After walking for about five minutes, the sound of fighting came from ahead.

Shen Lin immediately slowed down and approached softly.

He hid behind the bushes, poked half of his head out, and saw four people.

Three of them are wearing masks with strange patterns on their heads.

Undoubtedly, they were the accomplices of the former Outer League member.

Their ranks probably range from first-level and fourth-level to first-level and fifth-level, and they are obviously peripheral members.

The remaining person was surrounded by them.

Green hair is like a waterfall, scattered on the fragrant shoulders.

She has a charming face, but is unsmiling.


Shen Lin immediately recognized that the person surrounded by these three Outer Alliance members was none other than the goddess in his class, Lan Ruoli.

Three members of the Outer Alliance were seen continuing to attack Lan Ruoli.

Two of them used fire powers, and orange and blue fireballs flew out of their hands continuously.

What the remaining one possesses is obviously the ability of the body transformation system.

His hands, up to his elbows, turned into blades, reflecting the cold light.

Lan Ruoli, holding a white jade sword, was engaging him at hand-to-hand combat.

It is obvious that this change-type superpower is no match for Lan Ruoli in terms of combat skills.

He clearly had two swords, but he was completely suppressed by Lan Ruoli's sword. Within two moves, he had to retreat to avoid its sharp edge.

But he was not fighting alone at this time.

Under the cover of his two fire teammates, Lan Ruoli's situation was not optimistic.

Every time Lan Ruoli's pursuit was interrupted by two fireballs.

At the same time she took action to scatter the fireball, the changer took the opportunity to attack, forcing her to hastily return to defense.

According to Shen Lin's estimation, if the fight continues like this, the goddess in his class will definitely lose.

Maybe Lan Ruoli also realized this.

The next moment, her fighting strategy changed.

"Ten Thousand Sword Jue." He just heard him spit out three words.

Immediately, pure white aura condensed around him.

Condensed into five swords.

Five white jade swords that were the same as the one in her hand.

It seems that this white jade sword is not a real thing, but an existence similar to sword energy or projection.

At this time, the three members of the Outer Alliance attacked at the same time again.

Two orange and blue fireballs flew from the left and right sides of Lan Ruoli.

The person with the transformation ability waved his arm that turned into a blade and slashed it at Lan Ruoli's head.

This time, the situation is different from before.

Lan Ruoli didn't care about the two fireballs and directly faced the change-type superpower.

Because she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

The five swords behind her automatically divided into two and slashed at the two fireballs.

Then two more weapons were sent straight towards the two people who fired the fireballs.

And the person with the ability to change would naturally not have the upper hand in this situation.

After only three or two rounds, Lan Ruoli slashed her chest with a sword and took several steps back.

The red blood soaked the clothes on his chest.

"Is it too shallow..." Lan Ruoli said emotionlessly.

It is indeed too shallow.

Perhaps the potential was unleashed in a crisis situation, and most of the sword strike just now was dodged by the person with the ability to change.

In fact, only some superficial injuries were caused.

The face of the person with the ability to change suddenly turned ugly: "He is indeed a genius who has awakened S-level abilities.

"In such a short period of time, I have already created my own moves."

He looked at his two teammates.

They saw that the white jade sword that had scattered the fireball was also attacking them.

These two people, each with two white jade swords, had a great time "playing".

"There is nothing we can do." Seeing this, the person with the ability to change his face darkened.

He returned his right hand to its original shape, then took out a ball from his pants pocket and dropped it on the ground in front of him.

I saw a flash of white light, the ball expanded rapidly, and in an instant, it turned into a doll.

It has no face or fingers, and its whole body is composed of joints like lotus root segments.

"There are actually special props..."

Superpower props are also a kind of superpower object. They are props created by specific superpowers and have various functions.

When Lan Ruoli said this, she still looked completely emotionless.

But judging from the content, this situation was obviously beyond her expectation.

"This white devil possesses the strength of level one and level five, so just accept your death!" The person with the ability to change said with a ferocious smile.


When Lan Ruoli said these two words, she still used a calm tone.

Nonetheless, what he said was true.

Her current level is only level one and level two.

Although with his moves and S-level abilities, he has a great chance of winning against these three people.

But if you add a first-level and fifth-level demon doll, the chances of winning will be slim.

Unless she also masters other moves.

It's a pity that she does know other moves, but at her current level, she can't use them.

So she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In addition to the four swords entangled with the two fire-type superpowers, Lan Ruoli also had two swords in her hands.

Holding two swords in her hands, she struck first and rushed towards the devil, fighting with it.

The demon doll didn't have any special abilities, just ordinary punches and kicks.

Even so, the attack power, speed and defense of the first and fifth levels still put a lot of pressure on Lan Ruoli.

Not to mention that there is a change-type superpower next to him who comes to stab him from time to time.

The battle situation suddenly became one-sided.

Lan Ruoli's exquisite swordsmanship was no match for two-on-one tactics and level suppression.

After dozens of rounds, the demon puppet punched so powerfully that the white jade sword in Lan Ruoli's hand was shaken out of her hand.

Two white jade swords rotated, drew two arcs in the air, and were inserted into the ground in the distance.

At the same time, the demon puppet's second punch had already struck.

What's even worse is that the person with the ability to change saw the opportunity and slashed at Lan Ruoli with both swords.

At this time, she had not yet stood firm and could not avoid it.

It is too late to recall the white jade sword again.

I... am I going to die again?

This time, the death was truly worthless.

It turns out that if you leave the city at this time, you will be watched by the Outer Alliance.

Just when Lan Ruoli was thinking about this and was about to turn on the revolving door mode, suddenly, a bolt of lightning shot out from the bushes next to her.

In just the blink of an eye, the gap between the changer and the golem passed by.

Immediately afterwards, the electric light picked up Lan Ruoli and sprinted for 100 meters, arriving next to the two white jade swords that were knocked away.

Naturally, the attacks of the transhumant and the golem were in vain.

The person with the ability to change was stunned for a moment.

This sudden change really caught him by surprise.

Then, he looked forward and saw an ordinary-looking young man standing next to Lan Ruoli.

"Sorry, it was a little late, don't mind." Shen Lin said.

Originally, if Goddess Lan could handle it, he would not take action.

After all, he is still a non-threatening scumbag with F-level powers in the eyes of the Outer Alliance.

If this action gets people's attention, I'm afraid I'll get into trouble.

However, it was obvious that Goddess Blue couldn't handle the situation just now.

So he had no choice but to show up.

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