"Is there any way to speed it up? For example...refining a herb and directly improving it by several levels or something?"

Shen Lin said, "Maybe refine some more herbal treasures?"

"No," Lan Ruoli directly rejected Shen Lin's suggestion, "Herbal treasures are foreign objects after all, and there is an upper limit to borrowing foreign objects for cultivation.

"If you rely too much on external objects for improvement, the energy in your body will be mixed, and there will be a risk of chaos and explosion."

"Okay." Shen Lin said regretfully.

Sure enough, he still thought too much.

His idea of ​​being like someone and taking drugs all the way to the top was shattered.

However, at this moment, Lan Ruoli suddenly stopped and said, "Maybe it's not impossible."

Shen Lin suddenly felt his eyes light up: "What should I say?"

"Before... no, it should be said that there was a person in the future. By chance, he got a cultivation method..."

Then, Lan Ruoli told Shen Lin about something that happened in the future.

About a year later, a peerless genius emerged from China's neighboring country, Yang Country. In less than ten years, he trained from a third-level superpower to an eighth-level powerhouse!

In the beginning, he kept silent about the secrets of his cultivation and never revealed them to anyone.

It was not until the foreign invasion that he revealed this secret.

It turned out that when he was traveling to China, he accidentally fell off a cliff.

Then I found a cultivation method in a cave at the foot of the mountain.

The name of that cultivation method is "The Great Method of Swallowing Heaven and Eating Earth".

As the name suggests, it is a cultivation method that mainly relies on absorbing foreign objects to improve one's own level.

The general cultivation methods focus on the movement of one's own energy, but this cultivation method does the opposite, borrowing external objects, which can be described as a strange flower in the cultivation method.

But its effect is obvious to all.

According to Lan Ruoli, since the genius of Yang Kingdom announced this cultivation method, the grassroots combat power of mankind has increased by more than one step.

It's a pity that what he announced was only the cultivation method after all.

Cultivation takes time.

Even if this cultivation method is practiced extremely quickly, it will still take years to cultivate a strong enough person to have an impact on the battle situation.

If this cultivation method could be made public ten years earlier, human beings would not be so passive when facing foreign races.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in reality?" The corners of Shen Lin's mouth twitched.

Falling off a cliff and picking up a secret book, shouldn't this kind of thing only happen in martial arts novels?

"Then did he say under which cliff he found it?" Shen Lin asked.


"Where?" Shen Lin was delighted.

If they can get this cultivation method, and combined with Lan Ruoli's knowledge about the future, their cultivation speed will definitely be faster than that guy from Yang Guo!

But Lan Ruoli was silent for a while and then said, "I forgot."

Shen Lin: "..."

My goddess, why are you losing your temper at this time?

Lan Ruoli closed her eyes, put her jade fingers on her forehead, and thought hard.

Shen Lin looked at her expectantly.

"No, I can't remember." Lan Ruoli said, "Let's go to the dormitory first. I'll think about it when I get back."

"Okay." Shen Lin sighed helplessly.

Since he couldn't remember it, he had no choice but to wait.

The next day, the practical training officially began.

This is also the first day of practical training.

There was nothing unusual in the first half of the first day of training. It mainly taught some knowledge about moving in the mountains and forests, as well as some information about strange animals in the mountains.

Because as a member of the Inspection Department, he often needs to go to the mountains full of strange beasts to hunt down members of the Outer Alliance or vicious supernatural beings.

Therefore, it is very important to have this knowledge and information.

After the indoor teaching was completed, it was time for the test.

This seven-day test will have an assessment every day. If you fail to pass the assessment, you will be directly judged to have failed.

Naturally, he cannot join the Audit Department.

The instructor took everyone outside and explained the content of the assessment.

The main goal of this assessment is to spend one night each in the mountains using the knowledge taught during the day.

He said: “Don’t think that this first day’s assessment is very easy!

"In the Lu'an Mountain where our training base is located, there are basically third-level and above alien beasts, and fourth-level alien beasts are not uncommon.

“And there are many strange beasts that are extremely active at night.

"If anyone has the idea that they can easily pass this assessment, I advise you to give up as soon as possible.

"Because if you go into the mountains with this idea, you will definitely die miserably in the end!"

At this time, Qi Ren trembled and raised his hand silently: "Instructor, um... you said he died miserably. It should just be necessary."

The instructor put on a terrifying expression and leaned close to Qi Ren's face: "I mean it literally."

Then he stood up straight and said: "Although everyone has monitors on their bodies, we can understand everyone's situation.

“But in the past, there have been situations where rescue was too late.

“So if someone doesn’t want to be assessed right now, I’m okay with that.

"But! Our Inspection Department has to deal with foreigners and vicious criminals with superpowers, and we are always in danger!

"If you don't even dare to take this risk, I will ask your superiors to cancel your qualification for practical training. You are not suitable for this job. Do you understand?!"

"Yes!" everyone shouted loudly.

"Does anyone want to quit now!?"

No one answered.

"Very good!" the instructor said, "Now, rest for ten minutes. We will set off in ten minutes!"

During the rest period, Lan Ruoli said nothing.

Although she didn't speak much, she was motionless at this time, obviously thinking about something.

"Still thinking about the practice?" Shen Lin sat down next to her, "Actually, goddess, you don't have to be in such a hurry. You still have time, so you can think about it slowly."

Lan Ruoli didn't reply. After a minute, she said, "I remembered."

Hearing what Lan Ruoli said, Shen Lin was shocked: "Really? Where is it?"

Lan Ruoli pointed downward: "What the instructor said just now reminded me."

"You mean..." Shen Lin opened his eyes wide.

Lan Ruoli only said three words: "Liu'an Mountain."

Shen Lin took a deep breath.

He really couldn't believe that such a coincidence could happen in the world.

The book "The Great Law of Swallowing Heaven and Eating Earth" is actually in this Lu'an Mountain!

Doesn't this mean that they can take advantage of the test tonight to get this unique secret book?

"When the professor was teaching how to read maps in the mountains, I turned over the map of Lu'an Mountain out of boredom, and it seemed that there was indeed a cliff." Shen Lin said.

With that said, he went indoors, took out the map, and sat on the ground with Lan Ruoli and started reading.

There is indeed such a cliff on the map.

Shen Lin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

After a while, everyone will be placed at different locations in the mountain, so the two of them agreed to meet at the cliff.

At this moment, a foot came out from the side and kicked the map away.

Shen Lin looked up and saw the boy who looked at them with an unhappy face yesterday.

He remembered that the other party's name should be Wang Qi.

"What's the use of looking at a map? Do you think you can pass today's assessment just by yourself?" Wang Qi said.

"I think it's okay." Shen Lin looked at him and said.

"Don't underestimate the Inspection Department!!" Wang Qi roared, "I hate people like you the most. You think you can get everything easily!"

"Well... calm down, I think there may be some misunderstandings between us." Shen Lin tried to explain.

But Wang Qi obviously didn’t think so: “This is also for your own good, you’d better quit as soon as possible.

"People who come to the training camp with your mentality will definitely fail even this first test!"

Others noticed the movement here and looked over, with smiles on their faces.

Obviously, Wang Qi said exactly what he wanted to say.

"Alas." Shen Lin sighed, "I think there must be a huge misunderstanding between us. I..."

Just when Shen Lin said this, the instructor came back: "Everyone is here! Get in the car!"

The assessment is about to begin.

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