Fang Yan thought for a moment and quickly figured out all this.

"These...are all the creatures I have saved? Are they the creatures of the world I invested in? Are they sacrificing me as a god? Is that why I can hear their voices from such a long distance?"

Thinking about this, Fang Yan suddenly felt very interesting.

What is this?

He has never become a god, but he has already enjoyed the treatment of a god?

In addition to the voices he heard in the dark, Fang Yan could also clearly feel the... He places the magic weapons in the emerging world.

He can even teleport to the world where those magic weapons are located in a moment of thought.

This method is almost the same as that of a real god.

This ability is the key to his return to heaven..

Now, he only needs to carefully sense the location of God and listen carefully to God or Daluotian's call to him, and he can easily locate his location.

However, thousands of years have passed, and it is hard to say how many people in God will remember him..

The gods are very sensitive to the calls of others. As long as someone calls Fang Yan in his heart or even mentions his name, he can sense it.

But if no one calls him or mentions his name, he can only rely on Slowly sense the direction of God or Daluotian

"strangeness! Why do they never mention me when they are elegant? Did something happen?"

Fang Yan felt a little uneasy. He had been trapped in the world of nothingness for nearly three thousand years. Who knows what would happen to Daluotian and God during this long time?

"Fang Yan...where are you? come back quickly……"

Just when Fang Yan was worried, he suddenly heard another voice.

And this voice was very familiar to him. It was the voice of Yu Yaya that he had not seen for thousands of years.

It was a soft, low call that lasted only a moment before disappearing.

But this moment's call made Fang Yan's spirit rise.

"It's elegance. I sensed Da Luotian's position. But it was too fast, I didn’t have time to locate it! However, we finally have a direction!"

Fang Yan spotted a direction and started flying at the fastest speed.

About a day later, he heard Yu Yaya's call again.

But the call was still very short, so short that he had no time to locate Da Luotian.

"what happened? Why did she say a few words and then ignore it?"

Fang Yan was also a little depressed. It was clear that as long as he completed the positioning, he could go back in an instant.

But Yu Yaya refused to cooperate, so he had no time to position himself every time.

In this way, he flew in the void for another day, and he heard again Yu Elegance’s Call

"This silly wife...shouldn't she miss me at this time every day?"

When Fang Yan thought about this possibility, his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

On the one hand, he was touched, but on the other hand, he was also a little ashamed.

In the past three thousand years, although he had been thinking about going home, he only missed Yu Yaya. Part of the reason.

The feelings invested by both parties were obviously completely out of proportion.

At this thought, Fang Yan wanted to see Yu Yaya earlier.

He increased his speed and flew to the direction of Da Luotian with all his strength.

In the following days, he really wanted to see Yu Yaya earlier. Everyone heard Yu Yaya's call.

He could feel that he was getting closer to Da Luotian.

Along the way, he often encountered void wanderers.

In order to hurry up, he basically ignored those void wanderers.

If someone with short eyes actually took the initiative to provoke him, he would quickly kill them with thunderous means.

In this way, he flew for about a few years.

Fang Yan finally saw a strange sight.

In front of him, a large area of ​​the world was connected. Like a big bunch of grapes in nothingness.

Each grape represents a world.

Some grapes are big, some are small.

Fang Yan has a familiar feeling, Da Luotian and God are among these grapes.

But He also had questions in his mind:"Why are there so many worlds connected together?"

This is the first time that Fang Yan has seen this kind of thing in his long wandering years.

He let go of his spiritual mind and sensed it carefully for a moment, and found that this large area of ​​the world only seemed to be connected together, but in fact there was still a connection between them. A far distance.

Only the two worlds are so close that they seem to have collided and are in the process of merging with each other.

In addition, one of the worlds is not much different in size from the other world. Do circle movements.

It's like three children playing eagle and catching chickens.

In one world, they are eagles, in another world, they are old hens, and in the other world, they are chickens.

"God! Daluotian! That world is merging with God!"

Da Luotian is the world that acts as an eagle, and God is the world that acts as an old hen. As for the world that acts as a chicken, it is not Taihuang Heaven, but a world that Fang Yan is completely unfamiliar with.

And this world that acts as a little chicken Chicken's world is not small, it looks very huge, not much different from Da Luotian.

These three worlds of about the same size are the center of this world made of grapes.

Fang Yan has some doubts in his heart:"Does the law of universal gravitation also follow between the worlds? Is it because the three worlds in the center are too big that other worlds are attracted here?"

PS: Please give me flowers! Please give me a review! Please give me a monthly ticket!"

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