Chapter 639 The Eighth Supreme Immortal Tool

"Hey, I don't have any good options right now,

Oh, by the way, what is this rumor about, why does it have to be a combination of eight supreme weapons?"

Liu Xianjiang said with some doubts.

Although he had heard about the Gorefiend from his master before, he didn't know much about these eight supreme weapons.

Elder Si let out a breath, his face full of helplessness, and said:

"It is rumored that the collection of eight supreme weapons can only be used by the saints who have two veins to control the blood demon deity. This is what the prophets said, and there should be nothing wrong.

And seeing the nervous performance of the Gorefiend, it is even more clear that this rumor should be true. ""

"Oh, I see!"

At this time Jiang Xiaolong came in and sighed as soon as he came in:

"Master, we can't find the eighth supreme weapon, what should we do now, or should we think of other ways. 99

Si Lao slowly shook his head and said, "I just discussed this with Junior Brother Liu, and there is no better way yet!

Seeing Jiang Xiaolong, Xianjiang Liu thoughtfully thought that since he could get Master's Qiankun Stove, he would definitely know the whereabouts of Master, and said anxiously:

"Jiang Xiaolong, where did you get your Qiankun stove? Tell me, I may find the master, and the master will definitely find a way."

Master, by the way, Grandpa Er Cang will definitely have a solution in such a situation, why not ask him first.

"Senior Liu, I'm sorry, I forgot the exact location, I only know it's around Tianling Mountain~々.

Jiang Xiaolong said indifferently, he can only deal with Liu Xianjiang's problem first, and he has to ask Grandpa Er Cang if he wants to tell the truth.

"Master, I definitely can't think of a good way at the moment, I think I will first understand the energy of the practice.

Jiang Xiaolong said again.

"Okay, you can go down first. If Xianjiang Liu and I discuss any good solutions, we will tell you." Si Lao said indifferently.

In the other compartment, in order to avoid being disturbed by others, he also set up a pseudo-space field, and then called out Grandpa Er Cang.

"Little boy, what is there to call me out!"

Grandpa Er Cang's soul floated in the air and said softly.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't want to talk too much, so he asked straight to the point:

"Grandpa Er Cang, you should know the prophecy legend. If the eighth supreme weapon cannot be found, is there anything that can replace the eighth supreme weapon!"9

"Good boy, so direct, in fact, this is not a prophecy, everything is fact,

At that time, the evil spirit craftsman God forged the blood demon knife. In order to crack the domineering power of this knife, I

And refined a supreme immortal vessel containing eight media including gold, wood, water, fire, earth, heaven, earth, and heaven and earth, respectively.

Use the mutual restraint and mutual growth between various media to crack the evil spirit of the Gorefiend Crazy Blade. 99

Grandpa Er Cang said lightly.

These facts almost didn't make Jiang Xiaolong giggle, too afraid, too powerful, which is too coincidental.

Is it God helping him? I didn't expect that Grandpa Er Cang turned out to be the creator of the eight supreme weapons on the Martial Dao Continent.

After being surprised, Jiang Xiaolong was still a little worried, and asked, "Where is the Supreme Immortal Artifact now?"

"Later, after subduing the Gorefiend, the eight sects killed each other for this sword, in order to avoid disaster,

Therefore, it is divided into eight supreme weapons, which are scattered in the eight sects of the Martial Dao Continent.

In this way, it will be peaceful, and I have won the approval of the heads of the eight sects, and I have always been called the God of Ecang. ""

Jiang Xiaolong finally understood, but Grandpa Er Cang still seemed to miss the point when he said these words.

""|| What will happen if one of the eight supreme weapons is missing, can it overcome the domineering power of the Gorefiend Sword? "

"No, if there is one less of the eight mediums, and the martial artist has to insist on it, it is very likely that it will not only be unable to assist the martial artist, but also due to the imbalance of the medium, the energy of the martial artist will flow backwards and form an anti-phagocytosis. 99

"Ah, it's so dangerous, so is there any other medium that can be replaced?

Jiang Xiaolong said anxiously.

"Well, then let me think about it, the supreme weapon of the Demonic House belongs to the Qiankun medium,

If you dare, I can try it with your gun of reincarnation,

On the one hand, it is because Longxingxia is also a sword of fairy weapon level (Li Wangzhao),

On the other hand, it has the assistance of the soul of the device, and it should be able to receive the gift of the universe medium. "

As soon as he heard that there was an opportunity, Jiang Xiaolong certainly would not miss it, no matter how much he took the risk, even if he replaced him with his life, he was willing to shake.

"That's great, then when can we start, I can't wait!"

"Now we can try, I will give you the Qiankun medium, and you can force it onto the gun of reincarnation. If it succeeds, then it is ok.


The words fell, and the Qiankun furnace suddenly appeared. At this time, he directly opened the third floor of the Qiankun furnace, flexibly and freely used the weapons to assist him as a prelude to perception.

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