Chapter 642 Don't talk to me

Although Si Lao could see Jiang Xiaolong's worry, he didn't say anything. At this moment, he had no bottom in his heart.

The two super warriors who have reached the middle and late stage of martial arts are unable to take the blood demon, so with Jiang Xiaolong's strength, I am afraid it will be?

"Brother, my soul sense feels that the evil energy is doubling and strengthening, is it that the blood demon wants the deity to leave the body!

The three masters were shocked.

Si Lao nodded helplessly and said:

"The deity should have been successfully realized, that is to say, he has been completely reborn. 35

"Well, hahaha, I'm finally reborn, all the "five, six, seven" in the world will belong to me, and I will be the only one.

The blood demon roared arrogantly.

Following Si Lao's footsteps, they had already arrived at the gate of Longcheng. At this time, they could clearly see the shadows of Tianba, Diba and Gorefiend. Beside them, Jiang Xiaolong also saw Ye Gu, his nemesis. cold.

As soon as he saw this familiar shadow, Jiang Xiaolong began to tremble with anger, if it wasn't for Liu Xianjiang comforting Jiang Xiaolong by the side, he might have rushed up.

Tianba and Diba stood on the east and west sides of the Dragon City wall, while the Gorefiend floated obliquely in the air, and Ye Guhan followed him, and his eyes were full of evil.

The figures of Tianba and Diba are very huge, holding a giant axe and a mad knife in their hands, and they look very burly when matched with a golden armor.

Seeing the changes in Gorefiend, the two of them felt a little tricky at this time, and they had never imagined that Gorefiend would be so powerful before.

Looking at the Gorefiend floating in the air again, the long green hair exploded and stood up, dressed in a blood-red outfit, holding the Gorefiend mad knife in his hand.

Although he doesn't look so imposing on the outside, he has an evil spirit in his bones, and his eyes are the source of evil. If ordinary people dare to stare at it for more than three seconds, they will definitely explode in evil spirits. dead.

"What are you yelling at, let's see if I won't tear you apart!"

Tianba on the east side of the city felt nauseated when he looked at the slightly wretched Gorefiend, couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted loudly.

The land tyrant was also a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but scolded:

"What about this deity? You still have to die, and you want to devour our blood. I'm really not afraid of exploding! It's not that I underestimate you, but your small body can handle it!"

The two of them scolded like this, but the Gorefiend didn't seem to be too touched, a wicked smile appeared on his face, and he said indifferently from his throat:

"Hehe, the deity is out of the body, I am the only one in the world, those who obey me prosper and those who go against me perish!

"Don't bullshit me, if you want to come, come and come, Laozi, my hands are itchy!"

Tianba and Diba shouted at the same time, apparently they didn't notice Jiang Xiaolong and others who were hiding not far from the ground.

In an instant, the ground shook.

The sky is falling apart, the blood-colored light is violent, one by one!

"Master. Are you all right!" Xiaobai said worriedly, swinging his huge tail.

Jiang Xiaolong stepped among the clouds, sneered softly, and pouted:

"Okay, far beyond my imagination, you are my real pride, hehe! 35

"Master, you are laughing at me again, hey!" Xiaobai sighed.

"Come on, go on!"

"Ah, go on, this!

Stepping into the blue sky, the long spear's rays of light appeared, and the sharp spear blade made a sound of breaking the wind, and the momentum overwhelmed everything.

"Master, you are trying to be serious, you can't."

Before Xiaobai's voice could land, Jiang Xiaolong took a stride, raised his spear in both arms, and let out a loud shout.

"Take the move, break through the limit of restraint!

Xiaobai circled in the sky, his anger skyrocketing, if it dodged at this time, the owner would definitely be unhappy, and there was no second choice but to resist.


This time, Jiang Xiaolong's spear strength has obviously increased several times, and it has created a dazzling spark with the giant thorns on Xiaobai's tail.

This time Jiang Xiaolong was mentally prepared, and he was not bounced off, but once again increased the power of his martial soul and divine veins,

The strength of the immortal artifact was stimulated by him again, and it was obvious that the immortal artifact had been completely driven by his belief.

After two days of fighting, when they were all exhausted and could no longer contain any energy from the exercises, Jiang Xiaolong stopped and landed slowly. Although he was exhausted, he still had a look of excitement on his face.

"Master. Are you really all right!"

Xiaobai was in the air above Jiang Xiaolong's head, even though he was a little weak at this time.

But when it saw the master's strength skyrocketing again and again, it was extremely excited.

4.3 "Haha! I'm not a paper paste, don't worry, it's you, the dragon scales were trembling just now, are you alright!"

"Haha!" One man and one beast roared up to the sky.

Xiaobai's dragon scales are far beyond Jiang Xiaolong's imagination. This guy is more than a hundred times harder than a sharp weapon. With such a magical pet by his side, he has nothing to worry about.

"Kill it, I want him to pay it back a hundredfold!"

Jiang Xiaolong raised his head and laughed loudly, this is not because he is arrogant, but the depression that has been suppressed for 30 years finally broke out in these two days, and he fell down like a fresh spring.

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