Not only the martial artist must have sufficient strength, but also must have a strong enough perception ability,

First feel its existence, and then use soul consciousness to feel its existence,

Change step by step to see its existence, and this is the first step.

Things like Jiang Xiaolong's practice in the past can be clearly seen, but at this time, learning the field of space development mainly relies on perception and perception.

Then there is the external assistance, such as medicinal pills, weapons and the like can be used as a powerful auxiliary backing.

As long as you learn this kind of perception ability, you will have great breakthroughs when you practice the exercises in the future.

"Xiaolong, in my impression, you are the third person so young to be qualified to study the field of cloth space,

The first one is the founder of our Barbarian Martial Arts Museum, needless to say,

The second is Hong Qing, who was trapped in the space domain due to various reasons,

He is also like you, with genius-like aptitude, super-strong perception ability, extraordinary strength,

The younger generation in the same generation is considered a hero among heroes.

While teaching Jiang Xiaolong to study, Hallmaster Sun told Jiang Xiaolong about some of the previous events, which was also to avoid Jiang Xiaolong being distracted.

"Ah, how can such a high level of strength and aptitude die?"

Jiang Xiaolong practiced the basic exercises of the cloth moving space again and again, and said doubtfully.

"Although he is highly qualified, he is very arrogant and arrogant. In his eyes, he has never looked down on anyone.

In the end, he died in the space domain that he had set up, which was his due ending. 35

Hallmaster Sun sighed.

"Oh, is it possible that the space domain can still trap itself in it, what the hell is going on? 55

Jiang Xiaolong wondered.

"Yes, the space field is like a labyrinth. After the cloth is too big, you will sometimes lose your way when you enter it by yourself.

However, he didn't trap himself in it because he lost his way, but because he was withdrawn and went his own way,

Not listening to the dissuasion of the older generation, going against the sky, and setting up a dead space domain by himself, that is, the kind without doors,

Hey, what a pity, a peerless genius was trapped to death in vain.

"Dead space field? Are there several types of pseudo space fields?"

Jiang Xiaolong suddenly became interested and asked anxiously.

Hallmaster Sun sorted out his expressions and smiled:

"Hehe, you'll know this later, don't worry now.

The draft rookie has improved in every aspect, so Jiang Xiaolong is learning the formation during the day,

In the evening, he was learning his ten thousand beasts technique. Originally, Sun Tang mainly handed over the unique skills of his barbarian martial arts hall.

But he refused.

He still has to continue to develop his marksmanship. As for how to practice, he has already thought about it.

All the techniques of Wan Beast Jue were integrated into the artistic conception of the spear technique. In this way, he might have to put in some effort.

The artistic conception of the Myriad Beasts Art is very deep. Since that time when the phoenix was transformed once, he has never felt that transformation.

Desperately thinking about the environment and feeling at that time, his body simply could not reach that supreme artistic conception.

The field of learning the pseudo-space is divided into seven levels, the layout master, the first-level layout master, and the second-level layout master. to the sixth-level formation master, etc.,

However, a sixth-level formation master is not considered an absolute position in formation. A long time ago, a formation master also appeared.

The pseudo-space field it has set up looks like the real thing, without the slightest gap, even if a sixth-level formation master goes in, it will be difficult to get out again, unless he doesn't want to kill you.

Now on the Martial Dao Continent, there will never be more than ten sixth-level formation masters who can create a pseudo-space field of more than a hundred miles.

Hall Master Sun is one of them. As for whether there is an Immortal Formation Master, no one can say for sure.

Even if someone has reached the level of the Immortal Master of Formation, he will definitely not reveal his strength easily.

As a sixth-level formation master, Hall Master Sun is considered a master-level person in the field of formation. After knowing this,

Jiang Xiaolong was also secretly happy in his heart, and he was very moved that Hall Master Sun could do his best to help him.

Jiang Xiaolong's expectations for the sixth-level formation master were very strong.

He felt that it was not too far away, as if it was so close that he could reach it with his hand.

It's easy to think, but it's not that easy to do. Under normal circumstances, some martial artists with super high aptitude for formation perception,

If you want to practice the Dao first-level formation master, it will take a year or two. If you are stronger, it will take eight or nine months.

Given that Jiang Xiaolong's time is too late, if the competition is to take place at that time, he will have to use the pseudo-space domain.

When necessary, you can hide in the space field you have set up to recuperate. This duel is all-round,

Therefore, Hall Master Sun is also preparing to give Jiang Xiaolong all-round training and all-round support.

Originally, Hall Master Sun wanted to choose a good gun for Jiang Xiaolong, but Jiang Xiaolong refused,

He wants to refine a gun of his own, and then rely on his real strength to win the rookie position,

Although this is not the time to be stubborn, Jiang Xiaolong is such a character, he will never bother others if he can.

In the duel, he will definitely not use any insidious means.

Hallmaster Sun admires Jiang Xiaolong very much, he can have such a powerful 457 momentum at such a young age, which makes Hallmaster Sun admire very much.

Once you have confidence, the next step is to practice hard and experience the situation yourself.

Jiang Xiaolong performed very well when learning the formation exercises at each stage,

Within a month, he had completely mastered all the secrets of the formation master's exercises, which made Hall Master Sun very happy.

In the evening, after Hall Master Sun left, Grandpa Er Cang floated in mid-air, Jiang Xiaolong's deep and handsome eyes released a powerful domineering arrogance.

"Xiaolong, do you really plan to make your own weapon to participate in this rookie selection competition?

You must know that the warriors who can enter the trials are all super strong, and the weapons they use will never be ordinary, so you must think about it,

This is not something that can be refined overnight, and even if the refining is successful, you still have to get used to it for a long time, which will inevitably waste a lot of time. 99

Grandpa Er Cang was a little worried, although he did not doubt Jiang Xiaolong's strength and intentions,

However, there is no guarantee that a good weapon can be refined in such a short period of time.

Jiang Xiaolong's expression did not change in the slightest, and there was no doubt in his eyes.

Although he knew that the rookie selection should be coming soon, he still chose to face the game with all the real things, even if he lost, he was willing, after all, he had worked hard.

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