Chapter 634

"But what I didn't expect was that when I was drifting to a sparsely populated place on the top of a mountain stream, I met a master casting master.

It was he who took me in when I was most in danger. At that time, I was desperate and my future was hopeless.

Even I have given up on myself, but after meeting him, my whole life will be different,

He began to teach me to learn casting exercises and gave me a great army, but because of my own desire for possession,

Although he did not promise to accept me as a disciple, in my heart, he has already become my second master.

So until today, I have been able to become an immortal casting master because of the existence of the master,

Without him, I would not be where I am today. Later, due to the crisis in the foundry world, Master competed with an evil spirit craftsman.

Both of them disappeared, and there is no news since then, and I have been depressed for a long time since then,

After I regained my strength, I swore that one day I would find a disciple of the evil spirit craftsman and seek justice for Master.

Everyone was stunned, including Jiang Xiaolong and Si Lao, Jiang Xiaolong then understood,

It turned out that they were not a master, so he was relieved, or else he recognized Si Lao as a master and recognized Grandpa Er Cang as a master, wouldn't the seniority in the middle be messed up!

Si Lao's face was full of horror, and he had no idea that so many things would happen in Liu's life later.

However, when he heard Liu Xianjiang say that he identified the second master, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his body seemed to be shaking.

Godless eyes traveled to the time when he just came to the Qiankun Cave Master Gate, and the first requirement to enter the Qiankun Cave at that time was.

In this life, there can only be one teacher in Qiankun Cave, and you can't go to other teachers, otherwise you will only die if you know about it.

When his master passed away, he kept saying this sentence in his ear, and anyone who betrayed his master's sect would be killed without mercy.

This is also one of the decisions to safeguard the interests of the division and to continue the division safely.

"Senior Brother Si, I know that I made a big mistake and betrayed my teacher, but I have never regretted it.

Master is very good to me, I have been thinking about him all these years, every time I think about him, I almost go crazy,

I thought that there would never be any news of Master in this lifetime, but Jiang Xiaolong rekindled my hope,

The appearance of Master's Universe Furnace and the Gorefiend Crazy Blade means that he is still alive, and he may be stumped by something now.

I can't leave now, but I believe he will always come back to find me. I have endured this for so long.

When I say it, I feel a lot better. In fact, I don't want to ask for anything when I say it now.

I just want to ask Brother Si to give me a little more time, let me help defeat the Gorefiend, and after successfully rescuing the master, then use the rules of the master to deal with me~々. 99

Hearing this, Si Lao was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect this kind of situation to happen at this time.

The words Master said before he died were always in his ears, and no one could violate the rules of the sect, let alone blaspheme the rules of the sect.

At this critical moment, how could he kill Immortal Liu for the sake of the rules.

It would be really troublesome to deal with the Gorefiend and the terrifying forces behind him.

The synthesis of these supreme weapons would not have been possible at all if he, an extraterrestrial expert, did not participate in it.

On the one hand, it is the rules of the gate, and on the other hand, it is the comfort of the entire Martial Dao Continent. Which one should he follow?

The third master also knew that this was the most difficult time for eldest brother, and went forward to comfort him:

"Because a small loss is a big deal, only the stability of the mainland can be exchanged for the stability of our division. If the mainland is gone, who else can those sect rules control?"

After listening to this sentence, Si Lao felt that he had a direction. He was too excited just now, and he suddenly woke up.

"|| Yes, if Master was still alive, I believe he would do the same! 39

After everything was appeased, Jiang Xiaolong remembered the second master, glanced around, and said worriedly:

"Second master hasn't come back yet?"

Everyone sank their heads, Si Lao sighed lightly and stepped forward and said:

"Up to now, there is no news of the second brother, hey!"

"Then let's hurry to find it, otherwise, I'm afraid the second master will be in danger!

Jiang Xiaolong said anxiously, he cherishes the people around him (Li Li's) very much, he may have lost too much, and he is always at a loss.

Si Lao shook his head lightly and sighed:

"Hey, I hope he can survive this calamity, Xiaolong, you must not easily reveal your strength now, we will find it if you are looking for it, and if there is no news about the second brother tomorrow, we will find it, you can cultivate here with peace of mind, Qian Do not reveal your identity and strength. 99

Although Jiang Xiaolong was very anxious, for the sake of everyone's common goal, he could only wait patiently. I hope that the second master will not have an accident.

"Big brother, I'll go to Longcheng first to find out if there is any news about the second brother. Then we can determine the target direction."

The three masters stepped forward and said.

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