Chapter 812 The Secret About the Continent

This is not difficult to understand, just like Huoyun is an immortal master, and Jiang Xiaolong's maddening fire dance would be difficult to break through if he didn't have the supernatural power of the Heavenly Fire Wheel.

But if Huoyun is a great immortal master, or higher, then even Jiang Xiaolong has the supernatural power of the Heavenly Fire Wheel, he has not broken through his Myriad Fire Dance defense.

One day, two days, three days, two months passed.

But Jiang Xiaolong didn't move at all, if he didn't have energy fluctuations in his body, he really thought he was dead.

After another half month, Jiang Xiaolong finally moved his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes, shouting loudly:

""Six Seven Three" Ten Thousand Fire Dances.""


I saw Jiang Xiaolong's whole body rise from a reddish-brown flame under his feet, and finally surrounded Jiang Xiaolong's whole body in the flame.

The surrounding air, which was still moist just now, dries up.

It was successful. Jiang Xiaolong looked at the flames burning all over his body with a smile on his face.

As long as a fairy sits down to practice, he will forget time.

Although Jiang Xiaolong didn't know how long it took, Jiang Xiaolong probably knew that this practice took a lot of time.

Because this Dance of Ten Thousand Fires is a defensive magical power, there is no way to test his power, only the intensity of the flame can roughly see the level of defense.

Jiang Xiaolong originally wanted to see how long he could support him, but his stomach was screaming.

"It seems that the training time this time is not short!"

Jiang Xiaolong touched his stomach, smiled, and muttered to himself, then put away the flames on his body.

With a single thought, I took out a mass of microscopic energy food from the Rong Ring and ate it.

Immediately, his stomach was full, but when he was full, Jiang Xiaolong hesitated. He was thinking about whether to finish training the other two books now, or to search for Tianhuo.

If the other two magical powers are completed, Jiang Xiaolong's strength will definitely increase a lot.

And that would definitely take a lot of time, Jiang Xiaolong wanted to find that kind of fire quickly.

After all, when he was cultivating supernatural powers this time, other people in his body were also cultivating the exercises at the same time, but the supernatural powers were cultivated, but he found that there was not much change in his body.

Jiang Xiaolong was very unhappy with this kind of strength that hasn't risen for a long time. Although the supernatural powers can make the immortals stronger, his own strength is stronger after all.

It's not difficult to understand, just say that an immortal master no matter how powerful you are, you are still no match for a great immortal master.

This is the difference in level, so Jiang Xiaolong wanted to find Tianhuo quickly, so that his strength could be improved as soon as possible.

Just when Jiang Xiaolong hesitated, a familiar voice of Jiang Xiaolong rang:

"Xiaolong, you still need to finish cultivating the two magical powers first, and then go to look for Heavenly Fire.

Grandpa Ercan!

Jiang Xiaolong was overjoyed when he heard this familiar voice.

That's right, this person is Grandpa Er Cang who hasn't appeared for a long time. Grandpa Er Cang fluttered out of the ring in Jiang Xiaolong's hand and looked at Jiang Xiaolong kindly:

"Xiaolong, you should practice those two magical powers first!"


Jiang Xiaolong actually had such a plan, but there was always something stuck in his heart. Now that he heard Grandpa Er Cang's words, he didn't hesitate.

Jiang Xiaolong was not in a hurry to cultivate, but looked at Grandpa Er Cang in front of him with a puzzled expression.

Jiang Xiaolong had been in distress many times and wanted to find the help of Grandpa Er Cang, but Grandpa Er Cang did not appear.

And now, how could Grandpa Er Cang suddenly appear?

"Grandpa Er Cang, where have you been hiding during this time, and you never came out.

Grandpa Er Cang heard the blame in Jiang Xiaolong's words, smiled and said:

"Xiaolong, you have to remember not to think of relying on others on the path of cultivation, and now I only exist in the form of divine consciousness, and I can't help you at all.

Jiang Xiaolong was stunned when he heard Grandpa Er Cang's words, he always thought that Grandpa Er Cang was very strong.

After all, he had lived for so long, then he looked at Grandpa Er Cang's vague voice, scratched his head and chuckled:

"Grandpa Er Cang, I understand.""

"Hmm!" 5

Although Grandpa Er Cang did not appear during this time, he has been observing the development of Jiang Xiaolong during this time.

He was quite satisfied with Jiang Xiaolong's development, nodded and said:

"Xiaolong, it should take some time for you to understand now."

What's the matter? Does this Martial Dao Continent have any other secrets in 4.3?

During this period of time, Jiang Xiaolong got a lot of unknown things about the Martial Dao Continent from the mouth of the Obsidian Demon Lord.

Now that he heard Grandpa Er Cang say this again, Jiang Xiaolong felt that he had lived in vain for so long on the Martial Dao Continent.

"Grandpa Er Cang, what the hell is going on!"

Grandpa Er Cang, sighed lightly and said:

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I found that my spiritual consciousness won't last for long, and it is about to be shattered.

"What's the meaning.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Xiaolong asked in confusion after pondering for a while.

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