Chapter 828 If you have the seeds, let the horse come over


Bang bang!

Just when Jiang Xiaolong was about to open the grass, a behemoth smashed towards Jiang Xiaolong, frightened Jiang Xiaolong and quickly locked it.


When Jiang Xiaolong calmed down, he finally saw clearly that a monster was lying beside him not far away.

Jiang Xiaolong knew this type of monster. Jiang Xiaolong had seen this type of monster before on the registration map of monsters at home.

Lions, birds and beasts have the ability to reach the spiritual level from birth, and this beast has a special skill, that is, screaming, with a high-decibel shout, shattering the enemy's soul.

This kind of beast has reached the spiritual level as soon as it was born, and Jiang Xiaolong looked at the lion, bird and beast in front of him, and he was at least 29 years old.

The information Jiang Xiaolong has read, lions, birds and beasts can reach the level of holy beasts in adulthood. Holy beasts are comparable to human immortals, and advanced ones are even more comparable to immortals.

And now, who is the lion, bird and beast being beaten like this?

Who can beat the lions, birds and beasts that have always been comparable to human immortals like this, Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help taking a deep breath.

If that person wanted to kill him, he probably wouldn't even have a chance to fight back.

Boom! Boom!

Just when Jiang Xiaolong was mentally tangled, after a loud noise, Jiang Xiaolong only felt that his whole body was being blown up by a strong wind.

I want to use my strength to stabilize it, but my strength doesn't seem to be able to be used at all, so I can only let myself be blown away by the strong wind.

Fortunately, when Jiang Xiaolong flew several dozen meters away, Jiang Xiaolong bumped into a tree and stopped.


And because of this collision, a burst of heat surged up in Jiang Xiaolong's body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Fortunately, this little injury was not enough to kill Jiang Xiaolong. Jiang Xiaolong sat on the ground and was stunned when he saw the behemoth in front of him.

The behemoth in front of him is at least ten meters high, and a huge head has as many as Jiang Xiaolong.

Those eyes were even bigger than Jiang Xiaolong's entire head, and what was even more terrifying was that those terrifying eyes were looking at Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong now finally understands who can beat the lion, bird and beast like this, it turns out that it is not a human at all, but a monster,

It is a magical beast that is more precious than lions, birds and beasts, and more precious than pterosaurs.

The natural advantage of the pterosaur is stronger than that of the lion, bird and beast, and the lion, bird and beast are naturally inferior to him.

Although the wings of the Pterosaur were covered now, Jiang Xiaolong could clearly see that the Pterosaur had six pairs of wings, that is to say, twelve wings.

Jiang Xiaolong clearly knew what the twelve wings of the Bibilong represented, it represented his strength, a legendary monster strength, a divine beast.

Mythical beast, when Jiang Xiaolong just came to see it, he thought it was a fairy beast at most, but he didn't expect to see the legendary beast.

Mythical beast, if he wanted to kill Jiang Xiaolong now, he would be dead as long as he sneezed, not to mention he did it.

Even so, Jiang Xiaolong did not give up at all, the energy of his whole body started to work quickly,

The most advanced magical powers that he has learned, the phantom avatars are displayed.

The two Jiang Xiaolongs looked at the Pterosaur in front of them with trepidation, but the Pterosaur didn't seem to have any bird Jiang Xiaolong at all, but walked in front of the dying lion, bird and beast.

"Hmph, lions, birds and beasts shoot with me on the site. If you are over your own strength, go to death!"

Pterodactyl suddenly spoke. I didn't feel strange about these Jiang Xiaolong,

Some advanced monsters can speak human words, let alone this legendary beast.

Just after Bie Pterosaur's words were finished, the big foot lifted up and stomped on the lion, bird and beast.

The lion, bird, and beast, which had a trace of breath at first, died under the big feet of the Pterosaur without even uttering a neigh.

This step not only killed the lion, bird and beast, but also Jiang Xiaolong felt oppressed by the strong wind.

Jiang Xiaolong hurriedly ran and hugged the big tree next to him. He didn't fly out. He almost killed him when he flew out and hit this tree. his life.

After the strong wind passed, Jiang Xiaolong immediately became alert. Now that the lion, bird and beast died, it was probably his turn.

Jiang Xiaolong hurriedly turned his energy quickly, carefully looking at Bie Winglong. Bie Winglong turned his head to see Jiang Xiaolong and the two of them cautiously, and laughed loudly:

"Haha, humble human, do you still want to escape from my palm with your current strength?"

In this martial arts continent, people have always been the supreme rulers, but now they have always been described as lowly human beings, Jiang Xiaolong's heart couldn't help but burst into anger.

Although he knew that he was not the opponent of Biyilong, he would not bow his head to Biyilong and shouted through gritted teeth:

"Hmph, if you have the seeds, let the horses come over!

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Haha, funny, funny.

Pterodactyl had also encountered humans before. Those people who saw him in the past were frightened and urinated, begging for mercy, but he didn't expect the person in front of him to be so mad, and suddenly laughed.

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