Jiang Xiaolong's foot swiped directly in front of Zi Yan, and Zi Yan's body threw herself into Jiang Xiaolong's arms due to inertia.

Feeling this familiar embrace, Yue'er couldn't help but look at Jiang Xiaolong.

"Zi Hua, it's me, Xiaolong! How can you do this, you must know how worried I am about you,

If something really happens to you, I feel like there is no point in living.

Jiang Xiaolong was anxious and angry, and said his true words.

Zi Yan was stunned for a moment, feeling Jiang Xiaolong's familiar embrace and smelling the kind smell. For her, this is true happiness.


Zi Yan really couldn't control her emotions, this happiness came too suddenly,

It felt like a thousand miles away just now, but it became a reality in an instant, and she could not accept it.

Over the past few days, Zi Yan has lost a lot of weight again, Jiang Xiaolong understands that this is all because of worrying about him.

"Why do you still come here, I have made it very clear before, I will not go with you.

Zi Yan's face changed immediately, without a little bit of color. The words are also very cold.

Jiang Xiaolong thought to himself, I really don't understand, this woman's face is changing like the sky, there is no sign or prediction to follow, it's too scary.

"Zi Yan, listen to my explanation, I have made full preparations this time, you don't have to worry about me,

This time we will all be able to escape smoothly, trust me?"

Jiang Xiaolong said firmly.


The two guards were directly stabbed and flew out by the power of true essence released by Jiang Xiaolong, and even the blade in their hands was shattered by Jiang Xiaolong.

"God Transformation Realm Martial Artist!"

The guard leader wiped his cold sweat, he couldn't figure it out at all, what kind of aptitude has such potential when he has broken through to the realm of God Transformation at such a young age.

Without allowing him to think too much, Jiang Xiaolong rushed towards him. With such a posture,

Although he has met a lot, it is only the courage of an old man in his 50s or 60s. If one person wants to carry so many people,

In addition, there are quite a few guard captains in him who have also reached the cultivation level of God Transformation Realm.

Could this guy be a lunatic, or he thinks he has a long life and wants to come here to court death.

Although the guard leader was very surprised by Jiang Xiaolong, he didn't show any fear.

The real energy in his hands quickly gathered, ready to counterattack, touch!

Dozens of Yuan forces collided in the air, and the burst of sparks was enough to illuminate the place hundreds of meters in front.

Time is very important to Jiang Xiaolong now, if he can't escape from here within ten minutes,

The large troops of the sand housekeeper will come, but he won't have any chance at that time.

"Xiao Bai, we must do our best, our time is very limited~々."

Jiang Xiaolong's thoughts were voiced.

The air mask around Xiaobai's body was already very strong at this time, and it listened to Jiang Xiaolong's words,

Without the slightest reason, Jiang Xiaolong started frantically using the black stinger behind him to stab someone into the air hood, and swallowed it in one bite.


Seeing Xiaobai, who was five or six meters old, some guards Shi Zihua knew that Jiang Xiaolong was doing it for her own good.

Knowing that the church is heavily guarded, even if he believes in Jiang Xiaolong, he must face the reality.

Just wanted to open his mouth to say something, Jiang Xiaolong really can't wait, it's getting late,

Thinking that the pharmacist grandpa must have taken action, the best time will be delayed, and something big will definitely happen.

He picked up Zi Hua, no longer had time to explain to her, and walked quickly towards the door.

At first, Zi Hua was still shouting reluctantly, but after Jiang Xiaolong got to the ground,

She didn't dare to speak again, otherwise she would really hurt Jiang Xiaolong if she exposed her target.

There were significantly fewer guards on the road, Jiang Xiaolong arrived at the door without much effort,

The wall of the church is very high, it is easy for him to climb over it by himself, but it is a little difficult to climb over with Zihua.

Even if it was forced to turn over, it would definitely have to be stunned, and the guards here must have at least reached the cultivation level of the middle stage of Yuanwu, and their insight is very strong.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Jiang Xiaolong jumped up the fence and saw the guards in that circle,

It was getting late, he had no choice, he had to give it a try.

Jumping down and carrying Zihua on her back, she said solemnly:

"Zi Yan, you must hurry up later, if you are afraid, close your eyes.

The situation at this time is also very clear to Zi Yan, she nodded and said, "Well, you must be careful."

Jiang Xiaolong didn't answer, he strode towards the door, because Zi Hua was on his back,

Every time Jiang Xiaolong made a sudden movement, he would remind Zihuan so that she would not fall down when she was not ready.

"Who are you!

A guard leader had already spotted Jiang Xiaolong and shouted loudly.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't reply, at this time he sent Xiaobai a voice transmission with his heart,

At this moment, he could only do his best to buy time, and he didn't think about revealing his strength.

If a large army were really brought in, they would not be able to escape.

""||Xiao Bai, I'm playing as a striker, you're right behind me, don't let Zi Yan get hurt.

Jiang Xiaolong thought to Xiaobai through sound transmission.

Xiaobai also regained his energy. He hadn't eaten the meat of a martial artist for several days. At this time, he was very greedy. He excitedly sent a voice transmission to Jiang Xiaolong:

"Master, don't worry, these dozens of scumbags can't do anything to me, and they won't hurt Sister Zihuan.

The energy shroud suddenly appeared, Jiang Xiaolong's whole body was full of energy waves, and thanks to the assistance of the divine veins, his strength instantly reached his peak.

The guards at the door and the surrounding area also came. There were about seventy or eighty people.

Looking at Jiang Xiaolong, who was able to contain such terrifying energy at this moment, they didn't dare to be careless and gathered around nervously. (is it?)

"Who are you and why do you want to break into the church? Don't you know the strength of the church? It's really courting death."

The guard leader shouted, although it was terrifying to see Jiang Xiaolong's strength, but these people,

I feel that dealing with a Jiang Xiaolong is more than enough, and I said these words to cheer up the surrounding subordinates.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't have time to think about this, so he showed his Panlong gun directly,

Swish threw out a few lines of true essence towards them, Xiao Bai followed him closely, couldn't help his inner fear, and shouted loudly.



The sound of broken bones and the sound of blood spurting sounded at the corner of Xiao Bai's mouth.

When the guards saw such a scene, their morale dropped by half. Jiang Xiaolong told Zihua behind him to hurry up and he was about to take off.


Jiang Xiaolong jumped dozens of meters away in one big leap, and Xiao Bai followed closely behind him, blood still in his mouth, hissing and screaming with excitement.

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