Chapter 605 Even if I get roasted to death, I won't hum

"Master, Master, we will definitely go all out."

Later, Si Lao asked Tie Niu and Liu Yan to leave, and gave Tie Niu a high-level exercise, and asked Liu Yan to be responsible for tutoring Tie Niu.

At this time, Si Lao asked the second master and the third master to stand on a corner, the three formed a three-legged tripod shape on the ground, and the scroll floated in the air following the exercises of the three of them, just above Jiang Xiaolong's head. .

"Xiaolong, listen to my slogan for a while, and you must be completely relaxed when you enter, any fluctuations in the energy of the exercises may cause time to reverse, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Si Lao said to Jiang Xiaolong while controlling his mind.

Knowing that it had already begun, Jiang Xiaolong also hurriedly closed his eyes, desperately comprehending the energy of the Scroll of Heaven and Earth.

No matter how hard he tried, he could only feel the energy of the three masters, but he couldn't feel the universe scroll.

With the strengthening of the energy of the three masters' exercises, the Qiankun scroll hanging in the air began to scatter dazzling light.

It happened to cover Jiang Xiaolong, and suddenly, he felt a strong burning sensation on his skin.

"Xiaolong, you must hold back, you must not release any defensive techniques, or you may be counterattacked by it.

Si Lao knew that Jiang Xiaolong had already reacted, and explained again.

Jiang Xiaolong forcibly endured the severe pain on his skin, nodded and said:

"Master, don't worry, even if I'm roasted to death, I won't snort for a while~々."

The burning sensation became more and more intense. At this time, Jiang Xiaolong's skin was completely shriveled, his lips were peeled off, and his scalp was baked.

But despite this, Jiang Xiaolong still didn't have any intention of flinching, his eyes fixed on the master.

At this time, there is only one belief in his heart, and he must not let anyone down. Persistence is victory.


Finally, the top of Jiang Xiaolong's head and the skin on his face cracked, and white smoke came out.

There was a strong smell of barbecue in the whole compartment, Jiang Xiaolong grinned and gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

The white meat that was turned out began to make a sizzling sound, and the second and third masters showed unbearable expressions on their faces. Only the master had not changed his expression until now.

The energy of the practice method is still strengthening, and the temperature of the strong light is still soaring. Jiang Xiaolong can already feel death beckoning like him at this time.

Jiang Xiaolong, whose body was completely numb, shook his head violently, only then did he realize that he was still alive.

The scroll began to spin violently above Jiang Xiaolong's head, and the temperature soared even more clearly.

The bones on Jiang Xiaolong's shoulders have been exposed, and he was almost unconscious, he just supported his whole body with that little faith.

The glare is unpredictable, red and white glare, red, blue, green.

At this time, the fine sweat on Si Lao's forehead had completely wet the clothes on his shoulders, and the top of his head was still steaming.

The second and third masters reacted even more strongly, their expressions were slightly painful, and their legs began to tremble slightly, showing that this time was already their limit.

"Xiaolong, close your eyes, we are about to succeed, the second and third, the last fight, hurry up! 35

Si Lao shouted coldly.

When the two heard the voice of the elder brother, their bodies suddenly seemed to be electrified, and they gritted their teeth and used their arms to push back the terrifying energy light wave.

Si Lao jumped up and stood parallel to the Qiankun Scroll, with a large energy wave ball on his head, and with a loud roar, he directly pushed the energy wave ball in his hand to the Qiankun Scroll.

At this moment, dozens of bright lights flashed back and forth, and people couldn't open their eyes at all.

Jiang Xiaolong only felt that his body was slightly suspended in the air, and then he didn't know anything until he woke up and found himself lying in an endless white space.

There is no debris at all in the surrounding area, the white is a bit desolate, but it seems to be full of a magical energy.

Looking around, Jiang Xiaolong felt pain all over his body and remembered what happened before.

Looking at the tattered cloth sticking to his skin, he murmured:

""||Is this inside the Qiankun Scroll, have I really succeeded!"

No longer caring about the pain on his skin, Jiang (Li Haohao) Xiaolong stood up abruptly and shouted happily:

"Father, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations, Gorefiend, I will make you pay your debts with blood!

His voice was extremely loud, but there seemed to be no echo at all.

It is conceivable that there must be no medium like a marginal mountain around here.

Sitting down with his legs crossed, he began to feel the energy of his divine spring water. In less than two days, the skin on his body finally healed.

Only then did he get up and move his muscles and bones. He didn't bother to wear clothes here. Anyway, he was alone, and he was not afraid that others would peep at him.

After turning around for a long time, after the curiosity completely dissipated, he took out the three exercise precepts.

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