Chapter 590

It wasn't until Xiaodie pulled her out of sight and couldn't see Jiang Xiaolong that she said to Xiaodie a little sadly:

"Why can't I raise my confidence when I get to him, why?"

"Miss, this may be the power of love, I believe that the wood will be touched by you and will come back to you sooner or later.

Xiaodie was also a little uncomfortable with Jiang Xiaolong's attitude just now, and temporarily gave Jiang Xiaolong a nickname, wood!

Jiang Xiaolong in the back garden, as if he had lost his soul, sat softly on the boulder, calling Yue'er's name countless times in his heart.

Wu Tian's sinister expression kept flashing in his mind.


Jiang Xiaolong raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

At the large round table in the luxurious reception room, several of Jiang Xiaolong's masters were all sitting around the round table.

"Brother, according to what you said, Jiang Xiaolong is very dangerous now, what should we do for him.

The third master was surprised.

"Hey, if he really can't think about it, it would be dangerous."

The second master also had a worried look on his face, and couldn't think of any way for a while.

"Brother, we have to think of a way, or we'll sleep him up these days,

In this case, even if he can't figure it out, he can't come out and cause trouble.

At that time, after marrying Miss Shen, let him go. No matter what, he will never give up his future for a married ex-girlfriend~々.

The third master had a whim, and said anxiously.

Si Lao has been shaking his head. Of course, he has already thought of this approach.

In the past few days, he has basically figured out Jiang Xiaolong's temper, and he must not be stubborn.

Otherwise, he will definitely blame the responsibility on them at that time, and it is very likely that the relationship between master and apprentice will not be preserved.

Or maybe he really can't figure it out, and it's not impossible that he can't figure it out during the trapped time.

"Brother, this doesn't work either, that doesn't work either. Tell me, what else can you do? If you want to be soft, it's impossible for Jiang Xiaolong to go to Wu Mansion to make trouble today."

The third master's mood fluctuated a little, and he was very dissatisfied.

Si Lao thoughtfully considered what Jiang Xiaolong had said to him before, thinking of countless possible outcomes.

"It seems that there is only one feasible way, that is, we find that girl Shen and let him tell Jiang Xiaolong his own thoughts, so that he can really give up.

After listening to Si Lao's thoughts, both of them thoughtfully stroked the snow-white beards in front of their mouths, and the third master said a little puzzled:

"Ah, this won't work, I think everyone could see it when I was on stage, that Miss Shen seems to have feelings for Jiang Xiaolong,

In this case, will she give up Jiang Xiaolong and cooperate with us?"

"It is because of this that I consider using this method. Since she still cares about Jiang Xiaolong, she will definitely consider his safety.

I think she may also be thinking about countermeasures now. If we go to her now, it must be a relief for her, so that maybe Jiang Xiaolong will give up. 99

With a serious look on his face, Si Lao helped the analysis.

"Big brother, what if Jiang Xiaolong can't accept the reality, it will inevitably expose the matter faster, if the emperor knows about this, Jiang Xiaolong will definitely lose his life.

The second master was worried.

"No one can say anything about feelings, we can only fight at this critical moment, we can't just watch our lover make mistakes like this.

Si Lao sighed helplessly.

"According to the current situation, it seems that we can only do this first. The third child and I are responsible for bringing out the Miss Shen family secretly.

I believe that as long as she is willing to come with us, it won't take too much trouble, eldest brother, just wait here, give Jiang Xiaolong a vaccination first, are you optimistic?"

"||Well, be careful, don't expose the target, otherwise, it will be troublesome for Lord Wu to pursue it.

Sirius warned.

"This and that is still according to the instructions of the elder brother. This matter can't be delayed any longer. We will start when it is dark."

Although the masters of the Wu Mansion are like clouds, it is a drizzle for them to be the most powerful!

Inside the king's bedroom!

At this time, Si Lao had also been invited into the house by him.

"Master Si, I came to you today mainly to discuss the matter between Xun'er and Jiang Xiaolong. I have already mentioned it to Jiang Xiaolong that day (Li's), but his attitude seems to be reluctant. , do you see?"

For Si Lao, the emperor is still very respectful, and he speaks relatively without the slightest air.

Hearing him mention Xun'er, Si Lao also had a look of embarrassment. Jiang Xiaolong still didn't understand the matter on Miss Shen's side.

If this is to tell him about Xun'er again, it will definitely add fuel to the fire for him, and it will inevitably cause a major incident.

"Your Majesty, according to my opinion, Xun'er is still young, and Jiang Xiaolong is also in the best period of cultivation,

So this matter can be waited for first, and then after he has real strength and is worthy of Xun'er, he can facilitate this matter. ""

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