Chapter 815 tell me who it is

Jiang Xiaolong has completely lost his mind now, like a beast, looking at Grandpa Er Cang with red eyes and roaring:

"Grandpa Er Cang, tell me, who is it?"


Grandpa Er Cang didn't sympathize with Jiang Xiaolong's anger, but he was furious when he saw his irrational behavior.

If he was still a person now, he would definitely slap Jiang Xiaolong hard.

It's a pity that he is only the existence of consciousness, he can't do anything to the angry Jiang Xiaolong,

With a cold snort, he got into the Daozu Ring in Jiang Xiaolong's hand without much nonsense, leaving behind an angry Jiang Xiaolong.

"Grandpa Er Cang."

When Grandpa Er Cang disappeared in front of his eyes, Jiang Xiaolong realized his rudeness just now and hurriedly shouted:

"Grandpa Er Cang, come out and tell me if it is the Dove Demon Temple.

This time, Grandpa Er Cang chose to tell Jiang Xiaolong these things, mainly for two reasons.

The first is that he felt that he might not survive for long, no matter how powerful he was during his lifetime,

But after all, he has existed in this form for a thousand years, and if there is no adventure, he will always be wiped out.

The second point is Jiang Xiaolong's own development. Jiang Xiaolong has now broken through the immortal master, and he is more or less a strong player in the current martial arts continent.

And Jiang Xiaolong's next journey is likely to meet people from the six temples. Grandpa Er Cang told him that he wanted Jiang Xiaolong to have a range.

But Jiang Xiaolong's suffocation is too heavy, and the practitioners are most afraid of what will be involved.

Grandpa Er Cang was afraid that Jiang Xiaolong would ruin Jiang Xiaolong's own future, not to mention revenge, even if he himself could survive in this cruel world.

"Grandpa Er Cang, hurry up and answer me, who killed our entire clan?

Jiang Xiaolong waited for so many years, practiced for so many years, just for revenge, and he searched for so many years,

He also didn't find any murderer about killing his entire clan. Now he suddenly heard Grandpa Er Cang mention how to calm his heart.

Suddenly Jiang Xiaolong fell to one knee on the ground and kowtowed:

"Grandpa Er Cang, please, tell me who it is."

Grandpa Er Cang and Jiang Xiaolong share the same thoughts, although he doesn't know what Jiang Xiaolong is thinking at the moment,

But he can clearly know what Jiang Xiaolong's mood is now.

Jiang Xiaolong's current mood is like a raging fire, which is full of anger,

And the burning fire was suddenly attacked by ice, which extinguished the fire at once.

That heart sank to the bottom in an instant, it was an indescribable sadness.

Grandpa Er Cang didn't want to tell Jiang Xiaolong this because he wanted to be afraid that Jiang Xiaolong would rush to the Eternal Continent over there on a whim.

At that time, not only could he not get revenge, but he could only give his life in vain.

But seeing Jiang Xiaolong's sad face, Grandpa Er Cang couldn't bear it anymore, sighed softly and floated out of Daozu Jie's (cjed) finger, came to Jiang Xiaolong, and gently supported him.

"Grandpa Er Cang, you finally came out.

Jiang Xiaolong had been screaming just now, thinking in his heart of the happy days he used to be in the Jiang family,

The anger in his heart turned into sadness, and now seeing Grandpa Er Cang come out, Jiang Xiaolong's dark heart seemed to see a light.


Seeing Jiang Xiaolong's childish face, Grandpa Er Cang couldn't help but sigh again,

His old face, who had lived for thousands of years, was full of sadness. With his dry hand, he patted Jiang Xiaolong's shoulder and said with a wry smile:

"Xiaolong, it's not that Grandpa doesn't want to tell you, you have to understand that you cannot be hindered in the way of cultivation, unless you want to stay in the Immortal Master for the rest of your life."

Jiang Xiaolong had been screaming just now, but his heart became quite calm. Now that he heard the words of Grandpa Er Cang,

He could hear it, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, nodded and said:

"Well, Grandpa Er Cang, I understand.

Grandpa Er Cang saw that Jiang Xiaolong had calmed down a lot, and the worry in his heart also decreased a lot.

If there are any entanglements on the road of cultivation, if you can't break through the trivial matters, it will be bad if you go crazy.

Although Jiang Xiaolong has calmed down a lot now, it doesn't mean that he will give up knowing who killed his entire clan.

Seeing that Grandpa Er Cang didn't speak, he just stood up, and with a thud, he knelt down with his feet in front of Grandpa Er Cang, looked at Grandpa Er Cang with a resolute gaze and said:

"Grandpa Er Cang, please, please, tell me who killed our Jiang family. 99

"Alas. 35

Grandpa Er Cang had long guessed that Jiang Xiaolong would definitely ask, and now he regrets telling Jiang Xiaolong these things,

But there is no regret for selling medicine in this world, someone like him who has lived for thousands of years knows better than anyone else, he helped Jiang Xiaolong and sighed:

"Xiaolong, it's not that Grandpa doesn't want to tell you, it's just that with your current strength, you are not their opponent at all. 99

Jiang Xiaolong certainly knew how powerful the enemy he was facing was.

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