Everyone looked around and saw the speaker.

That was an old Demon Soul tribesman.

He is eighty similar to the Demon Lord, but his temperament is domineering, which is very different from the Demon Lord...very different from who he is now.

Next to this old man, there are three old men, namely the giant tribe, the monster tribe and the dragon tribe.

"Grandpa...Grandpa." Demon Lord revealed the identity of the visitor in a trembling voice.

Shen Lin turned his head and glanced, noticing the Dragon Emperor hiding behind him.

"Junior, I don't want to disturb you ancestors, but the great cause is really in trouble." The Dragon Emperor bowed and said to them.

Among them, the old man from the dragon tribe snorted and said, "We'll talk about the crime of disturbing us after this matter is over."

"Yes." The Dragon Emperor buried his head deeper.

During this process, Shen Lin was also observing the visitor.

They are all the most powerful people who are equivalent to ninth-level and ninth-level superpowers. They should be hidden masters in various worlds.

He looked at the demon soul clan whom the demon king called grandpa.

Nine times out of ten, they may be the previous rulers of each world, the ancestors of the families of the rulers of each world.

It seemed like they were all called by the Dragon Emperor.

Thinking of this, he said: "I see, have you replaced a group of people with more say to negotiate with me?

"Unfortunately, I have already reached an agreement with the Demon Lord, just as I said at the beginning. You withdraw your troops immediately, and I will let you live."

Upon hearing this, the Dragon Emperor raised his head and shouted to Shen Lin: "Don't be too arrogant, do you know who these people are?

"They are all the strongest in all walks of life. Now that they are here, your days of majesty are over!"

Shen Lin knew that another battle was inevitable, so he shook his head and sighed: "Oh, it was already settled, it's really troublesome."

Xia Jiujiu said: "Want to help? These people are not simple. I can see that they are even better than Aheixia."

"Is it just a little better? That's not a big problem." Shen Lin said, taking a step forward.

Opposite, the Monster Ancestor and the Giant Ancestor looked around: "Dragon Emperor boy, why don't you see our descendants?"

Then they noticed the Giant King who had been penetrated through the heart and the Demon King who had only one head left.

Their faces suddenly turned ugly.

They all stared at Shen Lin, their eyes as cold as ice.

The giant ancestor said: "You will pay the price for your actions!"

The monster ancestor said: "You will not die easily. I will lock you in the darkest and most closed abyss, and then torture you for ten thousand years!"

"There's so much nonsense. If you want to fight, just fight." Shen Lin opened his palms towards them and waved at them.

"What a shame!" The first person to take action was actually not the Giant Ancestor and the Monster Beast Ancestor, but the Dragon Man Ancestor.

An extremely powerful fighting spirit burst out from his whole body, compressing the ground until it cracked and sank.

Then, he raised one hand in the shape of a knife, and huge energy gathered in his hand.

A huge energy blade appeared in his hand, pointing towards the sky.

Then, he swung the sword blade down.

"Breath of Thunder·Shape of Seven·Fire Thunder God!" Shen Lin grabbed the magic gun and jumped out instantly.

Thunder Dragon arrived in front of the dragon ancestor in the blink of an eye.

So fast!

The dragon ancestor's pupils suddenly shrank, but he couldn't react.

Shen Lin unsheathed his sword and passed by the dragon ancestor.

An arm was thrown high.

That is the arm of the dragon ancestor.

The look of horror on the face of the Dragon Ancestor couldn't be greater.

"So strong." Xia Jiujiu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Several other ancestors were also extremely shocked when they saw this situation.

But after all, they were strong men who had experienced hundreds of battles. They immediately made the most correct decision and attacked Shen Lin together.

Shen Lin immediately jumped into the air, jumped over his upper body, and jumped back.

"Do you know?" He suddenly said, "Actually, I have learned a lot of moves over the years.

"It's just that some moves are too powerful and I haven't tried them in actual combat. Thanks to you, you can use them now.

"Especially those at the eighth level..."

But obviously, several ancestors did not believe Shen Lin's words.

