When Shen Lin's sword was halfway through, a curtain of water suddenly formed around Xie Liuchuan.

The knife struck the water curtain, only cutting a small gap in it, and at the same time, Shen Lin was splashed with water.

Xie Liuchuan inside was unscathed.

"It's really hard for you to come in front of me, but you don't think that my water element can only attack and not defend, right?" Xie Liuchuan said.

At this time, strong winds gusted behind them, and water cannons struck again.

Shen Lin immediately jumped out of the way.

The water cannon hit Xie Liuchuan's water curtain.

However, there was no scene where he was knocked down by his own attack.

The water cannon hit the water curtain without causing any damage.

On the contrary, it repaired the gap made by Shen Lin just now.

Shen Lin showed a dead fish eye.

In this way, it would be impossible for him to break the water curtain by grinding.

People's adaptability is very strong.

Seeing Shen Lin deflated, the students in the stands became excited again.

"So what if you hide your strength? You still can't win if you don't?"

"That's right, thank you young master for coming on!"

"Being able to achieve this level should be his limit."

"That must be the case."

But no one who said these words realized anything.

That is, even if reaching this level is Shen Lin's limit, he has already surpassed most of them.

So some people remained silent at this time.

In the arena.

"Alas~" Shen Lin let out a long sigh while dodging the water element's attack.

"What's wrong? Is Qian Donkey exhausted?" Xie Liuchuan said, standing in the spherical water curtain with his arms crossed.

"No." Shen Lin casually dodged a water cannon, "It's just that I originally wanted to keep a low profile and think that I could solve the battle without using any moves. Now it seems that it is impossible."

"Humph, you're still bluffing." Xie Liuchuan sneered at Shen Lin's words.

"Oh, it's you who asked, and it's you who didn't believe it. You are really difficult to maintain." Shen Lin shook his head, "But whether you believe it or not, it's time for this game to end."

Having said this, his hand holding the knife tightened, and the next second, he rushed in front of the water element and quickly slashed five times!

At the same time, there were five lightning strikes!

The lightning flashed dazzlingly and hit the water element almost at the same time.

No one saw clearly how he drew the sword, and no one saw clearly where the lightning struck.

They only saw that after this moment, the water element was immediately torn into pieces, and then evaporated immediately.

Just after this moment, the huge figure of the water element was no longer in the arena.

Breath of Thunder·Two Types·Rice Soul!

After Shen Lin used the Two Form to eliminate the water element, he immediately ran in front of Xie Liuchuan.

At this time, due to the disappearance of the water element, the water curtain is no longer maintained.

You can clearly see Xie Liuchuan's expression of extreme astonishment.

This was the first time his expression had changed like this.

He just stood there, like a stone statue.

The water element was defeated so easily, far beyond his expectation.

But Shen Lin didn't care if he was shocked to the point of petrification. His knife was raised above his head again.

Cut it off!

However, Xie Liuchuan was still not hurt this time.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded, and sparks shot out.

Golden light suddenly flashed in the pocket on Xie Liuchuan's chest.

Golden light instantly enveloped the surface of his body, blocking Shen Lin's blow for him.

But because of the force of the attack, he flew backwards and out of the ring, declaring his defeat.

"Tch, you actually have a supernatural prop with you?" Shen Lin stood at the edge of the ring and took a look before sheathing his sword. "Forget it, let's do that."

He is not a fussy person either. He has cut twice and was blocked both times. This can be regarded as his good fortune. If he continues to pursue, it will appear that he is stingy.

At this time, he turned around and saw two figures flying past him on both sides and flying out of the field.

Those are the two brothers Gao Wen and Gao Wu.

And where they originally stood, Lan Ruoli stood tall.

To her, this level of illusion was nothing. She had encountered more difficult illusion-based opponents, but they still died under her sword in the end.

"Goddess, are you coming out? I'm sorry, because it will take a while to see you, so I'll get in first." Shen Lin stepped forward to say hello with a smile.

"No, I want to say sorry. I found it too late." Lan Ruoli said.

At this time, the stands were silent for a moment, and everyone was down again.

On the special table, Shiraishi stood up immediately and exclaimed: "At such a young age, he can actually create such a highly completed move!

"Principal, now I finally understand why you pay so much attention to him."

He turned to look at Lan Wentian, only to find that Lan Wentian also looked excited.

"The second move so soon? Okay, very good." Lan Wentian murmured.

"The second move!" Bai Shi's expression changed, "Could it be that he is..."

At this level, two moves can be created, so there is only one possibility.

"Shh!" Lan Wentian made a silencing gesture to Bai Shi.

Shiraishi didn't say any more. He also knew how much of a threat the existence of God-given skill users was to the Outer Alliance.

Maybe there are spies from the Outer League here at this moment.

"I announce that the winner of this school representative selection is...Lan Ruoli's team! They will represent our Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School and participate in the inter-school competition part of the eight-school joint competition."

The host teacher seemed to be shocked by the result before, but at this time, he finally spoke up and announced the result.

This announcement also brought the students back to their senses.

"Xie Liuchuan actually lost! How is this possible!"

"Isn't Shen Lin with an F-level superpower? How come he has such a strong power?"

"That move is so awesome. As a hardened superpower, I feel like I will be torn into pieces by that move!"

"Who isn't? Can I, the speed type, dodge it?"

"Isn't it cheating? Otherwise, how could F-level powers show that kind of strength?"

"Could he be carrying some forbidden supernatural props?"

On the special seats.

"It seems it's my turn to step forward."

Lan Wentian stood up, and someone next to him handed him the microphone at the right moment.


Knowing that the principal was about to speak, the stands suddenly became quiet.

"Students must have many doubts." Lan Wentian said, "Why did Lan Ruoli choose Shen Lin as a teammate? And why does Shen Lin have such strength that does not belong to an F-level superpower?

"Actually, the answer is very simple, because what Shen Lin possesses is not an F-level power, enhanced breathing.

"The power he awakened is a brand new power that has never appeared before..."

Originally, Lan Wentian didn't intend to conceal the new power, but he also didn't intend to publicize it.

But after learning that Shen Lin had signed up to participate in the competition, he knew that he had to speak out about it.

Therefore, in the following time, he gave a brief explanation of Shen Lin's new power.

Of course, he would not say anything about God-given skills.

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