Xiaobai is still somewhat taboo, not to mention that if he goes out like this, he may not only be unable to help his master,

It will also drag him down, wise decision, it still has to continue to hide.

Jiang Xiaolong tried the Myriad Beasts Technique again and again, but it still didn't work.

After releasing the Myriad Beasts Technique a few million times, he vaguely felt that he had a sense of breakthrough in the artistic conception of the cultivation technique, and he calmed down in a daze, is this God helping him!

Jiang Xiaolong suddenly stood on the top of a certain mountain, and used the only 30% of the energy in his divine veins to once again use the Myriad Beasts Technique.

The fists were clenched, the muscles suddenly burst, and the body shone with a powerful red light,

The blood vessels all over the body swelled up in an instant, and his expression seemed extremely painful at this moment.

The foreign Tyrannosaurus rex saw Jiang Xiaolong's situation, although it already knew that it was about to break through,

But he still doesn't seem to be worried, his strong curiosity prompted him, he wanted to see how capable the young man in front of him really was, and it wouldn't be too late to play until he broke through.

Immediately Jiang Xiaolong raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar, and all the muscles in his body twitched violently.

"I finally succeeded, the highest realm of imitation, the sage of all things, I succeeded, succeeded.

Jiang Xiaolong was extremely excited at this time, he never thought that he would break through the supreme imitation technique of this elementary ten thousand beasts art in this desperate place.

Xun'er thought that Jiang Xiaolong was about to leave her, but at this time she saw Jiang Xiaolong's domineering eyes, she felt confident, and rubbed her eyes forcibly.

Look carefully at all this, it is true, he is not dead, he is still alive!

Xun'er could no longer suppress her emotions, and shouted excitedly in the formation.

"Saint of all things!

Jiang Xiaolong stepped out, let out a loud roar, and then began to imitate the movements of a foreign Tyrannosaurus rex with his hands and feet.

The one on his body suddenly burst open as his physique increased, and then a layer of golden dragon scales was covered on top of his skin, and his body swelled rapidly.

Due to the breakthrough of the artistic conception of the practice, the divine veins in his body were also filled with the breakthrough energy in an instant, and he used this energy to run the just-breakthrough Saint of All Things practice.

Dragon scales, dragon whiskers, dragon heads, dragon horns, dragon claws.

Jiang Xiaolong also turned into a giant dragon at this time, hovering over the tops of various mountain streams, and finally settled in mid-air with its huge tail.

The Long Xingtian Long Spear, which gave the phantom energy to the previous spear of reincarnation, and the supreme weapon that he had just recovered, were placed on both sides of Jiang Xiaolong, exerting a powerful energy array.

Although Jiang Xiaolong had completely transformed into an extraterritorial Tyrannosaurus Rex at this time, he was far inferior to it in terms of strength.

After two rounds of powerful impacts, he felt that several dragon scales had been damaged on his tail, and it was too late to make amends at this moment.

Two giant dragons of fifty or sixty meters long hovered over the tops of hundreds of mountain streams, and from time to time they guessed bright sparks, and their roars shocked the surroundings for hundreds of kilometers.

Jiang Xiaolong was able to handle it twice at first, but later, due to the hardness of the scales and the flexibility of his body, Jiang Xiaolong was still a little overwhelmed.

If it weren't for the two supreme weapons to block him again, it is very likely that he would have been beaten back to his original shape.

Despite this, Jiang Xiaolong still didn't want to give up just like this, knowing that he gave up and escaped at this time, which meant that he would never have a right arm in the future.

As his strength skyrocketed, the energy released by the Spear of Reincarnation has also been increasing, and the energy of the practice of the Saint of All Things is also increasing again and again.

Although his strength at this time is more than several times stronger than before, but he is not an opponent of the foreign Tyrannosaurus rex.

This inevitably made him very anxious. If he really used up the energy of this divine vein, he would really have no chance.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaolong's eyes lit up when he saw the gun of reincarnation.

"Why didn't I think of it earlier, since the spear of reincarnation is strong when it is strong, if it is to cast a pseudo-space domain, then will it be so crazy?"

It's not a good idea to set up a space field, but Jiang Xiaolong was stumped to set up a large space field. It must be smaller the better, but when it's too small, I'm afraid that I won't be able to surround it. It was troublesome then.

I can't think about it anymore, the foreign Tyrannosaurus rex has been completely angered by Jiang Xiaolong,


It is conceivable that if it becomes its appearance and fights with it, no one will feel comfortable.

Jiang Xiaolong first used the supreme weapon in his hand to lure the Tyrannosaurus rex from outside the realm, and then used the power of his mind to control the gun of reincarnation, secretly running a powerful exercise energy.

The Tyrannosaurus rex outside the territory saw that Jiang Xiaolong had made a move, and hurriedly put up the dragon's tail,

Wanting to throw this long gun away, Jiang Xiaolong saw that he was actually mature,

Quickly use the powerful energy that has been brewed, and instantly use the gun of reincarnation as an auxiliary, and set up a pseudo-space field beside it.

An excellent opportunity, the peerless fairy phantom, Jiang Xiaolong finally succeeded, successfully using the pseudo-space domain to control the scope of activities of the extraterritorial Tyrannosaurus rex,

Immediately afterwards, he used the energy of the immortal artifact phantom to carry out a violent attack outside the space.

It is true that the immortal weapon is strong when it is strong, despite how the Tyrannosaurus rex struggles outside the territory,

It is still unable to break through the pseudo-realm set up by Jiang Xiaolong this time, it is getting more and more angry, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The pseudo-realm flickers on and off, and the omen is very dangerous, but every time the energy it bursts out exceeds the range that the space realm can bear,

The energy of the spear of reincarnation is strengthened again, and every strengthening is just enough to control the current situation.

A slanted smile appeared on the face of Grandpa Er Cang, who was hidden in the power stone.

"Xiaolong, you are really amazing, your perception ability is far beyond my expectations, although you haven't been able to completely control the spear of reincarnation, but the move you think is really amazing, and it It’s hard to come by, if this happens, it will be impossible for the gun of reincarnation to withdraw without listening to you, unless it is broken, hehe

Previously, Grandpa Er Cang was a little worried about Jiang Xiaolong, but now that he could come up with such a good way to force the gun of reincarnation to reveal its true strength, he didn't worry about anything. As a result, he has already thought of it now.

Immortals have their own thoughts, he didn't want to obey Jiang Xiaolong,

Its duty is to keep Jiang Xiaolong from dying. As for whether his body lacks any parts,

This is not within its jurisdiction, and the reason why he promised his master to help Jiang Xiaolong was to beg for Grandpa Er Cang's face.

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