Resurrection of Spiritual Energy, A Hundred Times Potential of the Physical Body at the Start

Chapter 820 It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge

Chapter 820 It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge

And he could feel Grandpa Er Cang's mood, he could feel the incomparable anger in his heart,

It also made Jiang Xiaolong even more puzzled about what happened back then, and made the always calm grandfather Er Cang so angry.

After all, Grandpa Er Cang has gone through so many years of ups and downs, although he is angry with what happened back then,

But it didn't take a while to calm down and sighed:

"Hey, Xiaolong, I don't want to mention what happened back then, as long as you remember that the current Dove Demon Temple is the enemy who killed our Jiang family."

Although Jiang Xiaolong really wanted to know what happened back then, but felt the sadness of Grandpa Er Cang, Jiang Xiaolong didn't want to expose other people's scars, so he gritted his teeth and said firmly:

"Grandpa Er Cang, don't worry! I will kill the Dove Demon Temple one day to avenge the 3,673 and 12 lives of our Jiang family, and get back the dove demon that should belong to our Jiang family. temple.""

Grandpa Er Cang has been dead for such a long time, and he has lived in a state of consciousness for such a long time,

For what, for one day to revive the scenery of the Jiang family back then,

When he woke up, he found that he had no ability to revive the scenery of the Jiang family back then, and once fell into despair.

Fortunately, he met Jiang Xiaolong later. He was afraid that Jiang Xiaolong was a dude.

Hearing Jiang Xiaolong's words now, his heart also calmed down, he patted Jiang Xiaolong's shoulder and said with relief:

"Xiaolong, it's up to you to rebuild the Jiang family's glory back then."

"Well, Grandpa Er Cang, don't worry, I will definitely restore the majesty of the Jiang family."

Jiang Xiaolong's words are full of domineering, resolute, and a feeling of never giving up.

Actually, Jiang Xiaolong would do these things even if Grandpa Er Cang didn't say it, but now Jiang Xiaolong still told him,

Jiang Xiaolong told him, firstly, to let Grandpa Er Cang know his determination, and secondly, to remind himself to revive the scenery of the Jiang family, engraved in his heart.

Grandpa Er Cang looked at Jiang Xiaolong and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it, shook his head and sighed:

"Hey, Xiaolong, I'll go to bed first if I don't have anything to do."

Although Grandpa Er Cang told Jiang Xiaolong a lot this time, Jiang Xiaolong is still full of doubts on the psychological side.

Jiang Xiaolong wanted to understand everything, but the words were almost on the edge of his mouth, so he still kept his mouth shut,

Jiang Xiaolong knew very well that he still had a long way to go, and he couldn't rely too much on Grandpa Er Cang.

Finally, he nodded and said, "Well, Grandpa Er Cang, go ahead! 35

To say what Jiang Xiaolong just said is simple, to restore the Jiang family's majesty, seems to be an easy thing, only Grandpa Er Cang's psychological aspect is the clearest, how difficult it is to restore the Jiang family's majesty.

After looking at Jiang Xiaolong, he was still worried:

"Xiaolong, you have to remember that no matter what happens to you in the future, you have to learn to deal with it calmly, right?"

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, don't be in a hurry."

Jiang Xiaolong knew that Grandpa Er Cang was talking about the fact that he had almost caught fire with his rage just now, so he nodded obediently and said:

"Grandpa Er Cang, don't worry! I will be careful in the future.

"Hmm. 35

Grandpa Er Cang was quite satisfied with Jiang Xiaolong's answer, he answered lightly, looked at the cave, and said to Jiang Xiaolong:

"Xiaolong, this forest of beasts is not as simple as you think, you should cultivate all the supernatural powers in your hands to the extreme and go out!

"Do you all practice?"

Before he came in, Jiang Xiaolong looked down on this forest of beasts a little, but after encountering the green-eyed python, Jiang Xiaolong didn't dare to look down on this forest of beasts,

Later, Tianlei's death made Jiang Xiaolong even more aware of the dangers of the Hundred Beast Forest.

Although Jiang Xiaolong didn't dare to underestimate this forest of beasts now, he just rested first and then planned to move on after cultivating the magical power of Wan Huo Kuangwu.

Because if you want to complete the cultivation of the three magical powers in your hands, I am afraid you will have to wait a year or two.

Especially the local supernatural power, Jiang Xiaolong asked Grandpa Er Cang:

"Grandpa Er Cang, are you saying that you need to cultivate all of them? I'm afraid it will take several years! 35

When Grandpa Er Cang heard Jiang Xiaolong's words, he chuckled lightly and pointed at Jiang Xiaolong:

"Xiaolong, I didn't tell you just now, don't be afraid to waste time on the way of cultivation, and you are still young. 35

Jiang Xiaolong's current psychological aspect wants to go through the forest of beasts and go to the Hanhai Empire to look for the sky fire.

Because although Jiang Xiaolong just said that he will learn to calm down, he still wants to improve his strength and take revenge as soon as possible.

Looking at Grandpa Eicang's expression, seeing his serious look, it seems that Grandpa Eicang understands the dangers of the Hundred Beast Forest.

Jiang Xiaolong thought about it again when he just stepped into the forest of beasts and encountered a monster of the level of a green-eyed python.

If I go deeper, I really don’t know what kind of monsters I will encounter. Although Jiang Xiaolong doesn’t want to waste too much time in it, he still nodded after thinking about it:

"Well, Grandpa Er Cang, I will cultivate the other two magical powers well, and then walk out of this rock wall.

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