"Kid, you're bluffing!" The giant ancestor rushed closer, and the surroundings felt like an earthquake.

He didn't use any magic-like techniques, just clenched his fists.

For the giants, their bodies are their greatest weapons.

Their skin is stronger than any shield, and their fists are more destructive than any weapon.

It is relatively rare to use energy means to attack like the previous Giant King.

But Shen Lin was not overwhelmed by the momentum of the giant ancestor: "For the first skill, let's use this first."

He seemed to have decided something, and then stretched out his right hand towards the giant ancestor: "Ghost Swordsmanship - Storm Style."

This move was the first move he learned when he was at the eighth level.

However, this move is not from a TV series, but from a game in his previous life.

This game has survived in his world for more than ten years, and it can be said to be written into the history of games.

In that game, there are many professions, each profession has 4 job transfers, and each job transfer has an awakening skill after the level is high.

Of course, he no longer knows what the game is like now.

Maybe there will be a fifth job transfer.

To get back to the subject, in short, what he learned at the eighth level were the awakening skills of 4 job transfers from a certain profession.

This "Ghost Swordsmanship·Storm Style" is one of them.

After he stretched out his left hand, 24 swords emitting silver-blue light appeared in the sky.

12 of the handles are inserted into the ground.

The giant ancestor soon felt that he was restrained by some kind of power.

He tried to break through this comfort, but was horrified to find that the physical strength he was so proud of could not be used.

Shen Lin jumped up, landed on a sword in the air, held the sword, then fell diagonally from the air and struck the giant ancestor.

The giant ancestor's extremely hard skin was easily torn open, and blood spurted out!

Shen Lin fell on the ground next to a sword.

The sword in the air disappeared after the slashing, so he pulled out the sword on the ground again.

In this way, Shen Lin kept drawing his sword, thrusting it out, slashing, and drawing it again.

At first, his speed was relatively slow.

Later, it became faster and faster, reaching a dizzying level.

There are more and more wounds on the giant ancestor's body.

By the time Shen Lin finished using all 24 swords, he was almost a bloody man, and there were large pools of blood on the ground.

But the giants are a very tenacious race.

After being injured to this extent, the giant ancestor was not dead yet.

But he can no longer act at will.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, panting constantly, staring at Shen Lin not far away, feeling extremely horrified in his heart.

He really didn't expect that he couldn't survive even one of the opponent's moves.

The move just now was really a terrifying move.

Liu Shanshan watched Shen Lin's heroic battle with admiration on her face.

Lan Ruoli's expression didn't change much. Maybe after all these years, she had already finished marveling.

Xia Jiujiu obviously hadn't finished sighing yet.

She couldn't help but said: "How many more skills does he have with such intensity? He won't use a new trick on everyone, right?"

This really made her guess right, that's what Shen Lin thought.

There are still six or seven moves that he has not used yet.

"Come on, next one." Shen Lin looked at the remaining three ancestors.

The remaining three suddenly turned pale with horror.

The Giant Ancestor is a strong man of the same level as them, but he can't withstand the opponent's move. Doesn't that mean that the same is true for him?

What's more, he doesn't have as high defense as the giant ancestor, so it will only be worse.

"Haha, um... I think there may be some misunderstandings between us." Old Demon Lord said.

He gave in.

Now Shen Lin felt that this guy and the Demon Lord were indeed brothers.

"I don't think so. Okay, this topic is over. Who's next?" Shen Lin said.

It was hard to find a place for his own moves, and he didn't want to let this opportunity pass him by.

Seeing Shen Lin's reluctance, the old Demon Lord said to the other two ancestors: "Use that trick."

"But, that move will greatly shorten our lifespan!" The dragon ancestor frowned.

The monster ancestor said: "I agree with the old devil. If we don't use that trick, none of us will survive today. So what's the use of those lifespans?"

The dragon ancestor seemed to have made up his mind: "Okay! This is the only way!"

Several people came to an agreement in a very short period of time.

