"Xiaolong, you are really incredible. You jumped directly from an entry-level first-level formation master to at least two-level formation master or above. This is terrifying, terrifying!"

Jiang Xiaolong didn't care about these ranks either. What he cared about was strength. Only those who were strong enough could get everything that belonged to him. To say that other ranks were nonsense.

Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to show it on his face, and he was the rank of Formation Master that Hall Master Sun said just now.

In fact, he was also familiar with it earlier, a first-level formation master can only contain the pseudo-space domain that has just wrapped around him, so that others can't see him.

The second-level formation master is not simple. Not only can he arrange a pseudo-space field to protect himself, but he can also bring in his companions or family members.

In this way, the range has been increased by dozens of times, and the strength is extremely powerful, third-level, fourth-level. It will be mentioned later in the future, please be patient.

Although he was very surprised by Jiang Xiaolong's strength, Hall Master Sun, he didn't show much on his face as a 29-year-old Jianghu, and asked casually:

"Xiaolong, was your sudden explosive power caused by the strengthening of your soul consciousness?"

Jiang Xiaolong raised his head and glanced at the face of Hall Master Sun. He was afraid that if he said it, Hall Master Sun would not believe him.

After all, Hall Master Sun is well-informed, and he may have guessed the fact that he has a divine vein earlier.

Just as he was about to tell Hall Master Sun the truth, Grandpa Er Cang said through a voice transmission:

"Xiaolong, why are you so confused, Old Fan, if he was really sure, he wouldn't ask you,

And how is it so easy to see through the divine veins, you are too underestimated the strength of the divine veins, it is better to hide it a little bit,

Don't be implicated in anything by then, and it will be too late to regret it. "

Jiang Xiaolong sighed in his heart and suppressed your sudden thoughts just now. This does not mean that he does not trust Hall Master Sun.

Instead, he doesn't trust himself. If someone really knows the divine veins in his body at that time, he won't be caught by a master as a test item.

"Well, it may really be the energy bursting out of the soul consciousness breakthrough, I have already felt it before.

Jiang Xiaolong lowered his voice and said with a slightly uncomfortable expression.

Although Hall Master Sun had already seen Jiang Xiaolong's discomfort, he didn't want to make it clear.

It doesn't matter where this energy is inspired, what matters is that the disciple he taught has absolute certainty.

"I have never seen such an outstanding performance of yours before, and the odds of winning this duel have increased by a few percent, alas!

Today, I am going to inform you that the senior elders of the seven sects have already decided, and the duel will be decided in three months.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help but be surprised. Three months is too short a time.

"This, isn't this a little too sudden!" 9

Although Jiang Xiaolong is very confident in himself, when he thinks that all seven sects are participating in the duel this time.

Even the young masters of the entire Martial Dao Continent are definitely young people of the super-strong generation. How sure is he?

Hall Master Sun put down his previous serious expression, mainly to ease the atmosphere, and said with a faint smile:

"Xiaolong, you don't have to worry too much, I have already inquired about their strength,

There are only three people who are most likely to win in this duel and are the most challenging to you.

As long as you can practice at this speed and perception ability within the past three months, I believe there should be no problem.

Jiang Xiaolong knew that these words from Hallmaster Sun were very encouraging, but can he really win three months later?

"Which three people, what are their strengths?" Jiang Xiaolong asked firmly, his expression very serious.

They are Qin Feng from Divine Sword Tomb, Ye Xuan from Youzhao Stream, Gu Yue from Zen Buddhist Temple,

They are all geniuses of the new generation. Among them, Gu Yue has the most terrifying strength. When he was fifteen years old, he had already reached the cultivation level of the spirit-transforming realm, and he had also practiced the unique cultivation method of Zen Buddhist temples.

A person can deal with nearly five warriors with the same cultivation level at the same time, and then there is Qin Feng, who broke through the cultivation level of the gods at the age of seventeen, and learned the most terrifying secret weapon of the Divine Sword Tomb.

Its strength is only second only to Gu Yue, and his hidden weapon can be considered to have reached the level of God Transformation.

Generally, the warriors who are several levels higher than him have no way to take him. Once the hidden weapon is used, he will definitely die, and then there is Ye Xuan of the secluded claw. He also broke through to the spiritual realm at the age of seventeen.

If he had a head-to-head confrontation with Qin Feng in practice, Qin Feng would probably not be his opponent.

But if you want to look at it in actual combat, he may be slightly weaker, but this person must not be underestimated.

Jiang Xiaolong was a little worried when he heard the harsh numbers in these songs. The aptitudes of the first few people were actually much higher than his own, and they were protected by divine veins. Could it be that they are the same!

Doubts are doubts, and the reality has to be faced by him.

"Senior Sun, what rank are the weapons they each hold!"

Although Jiang Xiaolong was worried, he didn't have the slightest hint of fear. The more tyrannical his opponent was, the more excited he was.

This is Jiang Xiaolong's so-called character. When he is strong, he is strong.

Hall Master Sun 457 hesitated, then said:

"The spies didn't inquire about it. According to my estimation, their weapons in this duel are definitely above the rank of underworld soldiers, or even stronger.

So I'm going to see what you mean, do you absolutely refine it yourself, or let the Barbarian God Martial Art Museum help you, after all, your visit this time represents the image of the entire Barbarian God Martial Arts Academy.

In his voice, Jiang Xiaolong could hear a little worry, but in fact his attitude was very firm, just like what Grandpa Er Cang said to him, everything can't be depended on by others, only by himself.

If he has done it himself, that is his own progress. The image of the Barbarian Martial Art Museum is important, but he does not want to violate his own principles.

"Senior Sun, I think if you don't believe me, you won't find yourself to be the best candidate for the Martial God Martial Arts Hall this time.

Since you chose me, you must trust me very much, although now you know the strength of your opponent and the time of the duel,

But even so, I still want to stick to my principles, and if you continue to believe in me, I swear to God I won't let you down.

Jiang Xiaolong's expression and attitude have no room for negotiation. This time, he has completely understood many truths in the world.

Only with the courage to try can you break through your bottom line strength as quickly as possible.

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