Jiang Xiaolong's mentality was very confident, but he couldn't calm down in the face of this confrontation.

What he represents now is not just him, but the prestige of the entire Barbarian Martial Arts Hall, so he must win this duel, and he must not embarrass those seniors who supported him and trusted him, especially Hallmaster Sun.

Time passed quickly, and within two days, Jiang Xiaolong had completely adjusted his mentality, and his physical aptitudes had reached the best condition.

Early in the morning, Hallmaster Sun and Tie Niu came over to Jiang Xiaolong's side. Seeing Jiang Xiaolong dressed in armor and looking energetic, Hall Master Sun also came to his spirits.

"Xiaolong, you must do it, today is the preliminary round, you must remember to preserve your strength,

You must not reveal your full strength at the beginning of the game, and you must not be nervous, no matter what happens, you must have a normal heart. "

Jiang Xiaolong agreed with the teachings of Hallmaster Sun.

If you reveal all of your strength from the beginning, you will inevitably suffer losses in the finals. This is the most taboo thing in a duel, and you can't let your opponent easily touch your bottom line29.

Tie Niu also acted very serious at this time, his fist hammered Jiang Xiaolong's arrow twice, and said:

"Brother, Brother Niu will definitely support you to the end. If anyone dares to play asshole in the arena, I will definitely fight with him."

Jiang Xiaolong smiled lightly, picked up the dragon and said:

"Thank you Brother Niu, don't you believe in Xiaolong, don't worry."

"Ha ha!"

Several people smiled lightly, each had their own concerns, and silently prayed for Jiang Xiaolong.

Under the arena, top figures from various forces gathered here, adding a lot of atmosphere to the empty mountain stream.

There was a hint of worry and melancholy on everyone's face, mixed with a slightly excited expression, which looked very strange.

Dozens of selected contestants were all standing on the stage, and Jiang Xiaolong was no exception, standing in a dark corner, facing off against the top of a mountain stream.

Supported by four peerless weapons in midair, powerful energy light waves radiated from the surroundings, which looked particularly spectacular, and also reflected the horror of this duel.

The warriors on the ring introduced themselves one after another. Among them, Jiang Xiaolong saw a few warriors with indifferent expressions.

He probably guessed that these people are his real opponents in this duel, and he didn't dare to be careless at all, and cautiously watched their every move.

He is so, these heavy-faced people are also more cautious, they have already discovered the existence and threat of Jiang Xiaolong.

Everyone on this stage is a new generation of geniuses, most of them are proud, only a few can stabilize their mentality, just like Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong originally wanted to use his soul sense to find out the inferiority of these people, but when he thought of the number of seniors who were in the audience.

Jiang Xiaolong had no choice but to restrain himself, if something went wrong, he couldn't bear it. After all, snooping was not an upright thing.

Although he did not try it, it is not necessarily that others dare not try it.

At this time, he could clearly feel that dozens of cold winds drifted past in front of him,

Knowing that this is the so-called soul-snooping, he didn't care about Jiang Xiaolong at all,

The body is not afraid of the shadow, and besides, he still has the system's divine veins to protect the body. Generally, senior level warriors are unlikely to spy out Jiang Xiaolong's true strength. This is one of the extremely hidden characteristics of the system's divine veins.

Hall Master Sun led Tie Niu to the ordinary seats on the side, nodding his respects to those seniors who had lived for unknown ages along the way.

Tie Niu followed directly behind Sectional Master Sun, and did not dare to be careless. At this time, he could clearly feel the depressing energy around him, and it seemed that if he was not careful, he would be struck by a certain spiritual light.

After the introduction of the warriors on the stage one by one, the next is a one-on-one singles duel.

There are a total of fifty warriors participating in the primaries for this duel, and Jiang Xiaolong is the forty-ninth, which means that he will have to wait a long time before he can play.

This brand is not based on strength, it is selected randomly, which can only be said that Jiang Xiaolong's luck is not good.

Tie Niu had a look of disappointment on his face, he was an impatient person, and when he heard that Jiang Xiaolong's brand name was already at the end, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Thinking that he will have to wait for a long time, waiting for one more second, he will have more worries, and naturally he will not be in a good mood.

However, Hallmaster Sun and Jiang Xiaolong didn't think like Iron Bull, and it's not a good thing for the brand to come to the end.

After all, if you know the strength of the people in front of you, you will definitely be able to take an innate advantage. Knowing the enemy and knowing yourself will definitely be undefeated in a hundred battles.

After Jiang Xiaolong got out of the ring, he sat next to Hall Master Sun and waited for the start of the rookie selection.

"Xiaolong, look at the three white-haired old men sitting in the center. They are the core judges of this rookie selection. Although the invited elders have the right to speak, they still dominate.

Hall Master Sun sat down to introduce Jiang Xiaolong one by one.

Looking around, Jiang Xiaolong felt that the three peerless powerhouses all had a strong arrogance, which made people dare not look directly at them.

It seemed that after seeing them for a few seconds, they would be swallowed up by their domineering aura, and cold sweat broke out from behind.

In another corner below the stage, Yueer and Wu Tian also

Just came to the scene, and at this time on the field, it has also entered the moment of cold weapons.

The first 470 games were a burly man and a weak scholar, and it seemed that there was a world of difference between them.

But in the scholar's eyes, he could clearly feel a cold murderous aura.

The big man on the stage was also stunned, shocked by the scholar's domineering eyes.

Amidst the discussion under the stage, only those seniors on the jury's seat did not react at all, as if they had already looked down on them.

Perhaps they have already seen the strength of the two, and the reason why they still want to compete is mainly to be fair, but also to convince other sects.

Yue'er's expression was still so elegant, as if everything in front of him had no influence on him at all.

Whoever lives and who dies has nothing to do with her. Originally, she didn't plan to come, but seeing Grandpa's expectant expression, she had no choice but to sacrifice her life to accompany the villain.

"Yue'er, which one of them do you think is stronger?"

Wu Tian deliberately accosted Yueer, because Yueer had hardly spoken to him these days, and in Yueer's heart, he had completely boiled down to the dark villain category.

Yue'er looked at him disdainfully, but didn't say a word. When he scanned the corner of his eye, he seemed to see a familiar figure, but he couldn't find it again in the blink of an eye.

Yue'er's beauty pupils shrunk, she had clearly seen the familiar shadow just now, but she couldn't find it in a blink of an eye.

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