"Hey, there are too many things in my heart that I can't worry about. I have to practice the exercises in a closed way again."

Jiang Xiaolong sighed, very worried.

"Hehe, just for this matter, then you can rest assured, you can practice hard, I will definitely complete the things I promised you as soon as possible,

I will definitely help you find your family, as well as Zi Yan, leave these things to me, you can practice the exercises well, and my brother will get some light when the time comes~, hehe. "5

"Hey, I'm not very worried about this, but now I'm most worried about Yue'er, she's been out for so long, she's alone, and she doesn't know where she lives,

If it is really because of the hatred of the family, then it is really dangerous, I hope she will be fine - good. "

Jiang Xiaolong looked at the faint light in the distance and sighed.

"Xiaolong, your performance this time is really beyond everyone's expectations. Not only did you win the rookie position, but you also gained the attention of the three supreme powerhouses. It seems that my old bones should be retired. .

Hall Master Sun joked.

"Hehe, it's Hall Master Sun. I, Jiang Xiaolong, are still promoting you today. How can you retire? What will I do if you retire?"

Jiang Xiaolong followed with a wicked smile.

"Haha!" The three laughed at the same time.

On the other side of the cave, Yue'er stared intently into the distance, her eyes slightly reddened.

"Xiaolong, Yue'er will always support you silently, you must do it."

Wu Tian stood behind Yue'er, looking at her so unrepentant appearance, there was a lot of grievances in his heart,

But as a man, should he say it, should he be explicit.

No, this is not what a man should be.

He slowly sat next to Yue'er, gently patted Yue'er's shoulder, and comforted:

"Yue'er, it really hurts my heart when you are like this, I beg you not to be like this, okay, if you really have to endure extreme pain with me, then!

"God, you don't need to say more, I'm not that bad, I just miss Grandpa a little, you don't have to worry about me, it should be fine when you go back. 99

Yue'er suppressed the melancholy color in her heart and pretended to smile.

How could Wu Tian not know what Yue'er was thinking, but if he went further, it would definitely bring them a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Since she has not climbed up to the shadow of the previous paragraph, it must be because she is not considerate enough,

But if it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. Since she likes someone, she has to spoil her, and one day she will understand her painstaking efforts.

"Well, we will be able to go back soon. I came here to tell you that we can leave tomorrow. My father may not be able to wait.

Now that the rookie selection has ended, the next step is the engagement ceremony that the emperor gave us, so we have to hurry up.

What can Yue'er say at this time, she has to fulfill the family's last wish, she has no choice,

She was very satisfied to see Jiang Xiaolong here this time. It was completely beyond her expectations to see him winning the rookie selection safely.

"Xiaolong, Yue'er is sorry for you!

Yue'er sighed heavily, and slowly closed her pupils. A drop of crystal tears rolled down to the ground. In an instant, everything around her became quiet, and she could hear the sound of tears falling to the ground.

Early the next morning, they set off for their own journey, Jiang Xiaolong and the others also rushed in the direction of the Barbarian God Martial Arts Hall.


He has too much reluctance to return this time, and without Xiaobai to accompany him,

He always felt that his heart was empty, hey, Xiaobai, you must hold on, you can't be so ungrateful.

With Jiang Xiaolong's fame and power from yesterday, at this time, wherever he goes, there will be many people pointing his finger behind him, almost all men, women and children.

"This is Jiang Xiaolong, he is so handsome, handsome, handsome, and tall.

Perfect Prince Charming, ah, how wonderful it would be if he could be his own prince!"


A slut behind looked at Jiang Xiaolong's back, her eyes were a little blurred, and she said madly.

"I am willing to trade my ten years of life for his one year as my boyfriend, ah! 35"

Another slut followed suit.

"Even if he can accompany me for a day, I am willing to kill me tomorrow, at least I have experienced it myself!

At the same time, the children looked at Jiang Xiaolong's dashing back and said madly.

"Xiaolong, F*ck, this attitude is too obvious. When we came here before, no one was paying attention. At this time, almost everyone who opened their eyes is paying attention to you, giving me all the limelight. robbed past.

Tie Niu squinted at the beautiful woman beside him and chuckled.

"Brother Niu, don't make fun of me anymore. It's so awkward to be looked at like a monster. Hey, it turns out that the focus character is not so easy to do."

"Hehe, now you know how I came here before, those little beauties chase after each other every day, although it's cool, but they're a little uncomfortable, so I'm going to help you! 35 Beggars

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