Chapter 697 How dare you call the emperor like that

At this time, he was no longer the little dragon when he just came to Longcheng, and he lost the attention of thousands of people, in exchange for the ridicule of thousands of people.

In just a few months of this reality, everything around him has changed, including himself.

At this time, he had long lost confidence in this sinful world, and even felt a little disgusted with the evil spirit of mankind.

Despite this, his heart for his lover and relatives did not waver in the slightest, and he was still so determined.

Even more persistent than before, this is Jiang Xiaolong, dare to love and hate.

Si Lao Tie Niu and the others were also in the audience "May 97", the only one who wasn't there was Tianba. At this time, even his favorite apprentice, Tie Niu, didn't know where he went.

This made Si Lao very worried, afraid that he would really do something excessive,

Looking around, I still couldn't see the shadow of Tianba, so I could only ask Tie Niu to look for it.

At this time, in a small courtyard in the palace, Ambassador Zuo and several of his subordinates sneaked into the room,

There was a mysterious figure behind them. Although Ambassador Zuo's cultivation base was not shallow, he still failed to detect the existence of this person.

In the room, there is also a secret underground passage in the dark. After Ambassador Zuo noticed that there was no change in the surroundings,

He opened the passage to the secret room, and ordered someone to wait outside while he walked in.

It was Shao Qing who were detained in the secret room. Seeing someone coming in, Zi Yan was especially excited.

So far, they have understood the general situation and know that they have been kidnapped.

"Tell me where Jiang Xiaolong is, why are you imprisoning us here, tell me! 99

Zi Yan couldn't control her emotions, and she was about to run towards Ambassador Zuo.

At this moment, on the top of the secret room, a black shadow flashed through the window, and Tianba stood directly beside several golden armored guards.

Although they are usually regarded as first-class masters in Longcheng, they are still far from the supreme powerhouses like Tianba.

With a flick of his fingers, the strong murderous aura that burst out was enough to kill several of them.

Without too much movement, Tianba has already eliminated the few people in front of him, and this Ambassador Zuo has been observing for a whole day.

This day, he had the most intimate connection with the emperor, and he looked for it several times in one day, and happened to meet Jiang Xiaolong again.

Therefore, Tianba believes that this person must have something to do with Jiang Xiaolong's willingness to bear such a black pot this time.

Finally, seeing him sneaking into this little dragon, he knew that something must be going on in this room.

Sure enough, at this time, with his superhuman hearing, he could already vaguely hear the conversation in the secret room.

Only then did I know the whole story. It turned out that they used such evil means to force Jiang Xiaolong into submission.

Is this also the idea of ​​the emperor's second child? If this is the case, then I can no longer find any reason to help him.

"Jiang Xiaolong, I will definitely let you meet, but you must be quiet first, otherwise, I will take your life Jiang Xiaolong's life!""

Ambassador Zuo said in a cold voice, the flesh on his face gathered together, and with his evil smile, he seemed to have a bit of that meaning.

Fan Yizhouze and the others are also violent, how can they hold back at this time, just when they were about to have a hard time with him, there was an incredible expression on their faces.

At this time, Ambassador Zuo also felt a chill behind him. Although he didn't know why he felt this way, he knew that something terrifying must have appeared behind him.

Slowly turning around, seeing that the person behind him was Tianba, he almost didn't hold back his breath,

He took a few steps back abruptly, pointed his finger at Tianba in disbelief, and said in astonishment:

"How could you possibly have come here?"

Tianba sneered and said:

"You can come, why can't I come, you must know that I also have a place in this palace!

Ambassador Zuo slightly adjusted his expression, came to Shao Qing and the others, pointed at Tianba and pretended to be firm:

"Okay, this is our famous supreme powerhouse Tianba. He is a top-ranked master in our entire Martial Arts Continent, and his cultivation base has reached the realm of transcendence. 35

After speaking, looking at Tianba's expression, he smiled awkwardly, and then said:

"Senior Tian, ​​how many of them are Jiang Xiaolong's comrades, they were just arrested by me and are about to be interrogated, do you think?

Tianba's face is full of helplessness, this old guy has a 4.3 cunning look, the corners of his eyes are thicker than his own,

At first glance, it was an absolute traitor, and he sneered, then glanced at the few people around, and then sneered:

"Hehe, they are Jiang Xiaolong's accomplices, what a joke, I think you are the accomplices of the emperor's second child! 95

Hearing him call the emperor like this, Ambassador Zuo's face was even more ugly, and he was very worried, but he still bit his lip and said:

"You, how dare you call the emperor like that!"

The trembling voice was full of fear, and it could be seen that he was completely frightened by Tianba at this time.

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