Resurrection of Spiritual Energy: Breath of Thunder at the Beginning

Chapter 47 The first competition, Spirit Phoenix

"It's so hard." Shen Lin couldn't help but sigh.

It just shattered instead of being divided into two, which showed that his attack did not completely break the crystal's defense.

"Is that why you asked me to come out?" He said to Lan Ruoli again.

According to Lan Ruoli's character, if she could solve it by herself, then she would not bother Shen Lin.

Lan Ruoli did not deny this.

" many crystals have they buried here?" Shen Lin asked again.

"Nine-nine and eighty-one." Lan Ruoli replied, "But we don't have to destroy them all, and we don't have that much time.

“We only need to destroy the ten crystals surrounding the guest room.

"This should be enough to prevent Purgatory from starting at that time."

Shen Lin muttered: "Ten pills...we buried them in two nights, so we can just destroy five of them tonight..."

"In that case, let's hurry up. There should be time to sleep for a while after it's over."

With that said, he turned around and left.

"Wait a minute." Lan Ruoli called him.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lin turned around.

"We need to restore this place without being discovered by them."

When Shen Lin heard this, his expression suddenly froze.

When he used the rice soul to dig a hole just now, he didn't consider the need to recover at all.

The soil that was originally in the pit is now splashed everywhere. Now it is not easy to restore it and return it to its original place.

And he didn't have a shovel in his hand, only a knife.

So he could only use a knife to transport the broken soil back bit by bit.

For those who couldn't find them anywhere, he had to find some small slopes and dig some soil to replenish them.

In the end, it took a lot of effort to fill the hole.

This corresponds to the saying: You look so handsome when you dig holes, but you look really embarrassed when you fill them in.

So at the next crystal burying point, he learned wisely and didn't use any more tricks, just keep digging.

In this way, Lan Ruoli was responsible for recalling the burial site and providing tools, while Shen Lin was responsible for the physical work. The two of them spent most of the night destroying all the crystals that the people at Qingzhu Private School had worked hard to bury that night.

I don’t know how the people at Qingzhu Private School would feel if they found out.

The next day is the official start of the competition.

The Tiandaozong arena did not disappoint.

It adheres to the consistent style of Tiandaozong Academy, is full of fairy spirit, and is divided into two parts.

The first part is the main body of the arena.

It was a huge stone disk, located on the top of a mountain.

From a distance, it looks like the mountain peak has been flattened.

The second part is the auditorium.

The auditorium is a circle of rings, a ring surrounding the ring.

These rings range from small to large, one inside the other, one higher than the other, just floating around the ring, and I don’t know what kind of supernatural props are used.

Of course, at the highest point, there are eight gorgeous seats carved with exquisite patterns floating side by side in the air.

That is undoubtedly the position that belongs to the eight principals.

At this time, the opening ceremony has ended, the audience and principals have all taken their seats, and in the center of the arena, the presiding teacher has also taken his place.

"...Now I announce that the 16th Jiangcheng Eight Schools Joint Tournament has officially begun!"

After a passionate opening speech, the host teacher officially announced the opening of the competition.

"This time, the competition system has been slightly changed compared to the past. There are a total of twenty-four participating teams. There will be five rounds and twenty-three games to determine the champion and runner-up. Then there will be one more game to determine the third runner-up.

“Finally, after the awards are given, there will be a ranking match for the remaining teams to determine the rankings of the remaining teams!

"Then let's stop talking nonsense..." After briefly introducing the competition system, the host teacher finally got to the point, "The first match of the first round will be played by the Lan Ruoli team from Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School..."

At this point, he paused slightly, "The Phoenix Ring Music Team of Linghuang Girls' High School!!"

This time, Shen Lin and the others were the first to go.

In the audience.

"Tsk, tsk, Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School's luck is a bit too bad."

"I'm afraid I'll be beaten in seconds."

"That's right, we ran into a team that could win the championship in the first game. Even if the competition system is changed, Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School seems to be guaranteed to be ranked at the bottom."

"This Lan Ruoli team seems to be the strongest team in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, right? Originally, if they could meet the second and third teams from other schools in this first game, they might be able to break through to the second round.

“And after the second round, they ended up with 12th place.

"Now, there are only twelve of them at most."

"But having said that, Lan Ruoli from Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School is so beautiful."

"Yes, there is also a kind of indifferent beauty."

"Huang Lingyin isn't bad either, okay? She feels like a queen."

The next topic changed from the competition to who was more attractive, Lan Ruoli or Huang Lingyin.

The first floor of the auditorium.

The people sitting here are all contestants.

"Is this the first show again?" After hearing the host teacher's words, Shen Lin stood up, then turned to look at Lan Ruoli who also stood up, "Goddess, are you going to go alone this time?"

"No, we are practicing teamwork this time. Let's all suppress our strength." Lan Ruoli looked at Liu Shanshan again, "Shanshan, we may be injured this time. Please treat us."

"Yes." Liu Shanshan showed a bright smile and nodded heavily.

She had not contributed in the school competition before, but this time she finally had the opportunity to play a role for the team.

Then the three of them walked towards the center of the ring.

Also walking towards the center were their opponents.

The leader, the girl Huang Lingyin, has long fiery red hair and fiery red eyes, which are caused by the physical changes caused by the awakening of the Phoenix power.

The girl on Huang Lingyin's left hand is their team's assistant, Ma Xiaoxiao.

Ma Xiaoxiao put her hands on the back of her head and said with a smile: "Sister Huang, we are so lucky this time. The first one we met was Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School."

"Xiaoxiao, don't underestimate the enemy." The girl on the right side of Huang Lingyin wore a pair of glasses and had long hair neatly tied back. She looked like a cold person.

"Xiaoxiao, Feng Ling is right, even if the opponent is very weak, we should give the opponent due respect." Huang Lingyin also said.

"Okay -" Ma Xiaoxiao replied in a long voice.

On the other side, Shen Lin was also observing them: "First order and sixth level, first order and fifth level, first order and fifth level..."

Then he said to Lan Ruoli: "Goddess, to what level should we suppress? The opponent is not an ordinary person. I'm afraid we won't win if we suppress him too hard."

"Use your own judgement. Always stay evenly matched."


While they were talking, both parties were already in place.

"Game start!"

After the host teacher’s announcement, the competition officially started.

The first one to attack was Huang Lingyin.

"Feng Ling, cover me." After she said that, she jumped out like a sharp sword.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king, her first target was Lan Ruoli.

At the same time, Feng Ling also waved his hands quickly several times, throwing out several blade-like winds.

Her special power "Wind King" can use wind as a weapon, and the wind turned into a sharp blade can even cut steel plates with ease.

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