Chapter 583


Seeing Elder Li's taut white eyebrows, Elder Si was not too nervous. He had already used his soul power to sense that Jiang Xiaolong had a very strong momentum in his body.

That means that Jiang Xiaolong's spirit is not convinced by the blood roots. As long as he has this drive and this belief, all difficulties may be nothing. This is the intuition of the supreme powerhouse.

Finally, the blood root was really influenced by Jiang Xiaolong's blood, it had temperature, touch, thinking, and well-informed.

Regarding the aspect of discipline, Mr. Li is the supreme person. Jiang Xiaolong's blood has just changed, and he has already felt it on "May 20", and said in surprise:

"He's still living, it's been influenced, and we've made it. 35

This time was also a major breakthrough for him. Jiang Xiaolong's success also meant his success. Although his little thought failed, his excitement could not be concealed.

Afterwards, Old Man Li used the training method to guide the blood roots out of Jiang Xiaolong's body step by step.

At this time, the blood root had already more than doubled in size, and it looked alive, wriggling in the aura of instruction, as if very reluctant to leave Jiang Xiaolong's body.

Jiang Xiaolong already knew that he had succeeded, and he took a long breath. At this time, he had to clean up the toxins in his body that had just been stimulated by his blood.

Otherwise, it is very likely that these residual poisonous soup energy will attack his divine veins unconsciously. Although the probability is very small, Jiang Xiaolong still understands this sentence when he is careful to make the Wannian Ship.

The moment when I saw Elder Li put the blood root quietly under Xiao Bai's abdomen and approached the master again.

It seemed to have found a home, and gave Jiang Xiaolong a heartfelt message of incomparable happiness.

This information surprised Jiang Xiaolong. Finally, he was able to truly communicate with Xiaobai, and he could truly understand Xiaobai's current physical condition.

"Great, I finally did it!"

It's not too late, the more hesitation, the more danger to Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaolong hurriedly explained his thoughts to Mr. Li and the master, and everyone agreed.

Using the practice method to promote him to enter Xiaobai's world as soon as possible, and communicate with it in his mind, in this way, he can save Xiaobai more quickly.

Feeling, desperately trying to awaken Xiaobai's only thinking, but no matter how hard Jiang Xiaolong tried, it seems that the effect is still not as obvious.

"Xiaolong, don't worry, this kind of thing can't be rushed, you must stabilize your mentality, otherwise things will only get worse and worse."

Si Lao stepped forward and comforted him.

Although several of them have done their best, such a heart-to-heart connection still depends on their ability to understand.

An hour passed, and the result was not much better, two hours later, still the same.

As the evening approached, the information that Xiaobai Xuegen gave back to Jiang Xiaolong finally changed, Xiaobai reacted, and could clearly feel his firm desire to survive.

"Mr. Li, I feel it, I finally feel it!"

Jiang Xiaolong could no longer suppress his inner impulse and said excitedly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy for Jiang Xiaolong. Old Li's expression was slightly surprised.

As the supreme figure of the animal trainer, it was the first time he had seen someone who could achieve spiritual communication so quickly.

Usually at least a week or so. In such a situation, it is not his own strength at all, and his magic pet also has great credit...

"It's not too late, let's hurry up and save it!

Jiang Xiaolong's excited performance also brought the master around him, at this time Si Lao stepped forward and ordered.

The remaining few people have long known how to save Xiaobai, that is, to use Jiang Xiaolong's blood to replenish Xiaobai, who is extremely weak, so that it can directly moisturize its dried body.

Of course, not everyone can complete this process, and the strength of the exercises required is very demanding, and the force must be applied strictly according to their physical aptitude.

Regarding these, the three supreme powerhouses did not worry at all, and completed all the blood replenishing steps with ease. Because they grasped it very skillfully, Jiang Xiaolong did not feel uncomfortable because of excessive blood loss.

Everything went very smoothly, Xiaobai's body color had returned to normal at this time, its powerful self-healing ability made everyone stunned, Jiang Xiaolong had also noticed its 4.3 tenacious vitality, and he was relieved.

Since Xiaobai has not fully recovered, Si Lao will definitely stay with him at this time. After all, with the protection of his defensive formation, Xiaobai's recovery will definitely be faster than in reality.

After seeing off Mr. Li politely, Jiang Xiaolong followed the masters to the reception room.

"Jiang Xiaolong, there are no outsiders anymore, I want to know what happened to you today, the relationship between Miss Shen and you?"

Si Lao, who had just sat down, was the first to ask.

Thinking of Yue'er, Jiang Xiaolong choked for a while, and his face became very ugly.

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