She was dressed in black, with long white hair draped over her shoulders.

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were unusually cold.

This person, Jiang Xiaolong, is no stranger, he is one of the two powerhouses who have been promoted directly in this duel.

Gu Yue from the Zen Buddhist Temple is also one of the most powerful cold killers in name.

"Boy, if you are acquainted, leave quickly, I can consider leaving you a whole corpse.

After the two looked at each other for a few minutes, Gu Yue said coldly.

Jiang Xiaolong sneered in his heart, I rely on it, this kid not only looks a little arrogant, but his speech is also so arrogant, he sneered:

"Hehe, it really lives up to its reputation, it is truly extraordinary to speak with such a powerful aura.

"Walk or Fight!"

Gu Yue didn't seem to have the heart to listen to Jiang Xiaolong's words, and said again in a louder voice.

"Four seven zeros" Hehe, although I, Jiang Xiaolong, can't guarantee that I can win you now, but after this step, I never thought of leaving.

Jiang Xiaolong said solemnly, with a strong murderous aura in his voice.

"Haha, just kidding, what a pity!"

After that, Gu Yue's eyes were bright and a cold light flashed. Jiang Xiaolong didn't dare to be careless, although he was very confident in his own strength,

But in the face of a powerful opponent he didn't understand at all, he still didn't dare to underestimate it.

"Tiger appeared!"

Gu Yue let out a loud roar, and after the fog, a fierce tiger who looked ill-looking and aggressive, roared loudly at Jiang Xiaolong.

Xiaobai trembled, and sent Jiang Xiaolong a voice transmission:

"Master, I finally saw the magic pet I am interested in. You must leave it to me, and you must not swallow it alone."

Seeing how excited Xiaobai was when he saw Tianhu, Jiang Xiaolong was also amazed.

Tianhu, he has also learned about it in the book before, belongs to the magical pet of the acquired spirit beast level.

The strength is extraordinary, and it can easily compete with dozens of Yuanwu peak magic pets.

"Xiao Bai, don't underestimate the enemy, this showdown is very important to us, and there must be no problems in every link."

Jiang Xiaolong exhorted.

I saw Gu Yue's lips squirming slightly, and then a lightning-like energy ball condensed on the Zen staff in his hand.

Although Jiang Xiaolong didn't know what kind of exercises he used, he could already feel the powerful energy of this energy ball. It seemed that he wanted to get Jiang Xiaolong at once.

This inevitably underestimated Jiang Xiaolong's strength.

The toes touched the ground slightly, and Jiang Xiaolong's body was directly in the air along with the Longxingtianxia spear in his hand.

He did not show weakness in the slightest, and mobilized 50% of the energy of the divine veins at the very beginning.

Gu Yue glanced coldly at Jiang Xiaolong, and her heart sank.

Why is this kid's gas gathering speed able to reach such a speed? Could it be because of external force?

In fact, Jiang Xiaolong was also very puzzled about Gu Yue's qi gathering speed. If it wasn't for external force, he would definitely be the same as himself.

With the help of the divine veins in his body, he didn't dare to be careless when he thought of this, and the peak matchup reappeared.

Tianhu was also excited when he saw Xiaobai, as if he hadn't met his opponent for a long time.

At this time, it is a big happy event to have such a powerful monster fighting against each other.


Riding the waves, he ran directly to Xiao Bai.

Gu Yue and Jiang Xiaolong had also opened the field, the shadow of the gun collided with the lightning energy of Gu Yue's Chan Staff in mid-air, and the violent sparks dispelled the fog for several kilometers.

With the increase of strength, Gu Yue's attitude towards Jiang Xiaolong gradually changed, this kid really has some strength,

No wonder Qin Feng was directly killed by him. Could it be that he, like himself, has a divine vein to help him?

With the increase in the duel time, the two have basically understood each other's strength at this time.

But they didn't have the slightest intention to back down. Even if they both lost, they still had to decide the winner. This was the only and only result of the duel.

Between the two beasts, Xiaobai clearly occupied the top, the poisonous thorns on the tail skyrocketed, and the threatening Tianhu retreated steadily.

Seeing that he was about to be overwhelmed, but it seemed that Xiaobai didn't want to solve it at this time,

But it has some meaning to play. After all, it has been holding back for so long, and it has finally encountered such an opponent who can compete with it.

Gu Yue had already lost patience with Jiang Xiaolong, and a powerful energy wave erupted from her body, a gust of wind swirled, and golden light flashed, and the murderous aura around her suddenly erupted.

Jiang Xiaolong felt that it was a little difficult to breathe at this time. What is he going to do, all the jade and stone are burnt, and it has not reached that level yet..

The strong wind mixed with the powerful energy wave surged onto his Zen staff, and he jumped up nearly 100 meters in the air, headed down towards Jiang Xiaolong.

"I rely on, what kind of cultivation method is this, powerful energy coupled with inertial acceleration, what a terrifying strength it must be."

Jiang Xiaolong is not good at guessing, and it is definitely not possible to force it, but since he has already performed such a technique, he must prevent himself from dodging.

Just thinking of this, an energy wall erupted in front of Jiang Xiaolong, and it was too late to break through the energy wall.

It seems that the strength of this guy has exceeded his imagination. If he is really hit by the energy of this Zen staff, it is very likely that even the bones will not be left.

"Jiang Xiaolong, be careful!"

Although Xun'er didn't feel any pressure, but judging from the strong light that Gu Yue burst out, she already knew that this time, it was definitely not easy.

A strong sense of oppression came from the top of his head, Jiang Xiaolong wanted to do his best to resist this powerful energy.

But at this time, even if he empties the energy of the divine veins, it is impossible for such a powerful defensive force to erupt in such a short period of time.

The rock around Jiang Xiaolong has sunk into a big hole, and the sound of air explosion is like thunder, pop!

The armor on Jiang Xiaolong's body has exploded, and the hair has been blown away by the strong wind pressure.

Jiang Xiaolong's face has also been distorted and congested by the blow, almost bursting blood vessels.

Jiang Xiaolong raised the dragon high in the world and shouted loudly. In this case, he had no other choice. Although he had almost no chance of winning, he resisted.

But even if he died, he couldn't give up, and the powerful motivation hit his cerebral cortex again and again.

"Do not!

Xun'er screamed, as if Jiang Xiaolong would cease to exist in the next second.

Gu Yue's twisted expression showed a sinister smile, and it looked even more evil.

Although there was no hatred between him and Jiang Xiaolong, he had no choice but to do so under the temptation of enormous power.

Just when Gu Yue Chan staff was about to hit Jiang Xiaolong's head, Xiao Bai suddenly jumped and jumped directly to the top of Jiang Xiaolong's head, touch!

In an instant, it was dark.

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