Coupled with the familiar figure she saw at the gate of Wu Mansion that day, she wondered if Jiang Xiaolong was really here,

So where is he, and does he know his current situation?

"Xiaolong, Yue'er misses you so much, where on earth are you, and if I can let Yueer see you for the last time, I will be content in my life. 39

But how could Jiang Xiaolong hear her screaming like this, when Jiang Xiaolong was preparing his luggage to go back to Zhongzhou City,

Although he has nothing to linger on in Longcheng these days, he is a little reluctant, and even he himself does not know why.

"Xiaolong, what's wrong with you, you look uneasy!" Zi Yan worried.

Jiang Xiaolong shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go, this place doesn't belong to us now.

Grandpa Yaoshi had something to do, so he didn't send them away. They just stopped a carriage to leave, but at this time they saw the old groom from the Man Martial Arts Hall.

When the groom saw Jiang Xiaolong, his face also showed joy, and he hurriedly drove the carriage towards Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong was at a loss for a moment, thinking, why did the groom come here? Could it be that something happened to Brother Niu and the others?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaolong's whole body shuddered, his feet accelerated, and he pulled Zihua to the front of the carriage.

At this time, Hall Master Sun, who was in the inner door of the Manjudo Hall, popped his head and saw that it was really Jiang Xiaolong. He was overjoyed, got out of the car quickly, and said to Jiang Xiaolong kindly:

"Xiaolong, I finally found you, I'm still worried about what danger you will encounter, now I see that you are all right.

Jiang Xiaolong is now the second monk and can't figure it out, does the Sun Section Master already know about him?

Just thinking of this, a burly man appeared in the carriage, grabbed Jiang Xiaolong's neck as soon as he appeared, Jiang Xiaolong didn't have time to react at all, it was too sudden.

This burly man is an iron bull. Looking at this posture, he obviously knew that Jiang Xiaolong was lying to him, causing him to go so far.

If it wasn't for some trouble on the way, he really wouldn't be able to come so early, or it was Hall Master Sun who rescued him, so he came all the way here.

"Lieutenant General Jiang, I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I told Hall Master Sun, don't be angry.

The groom looked at Jiang Xiaolong timidly and said.

Although Jiang Xiaolong wanted to get angry very much, he was stunned by Tie Niu at this time.

"Xiaolong, you're not enough of a brother, I've never been afraid of death,

Why did you come here to take risks and deceive me with all your hard work? I was really irritated by you this time. 55

Tie Niu didn't want to let go of Jiang Xiaolong at all, his eyes were glowing with fire.

Zihua next to her was very distressed, holding Tie Niu's hand and begging:

"Brother Niu, you can't blame Xiaolong, if you want to blame it, it's all on me,

If I hadn't listened to Xiaolong and ran around, I wouldn't have been caught by them.

It's even more impossible for this series of things to happen, so you just let Xiaolong go, Zi Yan begs you. "

Only then did Tie Niu think of Zi Yan. Seeing that Zi Yan had been rescued by Jiang Xiaolong, her face was not bad.

Only then did Tie Niu's fire subside a little, but thinking of Zi Yan's words, Tie Niu said distressedly:

"Zi Yan, this can't be entirely your fault, or your brother Niu has no strength to protect you,

If it is to be considered responsible, it is all on my head. If I had been strong enough to protect you at that time, it would not be possible for such a thing to happen now.

After saying that, Tie Niu's face turned red, his heart was full of self-blame, and the hand holding Jiang Xiaolong's neck also quietly fell, and asked with concern:

"Zi Yan, are you alright, they didn't do anything to you?

Zi Yan was very distressed for Jiang Xiaolong, helped Jiang Xiaolong to straighten his neck, and looked back at Brother Niu, who was a little haggard. He was full of guilt.

"Brother Niu, Zi Yan is fine, they didn't do anything to me. 35

Only then did Tie Niu feel relieved, and said carelessly:

"Well, it's fine. If something happens to you, I'll have to take over their old nest. They dare to bully anyone."

"Although Zihua is fine, Xiaolong seems to have been injured trying to save me. Last night, he was hot and cold all over his body.

He looks very sad, look at what happened to him, is his body okay?"

Zi Yan looked at Jiang Xiaolong worriedly and said.

Tie Niu remembered his previous rude behavior, and then said embarrassedly:

"Xiaolong, I blame Brother Niu for being too impulsive just now. I am also anxious to say, don't blame Brother Niu!"

"Is what Zi Yan said is true, does your body matter?

Jiang Xiaolong smiled lightly, knowing that Brother Niu has such a temper, how could he be angry with him,

But remembering the embarrassing incident last night, he seemed a little embarrassed, his face flushed immediately, and he said choked:

"Brother Niu, I'm fine, have you forgotten that my body is naturally different."

Tie Niu thinks about it too, Jiang Xiaolong's body has a miraculous recovery speed, and he no longer has to worry about it at this time.

Hall Master Sun wandered around, obviously not unfamiliar with Longcheng. Although there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, he was not too curious.

"Senior Sun, thank you for coming to save me!"

Jiang Xiaolong came to Hall Master Sun and said politely.

Hall Master Sun smiled lightly, stroked his beard, and said:

"Xiaolong, why are you being polite to me? It's not necessary. In fact, I didn't come out to find you this time to save you, but 440 wanted to discuss a very important matter with you, which will be of great help to your future. .99

Jiang Xiaolong immediately straightened his demeanor and said solemnly:

"If Hall Master Sun has anything to do, even if you ask him, Xiaolong will never give up."

For Hallmaster Sun, Jiang Xiaolong still has a grateful heart, and if he can achieve the position of deputy general, Hallmaster Sun has promoted him.

"Hehe, good! Let's get in the car first, I'll tell you in detail on the way!

Hallmaster Sun spoke very amicably, and Jiang Xiaolong was not too reserved.

"Back to Zhongzhou!"

After the four got into the carriage, Hall Master Sun said to the groom.

"Okay, you are seated, I'm about to set off, drive!

The old groom raised his whip and slammed it in the air, making a crisp sound, but it didn't hit the horse. This is the most basic respect the groom has for the horse.

The carriage is large, and it is slightly spacious for four people to sit on it.

"Jiang Xiaolong, during this time, have you heard that the remaining seven sects in the Martial Dao Continent, except for the Moyin Mansion, will organize the most grand rookie selection event in the sect,

This selection is not only to find a new genius, but also to cultivate this new genius into the most powerful terrifying powerhouse.

Learn the essence of the seven major schools of martial arts, and integrate the seven great soldiers to prevent and control the blood demon crisis that is currently facing the most. 39

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