Wu Zheng's expression was very firm, although he was very worried in his heart, but it didn't show it at all on his face,

Now that he has decided, it is impossible to change it.

"No, strengthening must continue, even if she has already!"

The last sentence was not spoken, and everyone understood what it meant.

Wu Tian is a little crazy, he has endured to the limit, seeing that his father has no room for negotiation,

He walked directly towards Yue'er's medicine jar with big strides, and his eyes were actually domineering.

At this time, Yue'er was alone in his eyes, and he couldn't care about the rest.

"Tian'er, what are you doing, come back to me!"

Wu Zheng shouted loudly, with a strong command tone in his voice, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

Wu Tian didn't mean to look back, and he couldn't hear what his father said "four five seven".

I just felt a buzzing sound in my ears, and everything around me began to become a little blurry.

Wu Zheng's behavior like this made Wu Zheng feel disgraced, and his anger suddenly ignited, saying:

"Master Zheng, help me bring him back, and then lock him in the underwater secret room, let him reflect and reflect,

When you want to understand, when will you come out. "

Wu Tian has always been a good son in Wu Zheng's heart, but at this time he confronted himself clearly for a woman,

What kind of performance is this, how can he suppress the anger in his heart.

Looking at Wu Tian who was a little crazy, Master Zheng also shook his head in horror, his foot swayed, and his figure flashed past,

When he came to Wu Tian's god, he immediately controlled him with his soul power.

In front of Master Zheng, Wu Tian didn't have the power to fight back at all, although he was very unwilling,

But at this time, no matter how much he shouted, he couldn't make any sound, his eyes were full of helplessness, but he was more worried.

"Yue'er, it's my incompetence, I can't help you, hey, you must hold on!

Wu Tian shouted in his heart.

Yue'er's eyes were tightly closed, she didn't know what was going on outside.

She only felt that her whole body was soaked in a hot spring,

Although it is very comfortable, but sometimes in the hot springs, you will encounter a terrible black stinger,

Every time he met, he would go through a life and death test.

The reason for the venomous stinger may be the uneven distribution of the dose of the poisonous elixir.

Grandpa Pharmacist also knew about this situation, but he could no longer exert himself.

Although he is very proficient in poison, he can only roughly control the dose of poison distribution, but it is not very precise.

There will never be more than five Yao Lao who can precisely control the distribution of poison doses in the entire Martial Dao Continent.

And the three of them have already retired, and the two of them are also extremely prominent at this time. It is really harder to ask for action than to ascend to the sky.

Unless you have something he wants or something poisonous in your hand, you can arouse his interest and do things for you.

"Poison King, I'm sorry, my child is ignorant, don't take offense!"

Wu Zheng was a little embarrassed.

Grandpa Medicine Master didn't put his mind there at all at this time, so he didn't mind anything. After taking back his soul consciousness, he helplessly shook his head and said:

"Master Hou, I really have no good way to do this, so you should think about it again!

Wu Zheng sucked in a breath of cold air, and his heart trembled slightly, what should I do?

On the one hand, it is a matter of face, on the other hand, it is a family problem. Among them, there is a problem of face, and it was silent for a while.

Grandpa Pharmacist never dared to make such a request, and it was very embarrassing. In this case, he would not be able to retreat, nor would he be able to advance, hey, what should I do!

"Poison King, what are you talking about, I will try my best to arrange it for you, don't worry.

Wu Zheng is also a veteran, and his ability to observe words and expressions can be said to be unparalleled.

The pharmacist grandpa sighed heavily, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

If he agrees to his request, then he must be a little more confident, if he does not agree, then he has a reason to leave, and he does not mean to offend him.

"Let's see if the secret book that was passed down can be borrowed. In this case, I can follow the secret book and add some poisonous ingredients in an appropriate amount.

In this way, the original domineering recipe of the secret recipe can be turned into a mild and powerful medicine, do you think?"

Grandpa Pharmacist expressed everything he could think of in one breath, and looked at Wu Zheng with a dark face.

As soon as Wu Zheng heard this secret manual, his face immediately drooped down.

The secrets have never been passed on, even Master Zheng has only read a small part of them.

If this makes a Yao Lao who is proficient in medicine look at it, is this still a secret recipe of his own family?

The two sides were silent for a while, although Master Zheng was a highly respected senior in the Wu family,

But it's not easy to interject at this time, after all, this is not something he can count with his words, and if he doesn't complain, he doesn't want to go into this muddy water.

Wu Zheng glanced at Master Zheng who expressed helplessness, sighed in embarrassment, and moved his eyes to Yue'er's medicine jar.

Looking at Yue'er with a pale face, and thinking about Tian'er's soft spot, he was in a dilemma.

One side is the family's reputation, the other is the son's happiness, which one should he choose.

The pharmacist grandpa put down the poison of the medicine jar and played a huge role at this time,

The medicinal soup in the medicine jar began to tumble violently, as if it was about to boil,

This is the result of the poison hitting the tonic medicine. Poison is generally more terrifying.

It also has endurance and appreciation potential. Only when it is developed by the tonic medicine can it truly exert its potential hegemony.

Seeing this situation, Grandpa Pharmacist's complexion changed instantly, knowing that they would have no time soon,

As long as the poison has completely eroded the properties of the tonic medicine, Yue'er will definitely be poisoned,

With her current weak physique, if she was poisoned with such a poison, she would not have the slightest hope of surviving.

Wu Zheng also felt that 4.3 felt the seriousness of the situation. Looking at the slightly anxious expression of Grandpa Yao Shi, he was also anxious, and said:

"If it really doesn't work, just do as you said, I'll arrange it right away, and I'll leave it to you here.

Grandpa Pharmacist didn't dare to delay, he didn't mention too many words, he hurriedly came to the medicine jar, closed his eyes slightly,

In front of him, he used a powerful Yuan force and brought a thick mist. The mist gently covered Yue'er's body with the gesture of Grandpa Medicine Master.

Immediately, the tumbling medicinal soup calmed down, but the painful expression on Yue'er's face did not weaken at all, as if the poison was still swallowing her skin.

Grandpa Pharmacist had long thought of such a situation, and thought to himself:

"Oops, maybe this woman's physical condition is weaker than she thought, which is troublesome."

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