Wu Tian was very dissatisfied and did not understand,

Why is my father being so strong in this matter, doesn't he care about the lives of others?

"This matter is not negotiable, and you don't need to interrupt when I talk for a while,

As long as you listen to it in front of you, it's her business whether she agrees or not,

There are so many good girls in the world that there is no need to hang them on a tree. Wu Zheng's attitude is very firm. "

In fact, when he turned around, Wu Zheng also wiped his sweat secretly. He admired Yueer's aptitude very much.

I am also very worried that Tian'er will become sluggish because of this, but in order to choose a qualified and capable wife for his son,

He could only do this with a ruthless heart, so as to avoid Yue'er from hurting her son's heart again.

Wu Tian wanted to say something else, but Wu Zheng ignored his attitude at all, turned around and walked towards Yue'er's room, leaving only one who was still in a daze.

Grandpa Shen in the room also knew that their father and son went out to discuss something, and was very worried.

Now only Wu Tian can intercede for Yueer, praying silently in his heart, hoping that Wu Tian can talk to Wu Zheng, and strengthen his blood after Yueer's body fully recovers.

Wu Zheng has now come to the room, and Grandpa Shen stared at him nervously, as if expecting him to announce ten major news.

"Old Shen, I have already negotiated with Tian'er, and now it seems that Yue'er is recovering quite well,

So I plan to strengthen her bloodline tomorrow so that she can become a member of our Wu family as soon as possible. "

Wu Zheng said lightly.

Grandpa Shen was shocked, his face sank,

Just Wu Zheng's simple words decided Yue'er's life and death,

Although he can't really determine the danger of strengthening the bloodline, he has heard of many people who died because of strengthening the bloodline before.

It seems that Wu Zheng's face is very calm, but in fact there is an expectation in his heart now.

"Grandpa, what is strengthening bloodline!"

Yue'er regained the confidence that belonged to her, and now the complexion on her face has improved a lot.

Before Grandpa Shen could speak, Master Zheng stepped forward and explained:

"Strengthening the bloodline is actually to divert your ordinary blood exercises and the aid of medicinal herbs, and replace it with the bloodline of our nobles.

In this way, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation in the future, and you can also learn a unique skill that is unparalleled in the world.

This technique is very powerful, but it requires the cooperation of two people to exert its greatest power.

That's why we are looking for a girl with extraordinary qualifications to be Tian'er's wife.

Yue'er's face sank immediately, not because she didn't want to practice this technique,

But after hearing Master Zheng's explanation, she also figured out her current status,

It turned out that what they were looking for was not a wife, but a chess piece and a tool.

"It turns out that I'm just a tool that can assist Wu Tian!

Yue'er said with a sneer.

"Yue'er, no, it's not like this, please believe me.

At this time, Wu Tian pushed in the door and hurriedly explained.

Yue'er didn't understand what he meant, but she didn't want to hear it herself.

Everything here doesn't belong to her, and she doesn't have enough strength to ask for anything. She sneered bitterly and looked at her grandfather with helpless eyes.

From her grandfather's eyes, Yue'er read too much helplessness, too much pity, too much hatred,

Yue'er couldn't help biting her lip, and once again cast her eyes on Wu Tian,

At this time, she also really saw clearly, the true face of this hypocrite in front of her,

She couldn't help but feel a chill, feeling that she had no reason to resist at all.

"Xiaolong, where are you, what should I do, should I agree or not?

Can you help me with a reasonable answer, Xiaolong.

Yue'er shouted Jiang Xiaolong's name countless times in her heart,

At this time, he even saw his dark future, feeling that in the days without Jiang Xiaolong, she could not find any color at all.

Looking at Yue'er's slightly firm eyes, Wu Tian, ​​who was beside him, also felt heartache, his face was very ugly, and he shouted countless times in his heart.

"Yue'er, you must not promise father, or you will die.

Although he said so in his heart, he didn't know how to help Yue'er this time.

After all, if he strongly blocks it, it is very likely that he and Yue'er will really be finished.

After all, without the consent and support of his father, how could he marry Yue'er back?

Everyone was silent at this moment, staring at Yue'er quietly.

"Yue'er, I have negotiated with your grandfather before, what do you mean?"

Wu Tian said lightly, seemingly indifferent.

Now Yue'er is very embarrassed. On the one hand, it is her own happiness, and on the other hand, it is the hatred of her family.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally chose the big benefit, which is to avenge the family members.

"Okay, I promise you, tomorrow will be tomorrow." Yue'er said firmly.

At the moment of speaking, she felt that everything was still,

What floated in front of her eyes were the shadows she was with Jiang Xiaolong. These memories were the only motivation for her to live.

Wu Tian finally couldn't take it anymore and said in surprise:

"Yue'er, you can't do this, do you know how dangerous it is to strengthen the bloodline,

You are likely to lose your life, these are all things you must understand. ""

After losing Jiang Xiaolong, she now feels like a walking dead,

Hearing the dangers Wu Tian said, she didn't care at all,

She only knew that she had done her best for her family and her grandfather at all costs.

"You don't need to say more, I know the powerful relationship in this." Yue'er said firmly.

Wu Tian wanted to say something more, but seeing Yue'er's firm eyes, he had to swallow the words that had already reached his lips.

Wu Zheng smiled lightly, and was very happy to see Yue'er agree to 4.3,

Knowing that such courage is extraordinary, this is the perfect daughter-in-law in his heart,

He has also identified Yueer, and this time he will do whatever it takes to strengthen Yueer's bloodline, which means that only success is allowed, not failure.

"Okay, I'm really happy, now it seems that my previous doubts are really over-thinking,

You have already reached the strength possessed by the top warriors in terms of aptitude and courage, which is really an eye-opener for this old man!

Master Zheng on the side said with admiration.

Although Grandpa Shen is very distressed, but now for the whole Shen family,

He could only take risks, and silently prayed for Yue'er in his heart that nothing would go wrong.

Inside the church, the pharmacist's grandfather's expression was very indifferent, but Jiang Xiaolong was very anxious.

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