Resurrection of Spiritual Energy, A Hundred Times Potential of the Physical Body at the Start

Chapter 594 No matter how strong people are, they have a fragile side

Chapter 594 No matter how strong people are, they have a fragile side

"Xiaolong, stand up for me. It's not worth it for a woman. Besides her, you have many, many people who care about you. Don't go on like this!"

"She has become someone else's fiancée, wake up!"

Tie Niu lifted Jiang Xiaolong and shouted loudly at him.

After being woken up, Jiang Xiaolong looked around, Yue'er had already disappeared, and he suppressed the grief in his heart and said:

"Master, Third Master, Brother Niu, I want to be quiet for a while, you all go first!""

Tie Niu wanted to say something more, but was stopped by his grandfather Si Lao.

"Let him be quiet for a while, no matter how strong people are, they are also vulnerable, let's go first.

After the master and the third master left, Tie Niu still couldn't let go, so he stayed alone, silently watching Jiang Xiaolong ten meters away from him.

On the way, the three masters couldn't let go of their hearts. Thinking of the scene of Yue'er's parting just now, there was a slight numbness in his heart.

"Brother, will it be too much for us to break them up so abruptly.

Si Lao sighed heavily, remembering the mistakes he made at the time, losing his family in order to learn advanced martial arts, shook his head and sighed:

"No one wants to do this, but what better way can there be other than that.

"You also understand the emperor's temper. If you know about this, Jiang Xiaolong's life will be in danger."

"You don't want to see that ending either."

"Hey, yes, but I also envy them. To have such a love, even if I die, I feel worth it. Unlike me, I don't have anyone to accompany when I grow old."

The third master also shook his head helplessly.

Xun'er also changed back to her princess dress at this time, and sat on the bed dumbfoundedly, staring straight at the wooden floor.

"Miss, don't scare Xiaodie. It's been a long time since you came back without saying a word or eating. If Your Majesty finds out about this, you'll be angry again, Miss!"

Xiaodie pouted and turned around anxiously in front of Xun'er's bed, holding a delicate lunch box in her hand.

Xun'er slowly raised her head, her face was pale, her lips were dry, and she said in despair:

"Xiao Die, do you think I shouldn't tell my father about Jiang Xiaolong, then Jiang Xiaolong will not be unhappy, am I too stupid to deprive others of happiness for my own wishful thinking. 35

"Miss, how can you say that? If you really like someone, if you don't say it, then you will regret it at that time. I feel that you are doing the right thing."

Xiaodie said with a look of dissatisfaction, stomping her feet.

"But I will only make Jiang Xiaolong unhappy and make him misunderstand. It's better not to say it. I'm such a big bastard, making him so unhappy!"

Thinking of Jiang Xiaolong's grief during the day, Xun'er's heart also felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, I don't know much about the relationship between men and women. It might just depend on fate."

"Then what should I do now, am I still deceiving him as a servant like this, or just stay by his side silently like this!"

Tears welled up in Xun Er's eyes.

"Miss, if he has a heart for you, I think he will come to you by himself,

I think it's not because of you, you don't have to blame yourself like this,

I believe that Miss Yi's determination will surely move him.

"But, but I just can't figure out how to do it myself,

How can I make him really notice himself. "

Kaoru sobbed.

"Miss, you don't have to worry, I can help you to inquire these days,

See why he is so unhappy, maybe there will be a turnaround!"

She couldn't bear to see Jiang Xiaolong being tortured like this every day, she shook her head and said:

Since it is because of me, I have to take responsibility. I will tell my father now that I don't like him anymore and tell him not to embarrass Jiang Xiaolong. 35

Hearing what Miss said, Xiaodie trembled and said excitedly:

"Miss, you must never do this. You also understand your Majesty's temper. If you say this to His Majesty,

He will definitely put all the blame on Jiang Xiaolong, so he will be in danger!"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what do I need to do, I'm about to collapse!

Xun'er cried out anxiously. In fact, she couldn't bear to do that. If she told her father like that, her relationship with Jiang Xiaolong would end.


The door of the boudoir was opened, and the person who came was the emperor. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Xun'er's cry.

With a slight twitch in his heart, he hurried to Xun'er's bedside and hugged Xun'er's head with one hand.

Seeing her haggard look, she glared at Xiaodie and said angrily:

"Princess what's the matter!"

Xiaodie suddenly knelt down, kowtowed and said in horror: "I, miss her.""

Xun Er hurriedly raised her head and hurriedly stopped sobbing.

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