fast, and it is too late to rescue!

Only blood and mutilated corpses were left within a radius of one kilometer. Emperor Yu and the others shouted, Jiang Xiaolong just sneered!

The next moment, he noticed that a wind blade was about to slash at Huo Ling'er. If there was someone in this city he didn't want to move, it was just Huo Ling'er!

With a flash of figure, he took Huo Linger in his arms, Jiang Xiaolong muttered to himself.

"Don't blame me, these are all brought by the Emperor Yu! If you don't cooperate, why should you bring people to besiege me?"

With a slight push, Huo Linger was sent out of the space domain, and Jiang Xiaolong recovered to face the attack of Yuhuang and others!

With his full strength, he is not afraid of the seventh rank or even the (cjed) eighth rank secret realm warrior, and now that the space domain is a big killer, Yuhuang and other Yuanwu ninth dan are also restricted, as far as he is concerned...

"All lambs to be slaughtered!

With an angry shout, the silver light made a great show, and endless star weapons appeared around Jiang Xiaolong's body, ranging from the lowest level to the intermediate nine stars!

Countless treasures converged into a river, and this breath was stronger than that of the fan in Pinghai King's hand. In the blink of an eye, the river formed by the treasures swept away countless flesh-and-blood corpses, as well as those below the seventh stage of Yuanwu. Musha!

Even the seventh rank and eighth rank were affected, they were seriously injured and unable to fight again, and only three ninth rank warriors could escape!

Although Yuanwu is everywhere in the diamond world, the number of high-level ones is still relatively rare, and the accumulation of this country over the years has been depleted by more than half!

Jiang Someone naturally rushed over with a long knife and chopped melons and vegetables all the way. The seriously injured rank seven or eight warriors died without the ability to resist, and the only people present who could resist were King Ping Hai, Emperor Yu and an old man!

The three of them are already jealous, but Jiang Xiaolong's speed in the space field is always half a point faster than them, and when they are almost killed here, they are wrapped in a siege!

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaolong laughed wildly: "Emperor Yu, remember the period that happened today, you can't live because of your own sins!"

After speaking, a silver crack appeared in front of Jiang Xiaolong, and he stepped into it, and the person had completely disappeared!

The three of Yuhuang fluttered and could only be secretly angry, only the three of them were still alive within a kilometer range, and the rest... died in battle!

"Ah! Lu Wu!

"I hate this emperor, King Pinghai issued an order to arrest this officer!"

Emperor Yu thumped his chest and stomped his feet, looking at the scene of blood flowing into a river under his body, there was only endless regret in his eyes!

I thought that the heavy weapon of the country could threaten this genius, but now the strength displayed by the latter is terrifying!

The Land of Rain has provoked such a genius, and it doesn't take time for it to be half-destroyed!

How can Yuhuang and others not be angry?

Ping Haiwang looked at the place where Jiang Xiaolong disappeared, his eyes became a little complicated, and he sighed when Huo Linger flew back to his side: "Linger, Yu Huang's move is really a wrong move!"

Huo Linger was silent, just watching the noisy crowd around her in a trance.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaolong has come to the mountain range not far from Yucheng. This place is more than a thousand kilometers away from Yucheng. Standing on the top of the mountain, he can already feel the salty sea breeze in the distance. This number is the limit of his teleportation distance!

The so-called teleportation is to open up a space tunnel. Jiang Xiaolong's own range is thousands of miles away from the limit he can communicate with. His current strength can only do this. Although he has mastered the power of the law, he is not a real person after all. Your Honor!

Even at this moment, the world in Jiang Xiaolong's body was tumbling, which was a manifestation of a lot of power consumption.

Frowning, Jiang Xiaolong muttered to himself.

"The law field plus teleportation, and other means of attack, my power consumption is serious! 35

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and stroked his forehead. Originally there was a thumb-sized law perception spar, which was now only the size of a grain of rice. It was slowly dissipating along with Jiang Xiaolong's perception of the law of space. After all, it was only an aid to help him perceive the power of the law. Thunder Treasure, along with the deepening of understanding, will naturally dissipate.

"The progress in the Land of Rain is not smooth enough. How should we go next?"

This problem still gave Jiang Xiaolong a headache. He thought he could carry out the plan in both directions, but now it seems that he underestimated the vigilance of those with high power!

The Land of Rain can't be achieved, and the other countries may have the same effect. Now they have offended two countries, and if they continue to do so without waiting for their own power, I am afraid that the entire diamond continent will besiege themselves!

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaolong's attention was focused on other places. The biggest power in the Lingjie continent is not the Seven Kingdoms. To say that the Lingzhi Kingdom is the first among the powerful Seven Kingdoms, it is naturally the sea monsters. them!

There are three or four countries near the sea, but these three or four can only withstand the attacks of monsters. This is because the weak sea monsters cannot easily come ashore, otherwise humans cannot resist the attacks of monsters!

Glancing at the direction where the sea breeze is blowing, Jiang Xiaolong silently got up and flew towards the target, not because he wanted to contact the sea monsters, but because he could start planning from other aspects!.

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