Resurrection of Spiritual Energy, A Hundred Times Potential of the Physical Body at the Start

Chapter 545 The Whereabouts of Tyrannosaurus Rex Outside the Territory

"Hehe, this is too far from the master's strength, it's just a drizzle, hehe!

Xiaobai waved the huge pliers in front of his mouth and didn't care.

"Hehe, this will allow you to exert your greatest strength, no one will interfere with you in this place. 55

"Okay, master, don't worry, this time the rookie must be you, hehe, we will definitely defeat all evil forces by fighting side by side.

"Oh, I hope so!"

Although Jiang Xiaolong was very confident in Xiaobai's strength, he thought that all the top young warriors from the Martial Arts Continent participated in this selection.

If they could succeed so easily, they wouldn't be called young rookies, and those supreme seniors wouldn't have bothered to arrange it like this.

There is thick fog everywhere on the top of the mountain, the visibility is very low, and the direction is difficult to distinguish.

However, with Xiaobai around, he is not afraid of losing his way. Surviving in the wild, magic pets have an absolute advantage.

Now what they have to do is to quickly find an excellent area and use the energy of the sense of soldier to understand the location of the supreme weapon, and Xiaobai is anxiously circling beside him.

"Master, let's go around quickly, it's really a waste not to travel around such a good place.

"I rely on, travel! Now you still have such thoughts, helpless.

"Master, I know what you are worrying about. Even in the thick fog, I can't help us. Come on, I will take you to find the best comprehension zone."

After crossing a few big rivers, they finally stopped at the peak, breathing the smell of nature, Jiang Xiaolong's mentality gradually eased, and he was not as nervous as before.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountains, he took two deep breaths of Heavenly Spirit Qi, slowly closed his eyes, and began to use the hidden sense of soldiers in his divine veins to understand the location of the supreme weapon.

The result was just as he thought, it wasn't that simple, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't detect the energy fluctuations of the soldier sense.

This made him very anxious, how to find it, and where to go first?

"Cough cough! Do you need any help from my old guy~々?

Grandpa Er Cang floated into the air and said lightly.

"Without your help, this time I must rely on my true strength to win this martial arts rookie!"

Jiang Xiaolong's attitude is very firm.

Grandpa Er Cang smiled softly. In fact, that's what he asked. He knew Jiang Xiaolong's temper very well and knew that he would definitely not ask for his own help.

"Hehe, good courage, so what do you say, no matter what the situation is, don't panic,

If you can't do it, they may not be much better. I'm not here to help you.

Just wanted to let you know, have you been feeling unwell these days, especially on your right arm!"

Only then did Jiang Xiaolong suddenly feel the slightest coolness coming from his right arm, and suddenly cold sweat poured down his back, this. Could it be the relationship between the meridians?

Grandpa Er Cang's expression also became serious.

"What you have to do now is to quickly find the Tyrannosaurus Rex from outside the Territory, kill it, and use its dragon tendons to replace the lost meridian on your right arm."

"Ah, at this time, what about the showdown, God, why are you doing this to me, why is it at this time!

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, and shouted wildly up to the sky.

"Xiaolong, Xiaolong, do you hear me saying it's fine, you will definitely get your wish in this duel, but the premise is that you must control your emotions!

Jiang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, what Grandpa Er Cang means is that he still has a chance, what do you mean that I really still have a chance?

"Well, I have already explored the surrounding whereabouts just now, and found that there are many circular ravines on the waist of the surrounding cliffs, and the ravines are full of dense small holes. This is the whereabouts of the foreign Tyrannosaurus Rex. Wherever there are, such traces will be left.

"Are you saying that these ravines are all due to its body?"

"Well, that's understandable. 99

Jiang Xiaolong suddenly felt that the surroundings were clear, he never thought that what he thought about day and night would appear at this time,

In addition to his grief, he ushered in such great news, and the excitement must be unavoidable, but in addition to the excitement, he was still a little worried.

Although it appeared here, so what, maybe it stayed a long, long time ago,

Or it is not impossible that these ravines were left by other monsters.

"Hehe, Xiaolong, you are too melancholy, what am I going to tell you if you are not sure? Look at the mountainside on the opposite side,

There are dense jungles all around, but there are no thick trees in the place where it passes,

This proves that it must have appeared here in recent years, and it can be concluded from its living habits that

It must still be here now. Generally, after a large monster like this comes to a place,

At least they have to stay for a hundred years before they can find another place, and this place is rich in such powerful material resources,

I'm sure it hasn't left this place by now. "

|| It turned out to be the case, so how should I find it, and where does it usually live? "

"It's hard to say, but according to my guess, it must be lying on top of a certain mountainside, and there is not too much movement outside.

It usually rarely comes out, unless something terrifying in the outside world threatens its living environment, so that it will act. "5

"Then if it's hidden well enough, how am I going to find it,

After all, there are no less than a thousand large and small peaks here, and it is not so easy to find it.

And, now our time is limited, so!"

"Hehe, I can only help you so much, as for the rest, it depends on your own ability,

As long as you have the heart, you will definitely find it. Before leaving, I can remind you again,

Xiaobai is an extraordinary beast, maybe he can help you. "

After all, Grandpa Er Cang disappeared along with the fog. Originally, he wanted to keep it, but Grandpa Er Cang did not give him the slightest chance. No matter how much he shouted, Grandpa Er Cang still did not reappear.

He repeatedly thought about the reminder that Grandpa Er Cang gave him before he left.

Yes, Xiaobai, it may really be able to help himself.

After all, the familiar's ability to perceive the surrounding environment is much stronger than that of humans.

After recalling Xiaobai and hearing the news, Xiaobai didn't notice anything at this time.

Jiang Xiaolong no longer had any thoughts of comprehending the supreme weapon, and now all he could think about was how to find the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Ever since Grandpa Er Cang said this, he hastened to feel a dull pain in his right arm, especially at the shoulder where the meridians join.

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