The old man hurriedly stepped forward to stop Jiang Xiaolong, and said with a chuckle:

"Young and energetic, I would like to ask you to give the old man a face, don't do it first, I can lend you the carriage, but first I have to wait until I finish delivering the food to Wu Mansion.

While speaking, the old man bit the word "Wufu" very clearly, as if he was deliberately reminding Jiang Xiaolong.

How could Jiang Xiaolong be afraid of these, it was because they were delivering food to Wu's house that he would stop them, otherwise he would stop a carriage delivering food in his spare time.

"Oh, what if I said no!"

Staring at the old man's eyes, the strong energy behind him has not weakened in the slightest.

"Grandpa, don't promise them!""

The young man rushed up from behind the old man and spoke.

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Xiaolong's energy was already shot towards him, poof!

Almost at the same instant, the youth's entire body rose into the air.

The old man's face turned pale, and he did not immediately go to see Qing 520, but immediately stopped Jiang Xiaolong and begged:

"I promise you, as long as you can let him go, I promise you everything.

Jiang Xiaolong glanced at the old man. At this time, there was no sign of pity in his eyes. Wouldn't it have been better, why is it so troublesome.

"Actually, we won't embarrass you. As long as you can bring me in safely, you don't have to worry about anything else."

Hearing Jiang Xiaolong's words, the old man trembled, pointed to the Wu mansion in front, and said in horror:

"You mean Wu Mansion!""

From the trembling voice of the old man, Jiang Xiaolong could hear the fear. In order to prevent the old man from being too excited and exposing them, Jiang Xiaolong assured:

"You can rest assured that as long as you can cooperate with me, it is impossible for them to find out.

Despite this, the old man was still a little worried, looked back at his grandson who was seriously injured in the distance, and nodded helplessly.

Although the young man was seriously injured, Jiang Xiaolong let Iron Niu watch from outside as a precaution.

In this way, he was afraid that the young man would reveal the secrets between them, and also could pose a threat to the old man, so that when they entered, the old man would use any insidious methods.

After dressing up a little more, Jiang Xiaolong sat beside the carriage, the carriage gradually advanced, and finally came to the back door of Wu Mansion.

"Who is coming!"

An angry-looking big man blocked the carriage's path.

The old man looked back at Jiang Xiaolong, took a deep breath, and shouted:

"I'm here to deliver food, but Steward Lin ordered me to come.

How could the big man believe him so easily, and the horse-drawn carriage slowly approached, because he was afraid of being recognized by this guy, Jiang Xiaolong also sunk his head at this time.

The big man circled around the carriage, sniffing the smell of the carriage as if he had enough, and seeing Jiang Xiaolong who looked like a little white face, the big man was very upset, and he said:

"Boy, you look so wretched, can you move this dish! 35

Knowing that he could not escape, Jiang Xiaolong slowly raised his head, looked at the big man coldly, and said unhappily: (cjed)

"Bitch, I risked a little bit of capital to pretend here, Laozi won't bother with you if something happens today. 35

Although I thought so in my heart, it didn't show on my face. With a cold smile, I stood up and hummed softly:

"My lord, even though I don't pretend to be pretentious, I still have the strength.

"You, how dare you talk back!"

The big man's eyes flashed with anger, and he raised his fist to punch Jiang Xiaolong.

The old man hurriedly stepped forward, nodded and bowed to stop:

"Sir, calm down your anger, it's the first time your child comes out and is ignorant, please forgive him this time because of the old man's face. 99

After saying that, the old man stood in front of Jiang Xiaolong.

The big man glanced at the old man, hooked the tip of his nose with a big hand, and snorted coldly:

"Stinky food delivery, He Lai's face, dare to intercede with me here, courting death!

Just as the big man raised his fist, a hurried shout came from afar:

"Wu will calm down. Butler Lin is waiting for the food inside, so do you think you should let him go first?"

Glancing at Jiang Xiaolong behind the old man, he said coldly:

"This time, for Butler Lin's sake, I'll let you live a few more minutes, and I'll take care of you later when you come out.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

The old man hurriedly nodded and thanked him.

Jiang Xiaolong was still expressionless, and he had no sympathy for this small and medium-sized person.

But these things also revealed his old scars, reminding him of his and his second uncle in Wind Knife City.

In the scene of the dish, maybe if the servant doesn't come again, Jiang Xiaolong will take action, he is not worried that there will be too much movement,

Because cleaning up this kind of villain is a blink of an eye at most, and it may not attract the attention of those guards at all.

After successfully entering the Wu Mansion, Jiang Xiaolong felt an unprecedented intimacy while looking at the unfamiliar things around him, which may be because of Yue'er.

Looking around, searching for the shadow of Yue'er, but such a big Wu mansion is looking for a needle in a haystack to find Yue'er. Jiang Xiaolong, who had no goal for a while, had to follow the carriage to the high-end dining hall of Wu mansion.

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