Resurrection of Spiritual Energy, A Hundred Times Potential of the Physical Body at the Start

Chapter 818: My Own Devil Temple of the Six Great Devil Temples

Chapter 818: My Own Devil Temple of the Six Great Devil Temples

"Haha, Xiaolong, don't forget that you are just an immortal teacher now. If you want to hurt me, it's too early?" Jiang Xiaolong was really fine when he saw Grandpa Er Cang. scratched his head and smiled bitterly:

"Grandpa Er Cang, I'm really sorry just now. 39

"Don't say this, as long as you remember that no matter what happens in the future, you have to calm down and know?

Of course, Grandpa Er Cang would not blame Jiang Xiaolong, he knew very well that Jiang Xiaolong himself was suffering too.

Thinking of the scene just now, Jiang Xiaolong was really a little scared,

Fortunately, I just hit Grandpa Er Cang, what would be the consequences if it were replaced by other friends who were lower than me?

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't imagine it, and secretly swore in his heart that no matter what happens in the future, he must be calm, he must be calm.

Although Grandpa Er Cang said it lightly, he didn't tell Jiang Xiaolong that he had just received Jiang Xiaolong's full-strength blow. Although there was nothing wrong, it would make his consciousness less survive in this world for many years.

Seeing that this 10-year-old boy was about to take on such a big responsibility, Grandpa Er Cang felt sad in his heart and sighed:

"Alas! If only I were alive.

"Grandpa Er Cang, what kind of power is that Dove Demon Temple!

Jiang Xiaolong just heard that it was the Dove Demon Temple that killed his entire clan, and he couldn't help but get angry in his heart, and now he has calmed down.

Only then did Jiang Xiaolong realize that he still didn't know what power that Dove Demon Temple was.

When Grandpa Er Cang heard Jiang Xiaolong's words, he also reflected it in his own thoughts.

After all, he has lived for such a long time, and he has not seen any ups and downs, and he will not regret and struggle with those things that cannot be changed.

Looking at the stars in the sky, the smile that was still there just now disappeared without a trace, and said with a serious face:

"That Dove Demon Temple is actually our Jiang family's.


Hearing this sentence, Jiang Xiaolong felt a humming sound in his head. Although he knew that he knew very little about the Martial Arts Continent,

But he still felt that he knew his Jiang family well, and he never thought that the Jiang family was the master of the Dove Demon Temple before.

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't believe it, looked at Grandpa Er Cang with a puzzled face and said in surprise:

"Grandpa Er Cang, what the hell is going on here!"

Knowing that Jiang Xiaolong would be surprised, Grandpa Er Cang smiled and continued:

"Actually, this matter has to start with the Great War of Immortals thousands of years ago.""

Jiang Xiaolong learned a little about the Battle of the Immortals from the Black Obsidian Demon Lord, but he was not surprised or interrupted, and quietly waited for Grandpa Er Cang to continue.

Grandpa Er Cang didn't sell anything, just looked at the starry sky and continued:

"Have you heard of the Six Great Immortal Emperors!"


Seeing Jiang Xiaolong nodded, Grandpa Er Cang continued:

"Though the six great immortal emperors said that they were in charge of the five great empires at the same time, they also belonged to the six great devil temples.

Although Jiang Xiaolong of the Six Great Demon Palaces had heard about the battle of the immortals, this was the first time he had heard of the Demon Palace. He looked at Grandpa Er Cang with a puzzled face, wanting to get an answer.

"Let me first tell you which six major devil temples are!"

Although Grandpa Er Cang had been hiding in the Taoist ring in Jiang Xiaolong's hands, he still knew something about Xuanyuan's changes.

He also knows that the well-known six great halls of magic in the past, but now no one in the Martial Dao Continent knows about it, so he has to introduce it from the beginning.

Grandpa Er Cang thought of the days when the six great temples were beautiful in the past, but now it has not fallen to such a level, his face couldn't help showing a gloomy look, he sighed softly, and said:

"Among the six great halls, the Dove Demon Palace is one, and the other four are the Dark Demon Palace, the Sun Moon Demon Palace, the Heaven and Earth Demon Palace, and the Light and Shadow Demon Palace. 35

Jiang Xiaolong nodded when he heard it, but realized that what Grandpa Er Cang just said was the Six Great Demon Temples, and now there are only five, he questioned:

"Grandpa Er Cang, isn't this only the five major halls of magic? Is there another one?

673 "Hehe.

Hearing Jiang Xiaolong's doubts, Grandpa Er Cang pointed at him and chuckled:

"The other is the magic temple that belongs to you now!"

"My own magic temple. 35

Jiang Xiaolong was puzzled. It was the first time he heard about the Six Great Demon Temples, how could he have his own Demon Temple!

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong didn't respond, Grandpa Er Cang laughed and scolded:

"You kid, didn't the Black Obsidian Demon Lord make you the master of the Demon Temple?"


Jiang Xiaolong only reacted when he heard what Grandpa Er Cang said. If Grandpa Er Cang didn't talk about it now,

Jiang Xiaolong really didn't remember it, so he scratched his head with a wry smile and said:

"Actually, I also took over the position of the temple master in a confused way that day. 99

Grandpa Er Cang didn't blame Jiang Xiaolong for being the master of the first hall, but he didn't know what was going on in his hall.

After all, there are very few people who know about the Six Great Demon Temples, and the Black Obsidian Demon Lord didn't say anything to Jiang Xiaolong that day, which Grandpa Er Cang still understands.

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