Chapter 616

The last sentence was almost shouted out loudly, and the cold murderous aura echoed in the narrow pseudo-space domain, which was extremely harsh.

"Okay, this is the apprentice of my Craftsman God. What you have to do now is to quickly use the energy of the military veins to open the third layer of the universe furnace and master the third casting style.

Immortal Craftsman Liu, hehe, just a Immortal Craftsman has such a big face, I don't think his strength is much stronger,

This time, if I rely on him to cast the joint, I think it will be over!

Let's rely on our own strength. As long as there is time, coupled with the powerful energy of your army, I think it will be successful. "

"Ah, I heard it right, let's come, those are the seven supreme weapons, how can it be possible in such a short period of time?

Jiang Xiaolong was very frightened, with a look of disbelief, and asked with wide eyes.

"Haha, have you forgotten what it is to be a teacher? You can tell just by listening to the title, one is a craftsman fairy, the other is a craftsman god, which one is stronger, you can decide for yourself!

Grandpa Er Cang sighed softly with his hands behind his back.

I was really confused, but I forgot about it. Thinking about it, there are still some doubts, and softly doubting:

"But is this really okay? Didn't you say that you are only incorporeal and can't help me directly?"

"That's right, I said it. I didn't say that I can help you directly. Everything depends on you. I only play a supporting role. Don't take me seriously!"

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Grandpa Er Cang's mouth, and said indifferently.

The question mark on Jiang Xiaolong's head, what is Grandpa Er Cang doing? After mentioning his confidence, he suddenly threw his confidence back, what is he doing with such good intentions?

"You're right, what am I doing so well for, and what is the benefit to me, little boy, think about it carefully, and call me out after you think it through. 35

After all, Grandpa Er Cang disappeared in mid-air, leaving only a few afterimages.

The reason is actually simple and easy to understand. At this time, he has long wanted to understand that this is what Grandpa Er Cang is doing.

"I want to understand, it's all for me, in order to wake up my somewhat decadent soul!

Jiang Xiaolong shouted loudly.

The iron bulls are still a little worried about Jiang Xiaolong. Although Jiang Xiaolong spoke loudly inside, no sound could be heard outside.

"Hey, little girl, I haven't seen each other for so long, but my personality hasn't changed at all!

When I first saw your serious look on your face, I was shocked. Your life experience is truly legendary. "

Seeing the equally boring poetry on the side, Tie Niu teased.

Hearing Dao Tie Niu speak, Shi Shi woke up from her memory, thinking about Jiang Xiaolong in the past,

Looking at the current Jiang Xiaolong, he seems to have really changed. Could it be that he already has someone he likes?

Otherwise, why would you be so cold to yourself!

Seeing the smiling iron bull, Shishi thought about it, and now she may only get the answer (cjed) from him.

He smiled and came to Tie Niu's side, winked with a wink, and said in an ecstatic high voice:

"Brother Niu! Does Xiaolong already have someone he likes, or why would he treat himself like this? 39


Not only did Tie Niu speak out, although he was Jiang Xiaolong's iron buddy, what exactly did Jiang Xiaolong think about this matter?

He really can't guarantee it, the only thing he can be sure of is that Jiang Xiaolong already has a lover.

But shouldn't I tell him this now, and will she be making a fool of myself if she says that according to her character?

The originally careless Tie Niu also became cautious at this time. He did not dare to be careless about the words of the master before he left.

"I really don't know about this, but in this special period, Xiaolong shouldn't think about that.

Iron Bull said helplessly.

Although Shishi's character is a bit savage, she is still very serious when she thinks about things. When she thinks about it, if it's really like what Uncle Liu said,

The fate of the entire Martial Dao Continent is tied to him, the pressure must be great, and she understands that.

"Oh, I see." Shishi said disappointedly.

"Oh, my good brother, you are so lucky, I'm envious!

Tie Niu raised his voice deliberately, and said with a twist.

On the top of another mountain, Si Lao gradually showed his figure in the thick fog.

He was standing in front of a large Taoist temple at this time, looked up at the huge furnace hanging in the air, took a deep breath, and said lightly:

"It seems that the level of the guy's refining has been improved again, and he has already felt the powerful energy emanating from the furnace here.

When Si Laojiao just stepped into the gate of the Taoist temple, a strong and slightly mocking voice came from a distance.

"Hey, I thought who it was, it turned out to be Senior Brother Si, I'm really at a loss to welcome you! But it doesn't seem like there is anything you need here!

Slowly standing still, Si Lao looked up into the distance and said:

"Junior Brother Liu, I came to your land today because I have something to help you with."

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