Father and the others have been away for many days, which inevitably made Jiang Xiaolong even more worried, and he had no idea in his heart, wondering where they could go.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said softly in his mouth:

"Could it be that I went to my sister's place? That's not possible, you know, my father used to hate my sister for doing that kind of job, so how could I go to my sister this time!

"Xiaolong, you don't have to worry too much, I believe they will be fine, they just found a suitable place and left.

Hall Master Sun whispered from the side.

Zi Yan was also comforted by Yi Gu, looking at Jiang Xiaolong like this, she might be more worried than Jiang Xiaolong-.

Iron Bull said carelessly:

"Brother, don't worry, the search for Uncle Jiang is all up to me, you can just follow - Hall Master Sun. 99

Jiang Xiaolong didn't give any answer, he seemed to be contradictory, he turned around without saying a word,

He immediately started running towards his sister's restaurant, and Tie Niu and the others followed closely behind, fearing that he would do something stupid.

In fact, Tie Niu had already thought of where he would go at this time, and his face flushed red.

Jiang Xiaolong's sister is also the best actress who he has had a crush on for a long time. Thinking that she will meet soon, she is inevitably more nervous than Jiang Xiaolong.

After arriving at the restaurant, Jiang Xiaolong was shocked when he saw everything in front of him that was a little desolate.

When I entered the restaurant, I grabbed an old man and asked:

"Where have all the people here gone, where have they gone!"

Jiang Xiaolong was very excited, how could the arrested old man stand up to such a rude behavior,

He couldn't help but coughed twice, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he sighed forcefully:

"They. They!

"Xiaolong, don't be so excited, he won't be able to take it, let go quickly, he won't be able to speak like you.

Hall Master Sun hurriedly went up to comfort him.

Jiang Xiaolong was so excited that he had long forgotten that the old man was an ordinary person, and slowly put down his hand.

The old man looked at them in horror and said, "They have already left.

"What, left, where did they go, where did my sister go!"

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help it, but roared.

"Your sister?" The old man looked puzzled.

Tie Niu, who had just finished arranging his clothes, knew that Jiang Shuang'er was not there, and his heart was no less disappointed than Jiang Xiaolong, so he stepped forward and asked fiercely:

"Jiang Shuanger, where did Miss Jiang go, tell me now!"

Everyone in the restaurant has heard of Jiang Shuang'er's name, and the old man is not excluded. He looked at Jiang Xiaolong next to him and said:

"I don't know where she went. I only know that she asked me to tell you before she left. She left with her father first, so you don't have to worry."

"Where did she go, didn't she tell you?"

Jiang Xiaolong said excitedly when he heard the news that he had a father.

The old man shook his head and turned around to continue cleaning up, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Xiaolong wanted to go forward to ask, but was stopped by the head of Sun.

"Xiaolong, don't be impulsive, he may really not know, so don't make it difficult for him."

Leaving the restaurant in despair, looking at the desolateness of the street, thinking of those seniors who sacrificed for him,

Seeing that his father was down because of his affairs, he felt that his life was a failure,

Although the aptitude is extraordinary, what is the use, even his own family can't be protected.

With such an idea, his will is also firmer. Only when he becomes stronger can he protect the people around him and avenge the deceased seniors.

"Xiaolong, what are you going to do next?" Hallmaster Sun worried.

Jiang Xiaolong raised his face, looked at the gray sky, and said firmly:

"Go back to the inner door and prepare for the battle!"

The voice was very domineering, shocking everyone, including Hallmaster Sun.

Hall Master Sun was overjoyed. He sincerely hoped that Jiang Xiaolong would follow him.

At this time, seeing him have such determination, he couldn't help but come to the spirit.

"Okay, let's go now.

Tie Niu was quickly picked up from his loss. With Jiang Xiaolong there, he was not worried that he would not see Jiang Shuang'er.

As long as Jiang Xiaolong can cheer up, he feels even happier than himself.

Zi Yan was the same, silently praying for Jiang Xiaolong.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaolong also came to the Jiangjiazhuang for a circle, and went up to the Tianling Mountain on the red cliff and looked at the place where he practiced when he was a child.

Originally, I wanted to go to Tianling Mountain to see if the divine spring water was still there, but I thought that it was daytime,

...for flowers...

Even if there was, I couldn't see it, and in the end, I didn't go, and followed Sectional Master Sun back to the inner door.

Tie Niu quickly passed the examination due to the relationship of the master Sun, and went to the inner door together with Jiang Xiaolong, and even lived in Jiang Xiaolong's courtyard.

Jiang Xiaolong's brothers have all come to this inner door, although Jiang Xiaolong feels very satisfied,

But there was a little sadness in his heart, worried that what would happen to Yue'er during this time, he swore in his heart,

After I win the throne, I must find Yue'er, no matter where she is in the ends of the earth.

After returning to Neimen, his brothers who had reunited after a long absence were very happy. They held a grand reception that night. Of course, Hall Master Sun was also among them, and it was also to help Jiang Xiaolong to cheer up the atmosphere.

Shao Qingfan and Zhou Ze were all very enthusiastic. Seeing Jiang Xiaolong's return, he almost didn't cry with excitement, and he didn't say more polite words. Everything was in the drink.

At the wine table, Jiang Xiaolong also introduced Tie Niu to everyone. Everyone liked Tie Niu's forthright character very much, and a few people recognized his brother to the moon again on the spot.

When all the brothers arrived, they also re-arranged their ranks. In the end, Shao Qing was the boss, Tie Niu was the second, Jiang Xiaolong was the third, Fan Yi was the fourth, Liu Bo was the fifth, and Zhou Ze was the sixth.

After the decision was made, Hall Master Sun even gave him a testimony.

The six people's hands were tightly clasped together and said in unison:

"Brothers are of the same mind, their profits will cut gold, and they will be blessed and shared in the future. I will never let my brothers suffer a little bit of harm. Heaven and earth are the proof.

The voice was extremely bright, and Hall Master Sun looked at the six juniors in front of him with a look of joy, full of longing for their future.

Zi Yan also secretly made up her mind to follow Jiang Xiaolong all her life, even if she really can't achieve any status, the so-called status in her heart is the wife's status.

Several people went back to the room to sleep after a lot of tossing, and Hall Master Sun followed Jiang Xiaolong to his own room.

"Xiaolong, apart from your family members, you can't worry about anything else. I'll help you deal with anything else that you can't worry about. You'll have to spend a lot of time practicing the exercises, so you can't be distracted."

Hall Master Sun begged solemnly.

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