At this time, Jiang Xiaolong also thought of Brother Tie Niu, and a trace of worry rose in his heart,

Seeing Jiang Xiaolong's somewhat ugly expression, Song Tian asked.

"Brother Xiaolong, what's the matter, is there something on your mind, or am I being too reckless and scaring you?

"Oh, no, it's not, it's me who remembered some things from the past, remembered my brother, he doesn't know what's going on now, and he's a little worried."5

Jiang Xiaolong said.

"Well, where is he now, since he's a brother, I can help you find him, and then you must give me a good introduction."

Song Tian said.

Jiang Xiaolong shook his head and said, "Let's go out and talk about it, I will definitely introduce you to him when I see him!

"it is good!"

Song Tian replied. Because Jiang Xiaolong was young, Song Tian also called him Xiaolong. Since he could no longer call Song Tian a lieutenant general, he finally asked to call Song Tian ~ Brother Tian.

Jiang Xiaolong kept asking, but Song Tian didn't object anymore. The two chatted a lot along the way. Jiang Xiaolong also told Song Tian some of his own experiences, such as the barbaric valley, the spring of the gods, and the fact that he was kicked out of the outer door. He told Song Tian everything about it.

Hearing Jiang Xiaolong's miraculous experience, Song Tian was not too surprised. After all, from the terrifying energy that Jiang Xiaolong burst out, he knew that his previous experience was definitely not simple.

After driving for more than an hour and seeing that they had left the battlefield, they also slowed down, Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"Brother Tian, ​​where should we go now?"

Song Tian looked at the crippled disciples behind him, shook his head and said.

"Let's find a safe place to heal your wounds first, if you continue to drive like this, let alone meet the Six Path Demon Sect disciples, even if you don't meet them, their bodies may not be able to bear it.

Jiang Xiaolong thinks about it too, his body doesn't really matter, but the disciples behind him are in urgent need of recuperation. In the end, the major generals discussed and unanimously decided to heal the wounds first, and then look for the support of the large army of the Barbarian Martial Arts Academy.

Jiang Xiaolong, Fan Yi, and the others were exploring the way ahead. First, they were afraid of encountering people from the Six Paths Demon Sect. Second, they were looking for a place that was conducive to healing and extremely hidden.

The effort paid off, and finally they found a cave in front of a small waterfall. The entrance of the cave was very large, and it was located at a height of seven or eight meters above the ground. They observed the surrounding scene and found nothing unusual.

After that, Jiang Xiaolong went up to investigate first. The cave is very large and wide enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

There is also a thick layer of weeds on the ground, as if a large number of monsters have lived here,

Jiang Xiaolong grabbed a handful of weeds, put it in front of his nose and sniffed, there was no smell at all,

Afterwards, he transported the Myriad Beasts Art to explore the cave, and was sure that no beasts had come recently, so he was relieved.

Returning to the ground, he walked up to Song Tian and said.

"Brother Tian, ​​I have already observed that the cave above is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people. It seems that a large number of monsters lived in it before.

However, from the observation of the smell of the cave, I can conclude that the group of monsters has migrated away a long time ago, and we can go up with confidence.

"Oh, okay, I see!" Song Tian replied.

He turned around and said to the disciples: "The disciples who are not injured are practicing wind outside, and those who are seriously injured can go to the cave for healing!"

Although the cave is seven or eight meters above the ground, it is nothing to these Yuanwu warriors, they can reach it with a big leap, and some are really immobile. Jiang Xiaolong and Song Tian sent them up.

After everything was settled, Jiang Xiaolong and Shao Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, it was already night, in order to defend against monsters,

The disciples outside also all fell asleep on the tree. Only a few were left to stand guard, so as not to be attacked by the disciples of the Six Paths Demon Sect. After all, this is the early stage of the battlefield, and danger may be encountered at any time.

Three peaceful days passed. At this time, Jiang Xiaolong was standing in the rapids of the waterfall. Whenever he thought of the hatred in the past, he felt like a fire was burning in his heart, and it was very painful.

He wants to use the cold water to soothe his hot heart, although his current strength is already very strong,

But for Gorefiend, it was insignificant, and he was very resentful, hating that he didn't have enough strength to avenge the seniors of the Martial Arts Mall as soon as possible.

Song Tian was standing under the waterfall at this time, looking at Jiang Xiaolong who was in pain and depression, although he didn't know what hatred Jiang Xiaolong had in his heart.

But he was very sure that this hatred must be related to the people of the Six Paths Demon Sect, or to the Blood Demon Art.

........... ask for flowers ......

Originally, he was going to go up and ask clearly, but just as he was about to take off, a guard hurried over and said with a hint of excitement.

"Lord Lieutenant General, I found a large troop 30 kilometers ahead. After further observation, I determined that it was the general troop of the inner door, led by the elders of the four hall masters, with a number of no less than 300,000.

Hearing these words, Song Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"It seems that the inner sect is going to launch a general attack this time, you told the disciples to hurry up to prepare for the battle, and we will catch up.

"Well, I'll do it right now."

After saying that, the guard turned around and trotted towards the jungle, where the recovered disciples were practicing the exercises.

After the guards left, Song Tian called to Jiang Xiaolong.

"Brother Xiaolong, we are going to launch a general attack in our door. Come down quickly."

Hearing Brother Tian's shout, Jiang Xiaolong's eyes trembled slightly, thinking that if the inner door launched a general attack, then he could hope for revenge, how could he miss this opportunity, and snorted coldly.

"Ye Guhan child, wait to die.

Then he put on his clothes, and swayed his long hair that was soaked on his temples at will, and his handsome face appeared, with a trace of cold murderous aura, hurriedly jumped from the height of the waterfall, and streaked in the air a stream of water.

"Brother Tian, ​​let's go now, I must kill that beast."

Jiang Xiaolong said anxiously. At this time, Song Tian was even more sure of his thoughts. Jiang Xiaolong must have a deep hatred with one of the Six Path Demon Sect disciples. He wanted to ask clearly.

But Jiang Xiaolong was already running towards the jungle not far away, so he had no choice but to give up and hurriedly followed.

When Song Tian and the others came over, the disciples were already ready, and their faces were full of excitement, as if thinking that they could finally avenge their former friends.

Song Tian stood on a mound and shouted: "Do you have any confidence!

The disciples did not hesitate at all, and each shouted loudly.

"Yes, you will never leave the battlefield until you kill all those beasts.

Jiang Xiaolong saw a group of warriors like wolves and tigers, his confidence increased greatly, he flipped his arms, took out the shining sky-killing spear, and joined the crowd aggressively to beg.

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