But now, there is someone who can break the artifact with one punch!

How can anyone believe this?

"It’s incredible! He actually shattered the Dragon God's artifact with just one punch!"

"yes! Too strong! I'm afraid a supreme being will appear in this world!"

"He is so young yet so powerful! If you give him time, he will definitely become the supreme and powerful god!"

"How can it be? How could he be so powerful! This is unreasonable!"

It is difficult for people to understand how powerful Fang Yan is, because it is really contrary to common sense.

In the world of gods, every step forward is extremely difficult, and every improvement will create a huge gap.

But Fang Yan is just a new god, how could he be like this? Powerful?

Fang Yan is already so powerful, and becoming a god only makes him even more powerful.

Earlier, when he was at the critical point of becoming a demigod and a god, he would no longer be able to improve his level by forging artifacts.

Perhaps, the system The power has reached a limit.

The system cannot help a person cross the chasm and become a god.

ButYan later forged the artifact and still received horrific feedback!

Those feedbacks were concentrated on his physical body and his origin.

Therefore, although his realm has not improved, his physical strength and original power have been growing.

Today, his physical body has already exceeded the limit of high-grade artifacts, and his original power is terrifyingly strong.

With such power, how difficult would it be to break an inferior artifact?

Fang Yan stood proudly in the void, looked at the Dragon God indifferently, and said casually:"It's just a low-grade artifact, how difficult is it to break it?"

The mood of the four gods suddenly became complicated, just a low-grade artifact?

These two words are used very spiritually!

The creation of artifacts, even low-grade artifacts, is extremely difficult.

Which low-grade artifact is not regarded as a treasure by a powerful force?

But even so, many major forces still don't have low-grade artifacts.

One carrot and one pit, basically all the artifacts that currently exist are in the hands of gods.

It has been many years since there has been a divine war. Without the death of the gods, how could the artifact fall into the hands of others?

Dragon God stared at Fang Yan, his body trembling slightly.

In the past years, He had never been afraid of any powerful enemy.

But now, he felt fear.

This made him feel ashamed and at the same time stimulated like never before.

It was as if he had found a new goal.

Gods possess lofty status, eternal life, and invincible power...

In the eyes of all living beings, gods are the most perfect beings.

But what all sentient beings don’t know is that gods are also lonely, numb, lonely, and miserable creatures.

Throughout the ages, it has never happened that all members of a family became gods.

So basically, every god is a loner.

In the long years, their family members and friends will all grow old and die, leaving only themselves in the end, alone in the world, with nothing to do but practice.

Over time, they will lose all emotions and become as numb as machines.

However, today, Dragon God found the emotion that he had lost, even if it was not very pleasant.

But it still made him feel alive.

Fang Yan didn't know what the Dragon God was thinking, but with a thought, his whole body appeared beside the Dragon God.

He stretched out a hand, pinched the Dragon God's neck, pulled him in front of him, and admired the beautiful face.

Seeing the fleeting panic and panic in Dragon God's eyes, Fang Yan couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

He said calmly:"What a beautiful person, it's a pity that he is about to die!"

After that.

Fang Yan's hand gradually began to exert more force, and it was naturally impossible for the god to be strangled to death.

But what Fang Yan was holding was actually the dragon god's soul.

Ever since the Dragon God fell into Fang Yan's hands, his soul was no longer under his control.

As Fang Yan gradually increased his strength, Dragon God finally felt the threat of death.

He hoped that the other three gods would take action to save him, but seeing the horror of Fang Yan shattering the artifact with one punch, how could the other three gods dare to take action easily?

The older you get, the more you fear death!

At this moment, the other three gods had no time to hide, so how could they dare to attack Fang Yan again?

Seeing how easily Fang Yan captured the Dragon God, it was obvious that it wasn't that difficult to deal with them.

If they weren't afraid of angering Fang Yan, they would have taken the opportunity to run away.

The Dragon God felt that death was getting closer and closer to him, and his soul felt like it was about to burst.

Finally, the panic in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he couldn't help shouting:"Stop... stop! I... I am willing to surrender!"

In the face of death, dignity is really dispensable.

Fang Yan looked at the Dragon God calmly and said,"You...want to surrender to me? Be my god?"

His hand relaxed slightly, giving the Dragon God a chance to breathe.

The Dragon God quickly said:"I, the Dragon God Leti, will be loyal to you from now on, and I will never dare to rebel! If I violate my oath, I will be devastated!"

A strange feeling arose in Fang Yan's heart. He seemed to be able to feel Letty's thoughts and control everything about Letty.

He knew that there was an invisible and intangible contract between him and Letty.

Fang Yan didn't know much about the contract.

He didn't intend to place his hopes on others, so he quickly forced out another drop of divine blood and imprinted it on Leti's forehead.

PS: Please give me flowers! Please review! Asking for a monthly ticket!

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