Chapter 822: Shen Family Crisis

"Everyone should now understand the situation our Shen family is in right now!"

After Tie Niu said this, there was no one in the hall to answer.

Seeing that no one answered him, Tie Niu frowned and slowly stood up from the tiger-headed chair.

After walking around the hall, he glanced at the people in the hall solemnly, and sighed:

"Alas, I never imagined that our dignified Shen family would reach where it is today."

In fact, the Shen family will become like this, and the matter will take a few years from the money. Jiang Xiaolong and Yue'er have grievances with the Murong family. The Murong family has always held grudges against the "690"

After the last incident, the Murong family had always kept this incident in their hearts, just to find a chance to take revenge.

And this time, when Shen Wen's son Shen Fei was in control of the Shen family's visit to the city, he took some detours that endangered the interests of the empire for his own happiness.

Shen Fei didn't do this kind of thing less often before, but he has always been at peace with each other, but this time it's different, the Murong family thought about it,

Although they are related to the royal family, the Shen family has made great contributions to the empire for so long.

After all, he is the largest family of refining tools in this empire, and he and the others have thought that if they want to find a breakthrough, they must start with Shen Fei.

And Shen Fei failed this time. He himself was killed on the spot by the Murong family,

As soon as Murong Tie heard the news, he immediately chased after the Emperor Longwu Empire and reported the matter.

Originally, all this could not allow the royal family to kill the Shen family, but the power of the royal family was not the family of the Ouyang brothers who had officially had a relationship with Jiang Xiaolong.

The two of them were Jiang Xiaolong's nemesis, Ouyang Xiangtian, and Ouyang Xiangyun had suffered the loss of Jiang Xiaolong and the Immortal King of Beiling in the Misty Taoist Temple last time, so he always wanted to find a chance to take revenge.

But they didn't dare to seek revenge in the Taoist Temple now, but as soon as they heard the matter of the Shen family, their psychology immediately became revengeful.

A series of coincidences and a series of grudges finally allowed the imperial family, the force representing the highest authority in the empire, to attack the Shen family.

"Brother, why don't we fight with them.

Seeing Tie Niu's helpless appearance, Shen Wen suddenly stood up from the chair, let out all his strength, and gritted his teeth angrily.

Maybe there were conflicts within the Shen family in the past, but now at the moment of the life and death of the Shen family, all the people have also reunited their hearts.

No matter how much Shen Wen wanted the position of the patriarch in the past, he still stood on the side of the Shen family.

And this time, no matter what others said, he took the strongest attitude. After all, his son died in the hands of the Murong family. Of course he wanted revenge.

Of course, Tie Niu also knows what his younger brother thinks. Why doesn't he want to fight with the royal forces?

But you also have to have strength, your entire family has reached the level of Immortal King,

And most of the others are immortal masters, great immortal masters.

And what about the Royal?

The royal family itself has three great immortal kings in charge, not to mention his immortal masters, the level of the great immortal masters, and the strengths attached to the royal family, Tie Niu even think about it.

In the past, Tie Niu had never had a good opinion of Shen Wen, and thought that he was the kind of person who fell on both sides.

Seeing that the family is in trouble now, Shen Wen did not choose to escape, and was very comforted from the psychological side, shook his head, and sighed:

"Tie Niu, it is impossible for us to fight them recklessly.

"Then what should we do, do we really give him all other city visits at the request of the royal family?

Tie Niu now feels that his big brother has no backbone, and said with a look of disdain.

If Shen Wen dared to speak to Tie Niu like this, Tie Niu would definitely retaliate, but today was different, Tie Niu was not angry at all, just sighed angrily, looked at the other people in the hall, and said:

"What do you all think!"

In the Martial Arts Continent, where strength is the most respected society, now in fact, a single word from an iron bull can decide things.

But Tie Niu didn't want to do this, after all, the family belonged to the entire Shen family.

In the eyes of Tie Niu, other people who were in the Shen family might have more prestige than Shen Wen, but now everyone is wilted.

After all, there is no way they can solve such a big thing.

Seeing that everyone didn't answer, Shen Wen glanced at everyone, turned to Tie Niu, and sneered:

"Hmph, Iron Bull, look at these people, why don't you ask them to do 4.3, or you should hurry up and give orders! Let's go to the royal family."

Tie Niu didn't express his position towards other people, and he felt very chilled psychologically. He wanted to say something, muttered for a while, but still didn't say it. He was silent for a while, then turned to look at Shen Wen and sighed:

"Hey! Shen Wen, forget it, we are no match for the royal family at all.

"What, not a royal opponent, are we going to be afraid of him?

Shen Wen is now thinking of killing the royal family in order to avenge his son.

Tie Niu just shook his head lightly and didn't speak, Shen Wen shouted as soon as he saw Tie Niu shaking his head.

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