Feeling the situation on the second floor of the Qiankun furnace with the sense of soldiers, Jiang Xiaolong's face showed a long-lost joy, and he succeeded.

He finally succeeded, and his efforts these days were finally in vain, and his first underworld soldier will soon come out.

Then Jiang Xiaolong took out another piece of high-quality black iron that Hall Master Sun brought him two days ago. Ming iron is not easy to find at present, so he can only try it with black iron.

Burnt, purified.

The preliminary work is the same as the usual refining steps. After everything is ready,

Jiang Xiaolong successfully contained the energy of the mysterious fire, and gave it to the bottom of the Qiankun furnace.

The energy of fantasy is far greater than that of ordinary fire, and it is much more convenient to control.

"Xiaolong, the underworld soldier is different from the mysterious soldier, it not only represents the characteristics of the weapon, but also can set up the energy operation of many formations,

So you have to give "four, five, seven" to a large number of magical beast spirit stones, you have attached all the hundreds of spirit stones, you still don't know if they are enough or not!"

Grandpa Er Cang said solemnly.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't give any answer. It's enough to decide whether it's enough or not. If it really doesn't work, wait for Hall Master Sun to come over. He can still ask for a little bit. This time, he only needs to succeed and not fail.

The current Jiang Xiaolong's strength has already reached the professional level of a master craftsman, and the early stage of cultivation is not so hard.

The Underworld Soldier was his first attempt, and this attempt was still a Chaos Army Underworld Soldier, which made it even more difficult.

Burn and practice outside, and give spirit stones. Jiang Xiaolong kept trying and working hard,

Many of the refining steps are based on facts, and he does not rigidly apply those casting secrets.

Refining the underworld soldiers is not a matter of one or two days. In order to avoid outside interference, Jiang Xiaolong then used the array formation exercises he had learned to set up a large pseudo-domain space of tens of meters near the Qiankun furnace.

"It's better to call it the dragon travels the world, yes, that's it.

As soon as Jiang Xiaolong's voice came out, Xiaobai became excited and said happily:

"This is good, this is absolutely good. It sounds very domineering. I didn't expect the master to have such a good talent. It's really powerful."

Jiang Xiaolong repeated this name over and over again.

The momentum and speed are all in line with this long spear.

"Good name, absolutely good name, hehe! 99

Grandpa Er Cang clapped his hands and said, and then appeared floating in the air.

"Now that you already have the underworld soldiers, I'm going to teach you how to learn the flying technique of the device array.

After you learn it, you don't have to be inconvenient to walk, even a distance of tens of thousands of miles is enough to reach in one day. 35

When Jiang Xiaolong was very young, he heard his elders talk about the art of flying. At that time, he was still looking at the sky, thinking innocently,

When will I be able to have a pair of wings like birds, stand up and fly in the fog among the clouds, how free and unrestrained it is.

The dream was about to become reality, how could he not be surprised, wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, stared at Grandpa Er Cang in horror, and asked anxiously:

"Really, can I really learn the flying art of the device array?"

Grandpa Er Cang smiled lightly, he never thought that Jiang Xiaolong would look forward to flying like this,

Previously, because the strength of the blade was not enough to fly, he did not mention it.

At this time, since Jiang Xiaolong already had strength, he naturally gave it all his money.

In fact, the flying skills of martial artists are also divided into several types, one is the most common strength leap,

There is a state of flying in the learned exercises, and the other is the flying technique of the device array.

It can be controlled with the mind, as long as it is the energy of the martial artist's exercises,

Under normal circumstances, it will not strike, and then there is the extreme flight of the familiar,

This is also the most worry-free and labor-saving flying method for martial artists. It requires that as long as a magical pet that can fly can be captured,

It is very convenient to control, and it consumes the least amount of soul energy to fly.

Jiang Xiaolong also knew more or less about these things, so he wasn't too surprised.

Now what he is anxious about is to see how he can quickly practice the flying technique of the device array, what is the right hold in the middle?

"Now that you have that kind of strength, it's not difficult to want to fly,

Here I have the training formula for flying, you can follow the steps written on it step by step,

I believe that you will be able to fully grasp the art of flying in less than two days. 35

Grandpa Er Cang took out a tightly packaged kit and handed it to Jiang Xiaolong. He smiled and disappeared.

The flying technique of the weapon array is actually brought up by the strength of the sword. The higher the grade of the sword, the

The speed and altitude it flies will be more ideal. In this process, only the warrior needs to use the power of mind to correctly control and guide it.

According to the above steps, Jiang Xiaolong first contained the aircraft formation technique of Longxing Tianxia, ​​which seemed very simple, and the next step was to fly in the air, Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

First, he floated Longxingxia in the air with his heart, and then he wanted to step on it and try the effect.

But as soon as he stepped on the gun barrel, he felt swaying from side to side, with no sense of balance.

Finding a sense of balance Jiang Xiaolong has also practiced since he was a child, walking vigorously on thin branches, using his arms to control the weight of the left and right sides of the body,

Then you must look at the direction and climate, or you will definitely not find the sense of balance at that time.

Repeated experiments, repeated groping, but often ended in failure, I really can't figure it out. At this time, his temper is a little hot,

Just when he was helpless, Xiaobai spoke up and sent Jiang Xiaolong a voice transmission:

"Master, master, the sense of balance of this flying art should not be of such nature, let alone controlled like this,

Although I have never flown, I have a feeling somewhere,

It should be to control the 4.3 controller array with the mind, everything in the outside world is nothingness, such as the square speed environment. 35

After listening to Xiao Xiaobai's words, Jiang Xiaolong was a little convinced. After all, Xiaobai was about to fly after running fast. Maybe his personal experience is the most accurate.

Why didn't he think of it before, flying in mid-air, with such a high wind speed,

Such a powerful airflow, if you really want to control the balance on both sides by yourself, even if a god comes, it may not be possible.

Mind control, Jiang Xiaolong thought of this sentence, and hurriedly took Longxingtianxia to try again,

After repeated failures and lessons of blood exchanged again and again, he finally succeeded.

Obviously, at the beginning, the height of the flight controlled by his mind was only about ten meters, and the flight speed was extremely slow, like a warrior walking on the ground.

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