Chapter 645 Come on, the harder the better

The originally imposing pseudo soldiers were suppressed at this time, and their arrogance was wiped away. They were not as terrifying as before, and they slowly used the halo energy to drag the super Jiang Xiaolong away from the pseudo soldiers step by step.

"Xiaolong, open your mouth quickly. The third child, you must hold on, and make the last attempt, and you must not make any mistakes.

Si Lao said seriously.

One last shot and everything will be fine!

In order not to panic, Jiang Xiaolong kept reminding himself.

The third master shouted and reminded himself:

"Come on, come boldly, the harder the better, roll!

As the pseudo-warrior approached, Jiang Xiaolong could already feel the powerful domineering,

Although the divine veins in the dantian have been squeezed very little by the third master's powerful exercises,

But it doesn't seem to want to give up 567. As the pseudo-soldier approached, it also began to get excited, and it seemed that it also wanted to play for the last time.

Finally, the pseudo-soldier veins fell into Jiang Xiaolong's mouth, and a white energy suddenly radiated from the army veins, penetrated into his blood and bones everywhere, and ran straight to Dantian along his meridians.

Although this white energy is very huge, the energy of the divine veins is not covered.

At this time, the third master no longer had the energy to simply suppress the divine veins, and it was the most important thing to hold on to the dantian at this critical moment.

One white, one blue!

At the moment when the two energies came into contact, it seemed to be extremely hostile, devouring each other without showing any affection.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolong was the one to suffer. Originally, all the meridians had already accepted the arrival of the pseudo-warrior, but after the disturbance of the nerves.

They seem to keep calling, most of them are on the side of the gods, and only a very few meridians are supporting the pseudo-war.

Although the pseudo-warrior has a great disadvantage at this time, it seems that he has no intention of giving up, and is still violently impacting the energy of the divine pulse.

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't bear the feeling of being swallowed up by the meridians any longer, and shouted loudly.

He used the halo energy to tightly suppress the white energy of the pseudo-army, so that Jiang Xiaolong felt less pain.

In order to completely control the energy balance of Jiang Xiaolong's body, the second master had no choice but to withdraw the energy from the pseudo-soldier meridian and transfer it to the divine meridian.

The three of them are like this, one person controls the pseudo-warrior, one person controls the pseudo-divine vein, and the other person controls the dantian.

Divine veins have periods of energy fluctuations, and within a certain period of time, in order to supply all the energy required by the master's body functions, they will gather their strength, ready for the master to call at any time.

"The second child, the third child, are all ready, we must seize the opportunity, and when the two veins are contracted, he will violently give the pseudo-warrior veins to his dantian,

Then mobilize all the energy to suppress the dantian, and do not let the two break through the dantian.

"Good!" (cjed)

Jiang Xiaolong didn't understand this, and Tie Niu and the others were even more confused, but listening to their tone of voice and the changes in their expressions,

It is not difficult to think that this is the most critical moment, Tie Niu wiped a cold sweat, and secretly cheered for Jiang Xiaolong:

"Boy, if there is something wrong with you, I will definitely not let you go.

The three of them worked together at the same time, and at the most critical moment, they finally forcibly pushed their soldiers into Jiang Xiaolong's dantian, and then immediately suppressed the violently swollen dantian.

Within the dantian, the two veins are vying for their own territory, and the powerful energy impact is all attributed to the dantian.

If you want to keep Dantian, you must let them stop strife and agree to the outside world, so that they can be used by the master.

"Little dragon, use your faith to suppress them, never let them do whatever they want, if you are strong, they will be weak,

If you are stronger than him, this is the reason why no one in the entire Martial Dao Continent can swallow Shuangmai. 99

Si Lao emphasized while conveying the exercises to Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong's eyes widened, the pain almost made him unconscious, and the only trace of faith was still forcibly supported,

Several times he couldn't hold on any longer. Dantian is the absolute soul of the entire martial artist. If the dantian bursts, then the martial artist will no longer exist.

I was confused when I heard Master's voice, and then some consciousness came into being, I knew what I was doing,

What must be done in this moment, beliefs? Repress them?

Sister, father, Yueer, Zihua, innocent people of the entire Longwu Empire.

These are his beliefs, he took a deep breath and tried to use his beliefs to control two powerful energies.

But every time under a new round of pain, his beliefs will become much weaker. After two or three times, those beliefs will no longer exist, and being able to survive is his only criterion now.

"Xiaolong, you must not sleep, you must persevere.

Looking at Jiang Xiaolong, who was a little sluggish, Si Lao shouted loudly that if he was going to fall asleep at this time, he would most likely not wake up again, as long as his faith disappeared.

No matter how hard the three of them tried, it wouldn't make much difference.

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