Inside the Wu Mansion's boudoir, Wu Tian looked worriedly at Yue'er, whose face was pale, and was very anxious.

"Yue'er, why haven't you woken up yet, the master said that you are all right,

Why hasn't the slightest improvement in the past few days, you must be fine,

Otherwise, I will never forgive myself in this life, because I didn't think about the consequences at the time, damn it. ""

Although Yue'er's face was very ugly at this time, after these few days of recovery, she already had the most basic thoughts,

Hearing someone calling her, she thought it was Jiang Xiaolong deep in her heart, her body trembled slightly, the corners of her mouth wriggled slightly, and she said softly:

"Xiaolong, is that you?""

Hearing Yue'er's slight voice, Wu Tian immediately stood up and crawled to Yue'er's mouth, wondering what she really needed.

"Little dragon, little dragon!"

Although Yue'er didn't open her eyes, she had a very strong feeling for Jiang Xiaolong in her heart.

"Little Dragon!"

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, and then asked softly:

"Yue'er, please clarify, what is Xiaolong, is he a person?"

Yue'er's reaction is getting bigger and bigger, and the love in the bottom of her heart is getting stronger and stronger, she suddenly opened her eyes and shouted loudly:

"Little Dragon!"

"Yue'er, you finally woke up."


Wu Tian said happily.

Yue'er's body was very weak at this time, but when she thought of Jiang Xiaolong, her eyes lit up with bursts of light,

Looking at Wu Tian in horror, he was so close to her. Since he was a child, he was the first person to be so close to him, except for his grandfather and Jiang Xiaolong.

"Go away!" Yue'er shouted desperately.

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, seeing Yue'er's embarrassed expression, and then he thought of taking care of her distance now, and hurriedly stepped back, Yue'er's emotions stabilized.

Yue'er covered her dull head with her hands and shook it slightly, then she thought of what happened that day,

I couldn't help being a little surprised, knowing that Wu Tian in front of him saved him, and said embarrassedly:

"You, you sit down, but not too close to me!

This kind of words made Wu Tian very unacceptable, and he also developed a more favorable impression of Yue'er,

Usually those girls don't want to be close to themselves, and she is completely different and does the opposite,

This made Haotian very appreciate, and also made a good evaluation of Yueer's character in all aspects.

He slowly sat on the corner of Yue'er's bed, and now he has no other thoughts,

As long as it can quickly make Yueer get better (cjed), it is better than anything else.

"Yue'er, your injury doesn't matter. If you still feel uncomfortable, I'll call Master for you now. He will definitely relieve your physical pain."

Looking at Yue'er's pale face, Wu Tian was very worried and felt a pain in his heart, unable to figure out why he treated him like this.

"No, I'm fine.

Yue'er said abruptly, moving her body, except for the slight pain in the muscles, muscles and bones, everything else has almost recovered.

"Oh, by the way, you kept calling Xiaolong just now, who is he?

Wu Tian thought of the words Yue'er had said in a dazed way before, and wondered.

Hearing that Wu Tian was ahead of Xiaolong, Yue'er was a little surprised and hurriedly rejected:

"Impossible, you heard it wrong, how could I possibly think of him!

Wu Tian was even more puzzled, from Zi Yan's slightly frightened eyes,

He saw a deep friendship and a feeling of accumulation of contradictions,

He also probably guessed the weight of Xiaolong in Yueer's heart,

However, he doesn't want to make it clear now, one is because Yue'er's body is relatively weak at this time,

If he mentions this, it will definitely affect Zi Yan's mood and make her sicker;

The second is that Yue'er will have a bad impression on him in the future because of this incident. After all, this can be regarded as revealing Yue'er's old scars.

For various reasons, Wu Tian finally decided to pretend that he didn't know, it would be good for them all,

Let the past pass, after all, she belongs to herself now,

As long as she takes care of Zi Yan, she will definitely know that she loves her very much.

"Well, maybe I heard it wrong! 35

Wu Tian chuckled lightly, with a look of indifference.

This kind of performance also surprised Zi Yan, she originally thought that a noble son must be very stingy,

There is still a little perverted kind in her heart, but now it seems that she doesn't take it seriously, she still doesn't quite believe it,

Why is the son of a nobleman so generous? From his slightly changed expression, he could clearly see a hint of jealousy.

But why does he pretend not to know, is there any conspiracy behind this, or is he setting up a bigger trap waiting for him to jump!

With a creaking sound, the door opened, and it was Master Zheng, who was Wu Tian's master, who came in.

Seeing that Yue'er had already sat up, her expression relaxed, she walked slowly to the bed, and said:

"Miss Shen, how do you feel about your body now?"

Yue'er desperately searched for the introduction of the old man in front of her, although she didn't know the identity of Master Zheng yet,

But when she was watching the game under the stage that day, she also saw that Wu Zheng was very polite to him, and his identity must be very simple.

With a slight smile, he said, "Well, it's almost healed. 35

Wu Tian hurriedly stood up and introduced Master Zheng to Yueer, and Yueer respectfully called Master Zheng hello.

"Well, it's fine, you can take a day off today, there are still important things for you to do tomorrow.

Master Zheng said very seriously.

In fact, even now, Wu Tian still doesn't know what Master Zheng said, what is the important thing, and why he is so anxious.

For various reasons just now, when she heard that she had something to do, Yueer thought of her grandfather,

Because I was too worried, I was very anxious at this time.

"Where is my grandfather, where is my grandfather, what have you done to him, hurry up, I'm going to find grandpa! 35

Just as he was about to get out of bed, Wu Tian stopped him and comforted him:

"Yue'er, don't worry, your grandfather is fine, he is talking with his father about something,

It should be here soon, I will inform you right now, your health is not yet fully recovered,

Those who can't get out of bed easily are liable to cause a bigger disease.

Yue'er didn't react too aggressively to Wu Tian's shouting at Yue'er.

After all, half of her people now belong to Wu Tian. If she cares too much, it is likely to ruin the plan carefully arranged by her grandfather.

At this moment, Wu Tian's eyes are very firm, and Yue'er's heart is also very moved, the young master of a noble,

It's incredible that he can be so careful. Could it be that he really fell in love with himself,

Is there any other reason to be nice to herself, the cruelty of reality, the sinister nature of people's hearts, that made her have to think about these,

Only by taking things into consideration can we avoid unnecessary losses, so as not to be in a hurry at that time.

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