Chapter 596 Attending Yue'er's Wedding

"I didn't think of any way at all. The reason why I said that to Brother Niu was mainly to let him rest quickly. I understand his character.

If I had been silent, he would have stayed here all night. 35

"Hey, I really hurt you, what do you think of Yue'er at this time?

Grandpa Er Cang wondered, he couldn't figure out this kind of love.

Jiang Xiaolong shook his head, but his eyes were firm, although I hadn't thought of a plan to save Yue'er at this time.

But I will never believe that Yue'er is that kind of person, and I will never give up until the last moment.

"Hey, feelings are a big taboo in martial arts, and I'm not too involved in this aspect, but if you really want to save Yue'er, you will definitely disturb the entire Longwu Empire, think twice before doing it!

Grandpa Er Cang sighed.

Death is not terrible for 520 Yu Jiang Xiaolong. At this time, the only thing he can't let go of is Zi Yan and his family.

For a week in a row, Jiang Xiaolong sat alone in the back garden of the main hall, neither eating nor drinking, let alone talking, until Xiao Bai came to him fully recovered.

After this catastrophe, Xiaobai's physique has also become stronger by a point, and they have already confessed their masters with blood.

Therefore, Xiaobai already knew what Jiang Xiaolong was thinking.

He rose about one meter, swaying the tip of his slender tail, and climbed onto the boulder beside Jiang Xiaolong.

"Master, you must not be so decadent, if you have any accident, it is better not to save me.

Turning around and looking at Xiaobai's solid black shell, he smiled faintly, and said with a pursed mouth:

"Hey, I don't want to do this either, but why does God treat me like this? Although it has given me too many things, it has also taken away my most beloved Yue'er. Is this the so-called fairness? Ah. 39

Seeing Jiang Xiaolong haggard day by day for the past seven days, Xun'er felt like a needle was pierced in her heart. She and Xiaodie hid in the dark, silently watching Jiang Xiaolong.

"Jiang Xiaolong, father and grandfather have promised to give us a chance! Why do you still do this?

Could it be that it is not my reason at all, what are you thinking in your heart, what is it that you can't figure out, why don't you say it?"

Xun'er was very depressed, she thought of countless possibilities, but she still couldn't guess what Jiang Xiaolong was thinking.

Suddenly, she had an idea. If it wasn't her own reason, it must be the reason for her cultivation.

"Xiaodie, let's go and find my wife and grandpa, he must know the reason.

Strongly pulling Xiaodie, she went straight to Si Lao's residence in the main hall.

Inside Si Lao's residence, all three of their senior brothers were also in it at this time.

"Big brother, Xiaolong can't do this every day. He doesn't eat or drink, and he has been using the exercises to vent his anger (cjed). If this goes on, he will have an accident sooner or later. We have to think about countermeasures quickly. OK.

Si Lao frowned, he has been thinking about this matter for the past few days, but he has no clue.

"Mrs. Grandpa, are you there?"

Kaoru's sweet cry came from far outside the door.

Before waiting for a few people to get up, Xun'er hurriedly pushed open the door. Seeing the presence of several grandfathers, her face flushed slightly, and she said anxiously:

"Mrs. Grandpa, I came here today to ask what happened to Jiang Xiaolong, why is he so troubled all the time? 99


They had a headache for Jiang Xiaolong just now, another little fairy came, and they looked at each other.

The third master had an idea, stepped forward and said with a smile: Xun Er, Jiang Xiaolong is all right, but the bottleneck of breakthrough due to cultivation practice these few days.

That's why he is like this. You must not disturb him in the past, or else you may go into trouble.

Xun'er cast her eyes to Si Lao's side in disbelief, and Si Lao hurriedly nodded, white lies are not a big sin.

On the eighth day, the ninth day, until the morning of the tenth day, Jiang Xiaolong still didn't think of a good solution.

Tie Niu and his masters also came to him at this time, watching Jiang Xiaolong nervously.

Tie Niu couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere, he stepped forward and shouted:

"Xiaolong, what exactly are you thinking? It also makes us feel better, you keep silent like this, and we feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Xiaolong raised his head and looked into the distance. At this time, his eyes released a strong savage aura, more like a tiger with a lost beard.

The light flashed, and the dragon walking in the world suddenly appeared, whoosh!

In order to suppress his inner impulse, Jiang Xiaolong began to play the spear violently, and every time he fired the spear, he carried a strong murderous aura.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaolong calmed down, put away the spear, came to Si Lao, and said lightly:

"Master, I want to follow you to the luxurious wedding held by the Wu Mansion today, what do you think?"

When he asked this question, several people were immediately stunned, including Si Lao.

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