Grandpa Er Cang smiled lightly, without too many excuses or caring too much, looked at the sky and said:

"It's getting late, you can wait for a while, then Hall Master Sun will come to teach. Don't be listless and give people a bad impression."

"Well, Xiaolong knows. 33

Jiang Xiaolong pursed his lips and said firmly, spending a whole night of energy and strength,

Even if he has divine veins protecting his body, he can't hold it anymore, after all, he is still a mortal body.

After a short rest, Hall Master Sun came, although he didn't feel any change in Jiang Xiaolong.

But the aura emanating from him felt slightly different from yesterday, and he couldn't guess what caused it.

"Xiaolong, now you are also qualified as a first-level formation master.

So I'm going to teach you some simple arrays, also known as the smallest pseudospace ~field. "


Jiang Xiaolong can't wait for a long time. After practicing for so long, he is waiting for this moment.

"First of all, you must have sufficient capital and strong resources to back it up.

Behind each formation has its strong spiritual and material absolute support, so that it can exist for a long time.

Otherwise, in the process of its consumption and growth, the energy will gradually be destroyed, resulting in disappearance. "

Hallmaster Sun explained it to Jiang Xiaolong in a calm manner, and Jiang Xiaolong listened attentively, even though he hadn't slept all night last night, when he heard this brand-new topic, he was still very refreshed.

The performance of Jiang Xiaolong, Sun Hall Master is very happy, this is a manifestation of respect for a person, and the relationship between teachers and students is nothing more than that.

"Mental and material support, does it mean that you have to lose to its powerful energy all the time?"

Jiang Xiaolong wondered.

"Of course, this spiritual power and material resources have their own and borrowed ones.

It depends on your mental state when you use this space domain and its size,

Generally, the smaller ones use their own energy as the material source,

Even bigger ones, such as those in a radius of dozens of miles, are all supported by the energy of foreign matter.

As for foreign substances, of course, they include some medicinal herbs and spirit stones, but the most important thing in this pseudo-space field is to rely on good weapons.

Because only the weapon can continuously output energy, and these spiritual stones and energy stones can also be given to the Taoist blade, and the double effect can bring out the greatest effect. "

"Oh, I see!

Jiang Xiaolong nodded and said, he understands what Hall Master Sun said.

It has a lot in common with the simplest device array he released, and Hall Master Sun seems to have said a lot.

In fact, it is very simple. It can be summed up in one sentence, that is, everything is maintained by energy.

It is impossible to say that it is the endless operation of oneself, people, weapons, plants, animals, magical beasts. All are the same, no exception.

It may cost you all the energy you are looking at today, so you have to be mentally prepared in advance!

Jiang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment. He spent a lot of real energy. He only spent so much last night. Today is like this again. Can the divine veins be able to resist.

Just when Jiang Xiaolong was worried, Xiaobai, who was put into the storage ring by him, said in his mind:

"Master, you don't have to worry too much, don't you still have me? If you can't, just use my energy. Anyway, there is no great benefit to accumulating too much. It is also good for you to contribute.

The corners of Jiang Xiaolong's mouth raised slightly, he smiled and said in his heart:

"Hehe, thank you, Xiaobai, I don't think so, the growth of the divine veins is also forced out,

Only by letting it reach its limit every time can he grow endlessly,

Just like martial artists, they all have to rely on real training in exchange for achievement. "

Xiao Bai was a little unhappy, and nodded helplessly:

"Okay then, Master, I'll go to practice first, if you really can't bear it, just call me, I can come out at any time. 35

"Okay, when did you become so long-winded, I will definitely be the first to think of you when you are in danger, you can rest assured.

Jiang Xiaolong grinned impatiently.

"Gather all the energy into your soul consciousness, and then try to understand the size of the space,

What you need to do at this time is to first lay down a minimum space area that can wrap yourself around, and follow the guidance of my mind, you can try it first.

...... ask for flowers......

Jiang Xiaolong's ability to accept new things is very fast, and out of curiosity, he slowly followed the steps given by Hallmaster Sun step by step.

With the help of the system's divine veins, Jiang Xiaolong's Qi gathering speed is at least five times faster than that of a normal martial artist.

That is to say, if five warriors want to attack him at the same time, he can instantly gather energy that can deal with five people and knock them down instantly, which is to destroy their ability to fight back.

Gather gas.


Kung Fu secrets.

Jiang Xiaolong took every step very seriously, he considered all the details, including how to plan the shape of the pseudo-space field.

Hall Master Sun has been assisting him all the time, afraid that something will go wrong among him, and then it will be troublesome if all previous efforts are abandoned, and now time is more than a hundred times more expensive than gold for Jiang Xiaolong.

The light gray mist condensed in front of Jiang Xiaolong at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, he was not strong enough to find a way to hide the poisonous space he had created. From the outside, it looked like a Regular rectangular box model.

Hallmaster Sun nodded in surprise, although Jiang Xiaolong had not achieved the desired effect.

But the speed of his progress has far exceeded his expectations, and it is incredible that he can contain the real pseudo-space field at the beginning.

Jiang Xiaolong was also preparing for the implementation of this stage in the previous month, and he was not too surprised that the pseudo-space field was deployed this time.

After the light gray mist wrapped Jiang Xiaolong again, flickering light flickered, which may be the reason for the lack of energy.

Seeing that it was almost done, Hallmaster Sun hurriedly said:

"Xiaolong, alright, enough is enough, you put away the exercises."

Jiang Xiaolong didn't think so. He felt that the progress of the day was not what he expected at all. Only by constantly asking himself and updating himself could he make better and faster progress.

Although Jiang Xiaolong can hear what he says outside, he can't wear what he said.

Jiang Xiaolong secretly swore to himself that if he did not reach the limit of his divine veins, he would not stop begging.

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