Then he immediately made the same weird prayer-like movement. Seeing this, the giant ancestor on the other side reluctantly moved his scarred body to make the same movement.

Shen Lin could feel that they had some kind of connection after making this move.

Then, a feeling of death came quietly.

That's not some powerful force, that's a concept, that's death itself.

Based on the other party's previous conversation, Shen Lin felt that the actions of the ancestors just now were probably praying to a certain existence.

They sacrificed their lives so that some being could grant death to their enemies.

But Shen Lin's speculation stopped there.

Because his consciousness has sunk into darkness.

Shen Lin's body fell down, making no sound.

"Shen Lin!" Liu Shanshan was shocked and immediately stepped forward to check the situation. Then she was stunned and her eyes trembled.

She found that Shen Lin had lost his breathing and heartbeat.

he died.

Xia Jiujiu also couldn't believe it: "This, this, this? Just die like this? Stop it, what will happen next?"

But Lan Ruoli made no move.

Her expression didn't change at all.

In the distance, the four ancestors were panting.

They looked tired and panted constantly, as if they were dozens of years older.

"Damn it, that guy took away at least five hundred years of my life!" said the dragon ancestor.

"But it's worth it, isn't it?" Old Demon Lord said, "Our enemy, that monster, is already dead."

"Hahahaha!" The Monster Ancestor laughed, "Now the only obstacle in front of us has disappeared, and the aura of this world belongs to us!"

The Dragon Emperor also looked happy and excited.

Liu Shanshan put down Shen Lin's body, turned her head, and stared at the ancestors with red eyes.

But just when she was about to go up and fight them, a hand held her hand: "Shanshan, don't get excited, I'm fine."

Liu Shanshan turned around in surprise and saw Shen Lin getting up from the ground!

"Shen Lin...you..." Liu Shanshan didn't know what to say for a moment.

She had obviously just confirmed Shen Lin's death.

Xia Jiujiu also opened her mouth wide. It was hard to imagine that such a beauty could open her mouth so wide: "What's going on? A fake corpse?"

"No, it's resurrection." At this time Lan Ruoli finally spoke.

"Resurrection?" Xia Jiujiu's eyes widened, "Can this guy still do such a thing?"

Lan Ruoli nodded: "Shen Lin once mentioned to me that it was a move called 'Twelve Trials'. But this is the first time I have seen it."

After hearing the name of Shen Lin's skill, Xia Jiujiu lowered his head and muttered to himself, thoughtfully: "Hercules..."

On the other side, several ancestors were completely dumbfounded.

They sacrificed hundreds of years of their lifespan, reducing the retirement life they could have enjoyed by 70% to 80%.

But why is this person okay?

Seeing the expressions of the ancestors, Shen Lin patted his butt and stood up, explaining: "Whether you believe it or not, I still have twelve lives."

Several ancestors stared at him carefully, trying to see the bluff on his face.

Too bad they were disappointed.

But even if Shen Lin was really bluffing, they didn't have the lifespan to use the trick just now again.

"Okay, let's continue." Amidst the horrified expressions of several ancestors, Shen Lin said with a smile.

"Devil's Blood Temple!"

The sword of blood appeared from behind Shen Lin, and then he held it and chopped it off.

Violent lava exploded from the ground and shot straight into the sky.

"The dark sky is dazzling!"

Horrible eyes appeared in the sky and finally shattered.

"The Evil God's Horror!"

The ancient evil god emerges from the black swamp and devours everything.

"Unlimited sword control!"

The space changes, and famous swords are stuck on the ground everywhere.

"Heaven and earth are deviant, open up the star!"

The space was shattered by this attack.

"Devil transforms!"

The horned demon swallowing evil energy descends.

"Swastika: Divine Killing Spear!"

The immeasurable long sword swept across, tearing open the bodies of several ancestors (including a Dragon Emperor by the way).

In the incomparable shock and fear, several of the world's strongest men fell and disappeared into thin air.

Not even a body was left behind.

Many of Shen Lin's moves will leave people dead without leaving their bodies intact.

"Huh~ I feel good." Shen Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He had been holding back these moves for a long time.

