Fang Yan gained a lot from her exchanges with Taoist Chen and Immortal Youliu.

With his current strength, no one from the same era could be his opponent.

Even if he wanted to, he could single-handedly wipe out all the geniuses of his generation.

What he needs to guard against are, after all, the old monsters who survived the last cultivation era.

After Taoist Chen and Immortal Youliu left, Fang Yan sat alone in the pavilion and meditated for a moment.

"The old monsters of the past era don't know how terrifying their strength is. Perhaps, I can first find some existences from the previous era and inquire about them."

Fang Yan didn't meet many strong men from the previous era, but they were not few either.

In his portable space, there were seventy-two demon coffins.

What these coffins contained were the strong men from the previous era..The problem now is that if he wants to know how strong the practitioners of the previous era were, he must release the demon from the demon coffin.

"Anyway, I have been preparing to do this for a long time, so let’s start now!"

After thinking this, Fang Yan immediately flew to space.

Fang Yan still doesn't know the strength of the devil.

To test the strength of strangers, it is best to go to outer space.

If they fight on the Sky Blue Star, it might destroy the entire planet.

When he arrived in outer space, Fang Yan directly took out a coffin that was ranked lowest.

Then, he arranged the Zhuxian Sword Array outside the coffin.

Then, he smashed the coffin from a distance.

The moment the coffin was smashed, There was a terrifying roar

"who is it? Who dares to disturb the slumber of the great Andumari!"

Fang Yan sensed it carefully, and his expression instantly became a little solemn.


This demon god at the bottom is a demigod!

Fang Yan was a little lucky. Fortunately, he was not out of curiosity when he got these demon coffins. He was driven to open it.

Otherwise, with his strength at the time, he would not be able to fight against these demigods who survived the previous era.

The fragments of the coffin were reduced to ashes, and the image of Andumari also appeared in front of Fang Yan.

This was a statue of A strange-looking humanoid creature, holding a big snake with concentrated divine power in his hand.

Fang Yan remembered some stories. Legend has it that King Solomon signed a contract with the seventy-two demon gods, and defeated countless powerful enemies with the help of the seventy-two demon gods..And among the seventy-two pillars of demons, the last one is called Andumari.

Looking at Andumari in front of him, Fang Yan was very doubtful whether he was the seventy-two pillars of demons who signed a contract with King Solomon. One.

If so, are the remaining seventy-one demon gods also all demigods?

Together, are they the seventy-two demon gods of King Solomon?

Fang Yan didn't have time to think too much, because An Dumari had launched a violent attack at this moment. He kept attacking in all directions, trying to break through the constraints of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

He was trapped in the formation when he was just born, which made him very irritable.

Fang Yan had no intention of torturing such a demigod. , he directly vibrated the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and released infinite chaos sword energy.

Andumari was very strong, but it was not as good as Molisha who was killed by Fang Yan.

So with just a wave of chaos sword energy, Andumari was already gone He lost most of his life.

He roared in shock and anger:"Who is it? Who is plotting against me behind my back? If you have the ability, come out and fight me! Roar!"

Fang Yan had no expression on his face and had no intention of fulfilling Andumari's wish.

With a thought in his mind, the second wave of Chaos Sword Qi fell instantly.

This time, Andumari had no chance of being spared.

His demonic body was riddled with wounds. There were hundreds of holes, and the demon soul was annihilated in an instant.

Fang Yan stretched out his big hand and grabbed the broken demon body in his hand.

"It will probably take more than ten years for this demonic body to fully recover!"

In fact, Fang Yan has the strength to kill Andumali's whole body. He can completely kill only his demon soul just like he did with Molisha before.

But in that case, the battle will inevitably last longer.

Fang Yan is eager to confirm a conjecture , so there is no time to worry about it.

You know, there are seventy-one demon gods behind it!

After putting away Andumari's body, Fang Yan released a coffin at will and opened it as before.

The demon god in the coffin roared again, this The name of the demon god this time was Bai En.

It seems that these demon gods have very bad tempers. They can't wait to tell people their real names when they meet people, as if this can make the enemy retreat.

However, in fact, this is not good for Fang Yanlai. It was useless to say that there was no use at all.

Fang Yan looked at Byrne's image carefully and nodded slowly after a moment.

In his memory, Byrne ranked forty-fifth among King Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons. His image It was a lion riding a black horse, which sounded outrageous.

After seeing Byrne at this moment, Fang Yan realized that legends may not be unreliable sometimes.

This Byrne, he is indeed a golden lion, and his rider is indeed riding a black horse. Riding a black horse.

Who can imagine the scene of a lion riding a horse?

This scene is really interesting!

Fang Yan just looked at it for a moment and then started to attack.

In just a moment, Byrne was killed in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Next, Fang Yan Following the same pattern, one demon god after another was killed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

But he kept killing, but he became a little impatient.

Killing like this is too slow!

PS: Please give me flowers! Please give me a review! Please give me a monthly vote!

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