The smile on Lao Diao's face suddenly froze, and then he laughed again.

"Good boy, you really have two strokes, but today you are unlucky to meet our Six Path Demon Sect, so you must die!

There was a strong murderous aura in his voice. Then he called to the two lieutenants.

"You guys used the blood of the black-haired lieutenant general to use the blood magic power, I don't believe he can deal with the blood magic power, haha! 35

The two people who were still in shock did not react, and when they heard the Blood Demon Art, their terrified hearts were calmed down, and they regained a little confidence.

Hearing the blood magic power Jiang Xiaolong smiled coldly, although Jiang Xiaolong was not very worried about the two of them carrying the blood magic power,

But in order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Jiang Xiaolong quickly started the imitation of Wan Beast Jue.

"Photography is heavy... swoosh!

Jiang Xiaolong didn't intend to give them a chance to use the Blood Demon, and wanted to get rid of the two people in front of them before they could use the Blood Demon.

"Crane dances in the sky....whoosh!"9

Every time he swung the Sky Killing Spear, it had the artistic conception of a monster attack!

This made the people around them feel very novel, and everyone raised their eyes and squinted, fearing that they would miss a wonderful scene in the blink of an eye.

The two lieutenant generals didn't have the slightest time to use the blood magic power. At this time, they were trying their best to dodge, Jiang Xiaolong was pressing step by step, bang!

The tricks are deadly, and the disciples of the surrounding barbarian martial arts halls are full of blood, and they feel like they are fighting on the field.

Since the two had been attacking Jiang Xiaolong separately, Jiang Xiaolong was also a little dazed at this time, not knowing which one to fight first.

At this time, the two of them had also started to use the blood magic art from different angles, and the anger around them suddenly became strange.

The power of true essence that they transported was all given to the body of the lieutenant who just died, swallowing all his blood, and the power of true essence also transformed into a fist-sized blood essence.

With the increase of their exercises, the blood essence is also gradually increasing,

Jiang Xiaolong's eyes turned red when he saw the blood magic power they were using.

Thinking of those seniors in the Martial Arts Mall, who died under this technique, the anger in my heart was ignited,

All the muscles and bones in the body made a rattling sound, and the power of the whole body was strengthened again.

For Jiang Xiaolong's changes, the two didn't care too much, it was normal to have this kind of expression on the battlefield.

When the blood cells were the size of a human head, they finally prepared to attack Jiang Xiaolong,

Jiang Xiaolong swung the sky-killing spear in his hand. It was not the first time he had come into contact with Gorefiend, so he still had some confidence in his heart.

The blood essence rushed towards Jiang Xiaolong, and it continued to increase in the process. Jiang Xiaolong's eyes changed, his right arm was violently thrown, and several gun shadows were sprayed at the blood essence.


Gorefiend is indeed still a bit powerful. Although Jiang Xiaolong's several spear stabs made a great sensation,

But it didn't really destroy the blood cell, it just made the blood cell a little thinner,

At this time, the blood essence was still surging towards him, Jiang Xiaolong also knew that the blood essence did not have much attacking power,

It mainly devoured the blood of the warriors and the exercises, and at this time a terrible thought surged in his mind.

In order to resolve this fight faster, he intends to give it a try.

He explained his thoughts to Xiaobai using the Ten Thousand Beast Tactics. Hearing Jiang Xiaolong say this, Xiaobai was also very excited, and he was very willing to try this challenge.

At this time, I saw that he gave up the attack, but used the power of the divine veins to transport the defense essence, quietly waiting for the arrival of the blood essence.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolong giving up the fight, the various hall masters of the Barbarian Martial Arts Hall were also shocked, thinking that Jiang Xiaolong wanted to give up.

The lieutenant generals who were standing on both sides of Jiang Xiaolong also had a slight smile on their faces at this time, knowing that Jiang Xiaolong was scared.

Lao Diao laughed again: "Even if you have good aptitude, what's the use, in front of Blood Demon Art, everything is a cloud!

Haha, in the fight against our Six Path Demon Sect, there is only one dead end!"

Fan also did not think so in the distance, after these days fighting side by side with Jiang Xiaolong,

He knew Jiang Xiaolong very well, and he knew that Jiang Xiaolong would not give up just like that.

That day, he also fought desperately against the old man of the Six Paths Demon Sect, and that kind of terrifying energy erupted.

Fan Yi thought that this time he must be the same as last time, wanting to use the extreme energy of his body to burst out terrifying strength.

At this time, the blood had already rushed to the top of Jiang Xiaolong's head, and the unbearable smell of blood repeatedly stimulated his brain.

But he did not make the slightest counterattack, quietly waiting for the arrival of blood.

The blood essence slowly wrapped Jiang Xiaolong's body, making a gurgling sound, swallowing the defensive essence around him.

Jiang Xiaolong slowly closed his eyes, sending energy into his divine veins, as if he was waiting for an opportunity.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong's entire body was invisible, and he could only see a large mass of blood cells where he was standing. As for what was in the blood cells, they couldn't see clearly outside.

Xiaobai circled back and forth around Jiang Xiaolong's body. This blood element did not exert any pressure on the defensive air shield it released. He was worried that Xiaobai might not be able to bear it.

But now it seemed that his worries were unnecessary, and that terrifying thought was not so terrifying.

Vaguely, Jiang Xiaolong felt that Xiaobai was gradually absorbing the energy of blood, which surprised him.

Thinking that blood essence is a very domineering exercise, it can be swallowed infinitely.

At this time, he was swallowed by Xiaobai to 377. It is conceivable that he could not be surprised. Does this mean that Xiaobai has stronger devouring power than the blood element forehead?

Although Jiang Xiaolong could feel the terrifying aura in the blood, he was not hurt in any way due to the existence of Xiaobai.

The hall masters of the Barbarian Martial Arts Hall who were watching the battle outside were worried about Jiang Xiaolong, after all, they didn't know anything about the blood essence.

The two lieutenant generals continued to increase their blood essence exercises and gradually approached Jiang Xiaolong.

Lao Diao shouted to Hall Master Sun excitedly.

"There is no hope. Ever since I came into contact with the Blood Demon Art, I have never seen a warrior who can break through the blood essence, old man Sun, wait and kowtow and call the boss, haha!

Jiang Xiaolong could vaguely see the situation outside in the blood essence, and saw two lieutenant generals approaching him. In the blood essence, he slowly transported the power of the true essence to the head of the gun, waiting to explode at any time.

The two lieutenant generals had already arrived in front of Jiang Xiaolong at this time. Seeing that there was no movement in the blood essence, they thought that Jiang Xiaolong might have been completely swallowed up by the blood essence.

The two gradually reduced the output of the blood demon energy, and when they were about to put away the blood essence, Jiang Xiaolong slammed the sky-killing spear.


One blow broke through the blood, and the spear head swept in a circle. Before the two could react, Jiang Xiaolong's spear head had already swiped across their bodies.

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