Just waiting for such an opportunity to use it.

Then he looked at the Demon Lord: "Have you forgotten our agreement?"

The Demon Lord trembled like chaff: "No, no, of course not!!! I will issue the order right away!"

With that said, he ran away with his tail between his legs.

So just like that, this ten-year disaster ended without any danger.

Lan Ruoli looked at the back of the Demon Lord running away, but she still had no real feeling in her heart.

She and Shen Lin had made a lot of preparations over the years, but before Shen Lin grew up, she didn't expect that this matter would be solved so easily.

When foreigners invaded, it was the most desperate time for mankind.

How could it be as easy as now?

Even...a bit of a joke.

"But this is reality. The future is unpredictable. I didn't expect that I would become so stupid, hahaha."

Shen Lin roughly guessed what Lan Ruoli was thinking and said, "Maybe some god saw us working so hard and gave us some special care."

"Maybe." Lan Ruoli smiled slightly.

She had laughed only a handful of times in the past ten years.

A few of them were fake smiles.

But this time it was definitely the most sincere.

Because everything ends at this moment.

Although it cannot be said that it will end forever, at least in Shen Lin's lifetime, these foreign races should never dare to invade again.

And Shen Lin is now a ninth-level top-notch superpower user, and his lifespan has also been greatly extended.

It's not a problem to last a thousand years.

And these times have been enough for human beings to become strong and protect themselves.

While Lan Ruoli was thinking about this, Shen Lin walked up to Xia Jiujiu and said, "My matter is over now. Let's talk about your matter."

Xia Jiujiu said: "I was just about to say that, those skill names, and your abnormal strength..."

The two looked at each other, then each waved their right hands, clapped them together, and said in unison: "Fellow!"

Shen Lin had long suspected Xia Jiujiu's identity, and now he was finally confirmed.

The other party is also a time traveler like him.

Later, he and Xia Jiujiu couldn't help but chat a lot. Xia Jiujiu even said that he had gotten some clues that could lead him back to his original world.

This made him look forward to it.

In the past ten years, he has been thinking about how to improve his strength and deal with disasters, and has never thought about going back.

The two chatted happily.

However, this situation left people around him confused.

Liu Shanshan asked doubtfully: "So...you have known each other for a long time?"

Then Xia Jiujiu was listed as one of his opponents.

Then several people returned.

Since ten years have passed, Lan Ruoli has been able to clearly state her identity.

She told everything, including the foreign invasion she had just solved.

This attracted great attention from China's top leaders.

But there weren't many people who were surprised. The immortal who had previously obtained the secret words in the dragon world had already deciphered a lot of them.

They are all well prepared.

Be it psychological or physical.

In fact, even without Shen Lin, human beings today may not be the opponents of those foreign races.

The casualties may be heavy at most, but it's not that there is no chance of winning.

Thousands of years later.

Demon Soul Realm, Boundless Demon Palace.

The Demon Lord was sitting on the throne, listening to the reports from his subordinates.

"Jing Scorpion and others join forces with the leaders of the other four realms to break the rules set by Lord Demon and invade the human realm. What should we do?"

The Demon Lord waved his hand: "I have stopped them once, but since they insist on seeking death, there is nothing I can do."

Human world.

On the Great Plains, the Allied Forces of the Five Realms stood.

Standing at the front of the army was a young man from the Demon Soul Clan.

Although he is young, he already possesses the strength equivalent to a ninth-level superpower.

He is the Demon Soul Clan's once-in-a-millennium genius, Jing Scorpion.

At the same time, he is also a very capable and ambitious careerist.

In just a few decades, alliances were formed with rulers from several other realms.

He spoke words of encouragement in front of the army.

At this moment, his peripheral vision caught sight of a person, a human being.

An old human man walked slowly from a distance.

He held a short sword in his right hand, and a light blue energy ball that looked like a dart in his left hand.

When he reached a certain distance, he suddenly turned into a golden light and approached instantly. He shouted "Light Speed ​​Kick", and then kicked out...


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