In the observation room, Zhao Bao's eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

Damn...what did he see?

The comb-toothed fire-tailed beast was killed so easily?

That was a second-level and ninth-level beast, close to the third level!

Not to mention two second-level superpowers, even twenty second-level superpowers might be overturned if they faced it!

And the walls of this test room are specially made.

It can withstand up to a full blow from a third-level first-level superpower!

Could it be said that the move just now has surpassed the full blow of a third-level superpower? !

How can this be!

How old are these two little brats? !

Zhao Bao felt that his common sense was greatly shocked.

Next to him, Li Chun's beautiful eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

She was already very surprised that the opponent's level was so high, but now the opponent's strength is actually higher than the opponent's level, even five or six levels higher!

This stunned her even more.

In the principal's office.

Sun Bai, the principal of Qinglian Senior High School, is dealing with the backlog of documents.


Suddenly, a loud noise disrupted his thoughts.

"what happened?"

He frowned, came to the window of the principal's office, and looked out.

Then I saw bursts of smoke and dust rising in the direction of the testing room.

"Could it be that the Outer Alliance is coming to attack?"

If it was really an attack from the Outer League, he would have to deal with it as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he quickly opened the window, jumped up on the window edge with his legs, and then kicked hard on the window edge.

Then, a concussive force acted on the window sill, causing it to crack inch by inch.

Sun Bai, on the other hand, used the reaction force to shoot towards the incident site like a cannonball.

Testing ground.

"Teacher, should we pass this?"

Shen Lin raised his head and looked at Zhao Bao in the observation room with a half-smile.

Seeing this, Zhao Bao felt angry.

This is Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

He will never let the other party pass the test!

And if the other party is allowed to pass the test to enter the school, it will definitely have a huge impact on the local talents.

When others say it, Linhai City's first genius is actually a foreigner. Is it ridiculous?

"Of course the test failed!"

Zhao Bao almost shouted these words.

"Look at you, openly destroying school property, and you still think you can pass the test?"

His reason was very far-fetched.

But this is not important. He is the person in charge of the scene. Even if he says that the other party violated the rules because he stepped into the test field with his right foot first, and thus lost his qualifications, no one is qualified to refute.

When the time comes, the report he submits will be written more grandly, and the matter will be considered accomplished.

"This... is really shameless..."

When Shen Lin saw Zhao Bao's face, he couldn't help but sigh.

And when he was about to say something more, he suddenly heard a "bang" and then felt a powerful breath suddenly coming from behind him.

He turned around and saw an eight-foot-tall, tall, handsome, and strong white-bearded man outside the cave.

Sun Bai walked into the hole that Shen Lin and the others had dug, and finally felt relieved when he saw that no one from the Outer Alliance seemed to be around.

Then he looked at Shen Lin and Lan Ruoli.

A new face I’ve never seen before…

They should be the two students from Jiangcheng, right?

Then he noticed the other party's level.

A second-level and fifth-level one!

A second-level and sixth-level one!

Sun Bai was shocked.

He remembered that a month ago, in the competition in Najiang City, the opponent was only around level one or five.

In just one month, the other party has directly upgraded an entire level? !

And both of them! ?

What kind of monster is this?

Then he noticed the body on the ground.

This is... a comb-toothed fire-tailed beast?

The comb-toothed flame-tailed beast is at least a second- and eighth-level alien beast.

Judging from its appearance, this comb-toothed flame-tailed beast is probably at level two or nine!

Is this what these two students did?

Is this what two students who have just awakened their powers two or three months ago can do?

Sun Bai was shocked.

But then, he felt a surge of joy in his heart.

I did the right thing by inviting these two students to my school.

His Qinglian Senior High School is not considered a top school in Linhai City.

But with these two monsters around, the reputation of Qinglian Senior High School will spread throughout Linhai City sooner or later!

But then, his brows wrinkled slightly again.

This comb-toothed fire-tailed beast...

He remembered that he requested to use a second-level rodent beast. Why did the comb-toothed fire-tailed beast appear here?

"Teacher Zhao, can you come down and explain to me what happened?"

Thinking of this, Sun Bai looked at Zhao Bao in the observation room and said in a deep voice.

In the observation room.

Zhao Bao's heart trembled.

Unexpectedly, the movement just now attracted the principal.

He hadn't figured out how to explain this to the principal, but since the principal had spoken, he had no choice but to go down.

Zhao Bao and Li Chun went downstairs together.

As soon as they got downstairs, Sun Bai asked them about the comb-toothed flame-tailed beast.

Zhao Bao did not dare to look into Sun Bai's eyes, and cold sweat slid down his forehead.

His arbitrary actions were naturally hidden from Sun Bai.

It's okay if Sun Bai doesn't know about it, but if Sun Bai finds out, it will be miserable for him.

"This...actually...yes, it was actually the staff who made a mistake. This was my fault due to insufficient inspection. I am willing to accept the punishment."

At the last moment, Zhao Bao finally thought of an excuse.

"Oh? Is that true? Teacher Li, tell me, is what Teacher Zhao said true?"

Sun Bai turned his attention to Li Chun.

Li Chun glanced at Zhao Bao next to him.

Zhao Bao looked at her sideways, with a clear threat in his eyes.


But when Sun Bai looked at him, he lowered his head and hid his sight.

Li Chun was silent for a few seconds, and then he spoke as if he had made some kind of determination.

"Principal, everything Teacher Zhao said... is not true!"

Li Chun said loudly.

Then she told the whole story from beginning to end.

Including Zhao Bao's attitude at the gate, Zhao Bao deliberately increasing the difficulty during the test and threatening her with personnel relations, and finally forcibly finding reasons to declare Shen and Lin unqualified.

Tell Sun Bai everything.

Hearing this, Sun Bai's face turned gloomy.

"Teacher Zhao, do you have anything to say?"

"No! This is all false! It's all fabricated! Principal. Li Chun! How can you talk nonsense in front of the principal?!"

Faced with Li Chun's identification and Sun Bai's questioning, Zhao Bao panicked and immediately started shouting. He completely lost the image that a teacher should have.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I have evidence!"

Li Chun said.

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