A breathy voice appeared, and then the smoke cleared, and a monkey wearing white hair and a tiger skin coat appeared in the divine power space, which was the ape demon king known as the strongest psychic beast.

Lin Yu looked at the Ape Demon King in front of him, and flung it over with a probe.

"Ape Demon King (in the process of potential improvement), ninth order (in the power seal, now the fourth order)

" "Ninth order!"

Lin Yu's eyes lit up suddenly, but he saw a bad premonition coming from the power seal of the suffix.

"What's going on with 9527, why is the strength of the Ape Demon King in the seal?"

"Eh, dad can't help it, your current strength is too weak, you can't psychic a psychic beast of the level of the ape demon king, so the system can only temporarily seal the strength of the ape demon king."

Lin Yu was stunned, and then remembered when he was a psychic blazing tiger before, when he clearly had a hunch, with his current strength, he could only channel a fourth-order psychic beast at most, it turned out that because of the system, this could channel the ape demon king out, but it was necessary to seal the strength.

"Now there is no way, do you have to rely on the Flying Thunder God and Shenwei to take a risk?"

Lin Yu looked at the Ape Demon King who only had fourth-order strength left, and felt helpless in his heart, how can this Nima resist Sikong Luohe, I am afraid that he will be slapped and flown away.

"Dad, it's not impossible, I can secretly open a back door, I can briefly restore the strength of the ape demon king to the eighth order, but the strength of recovery can only last for 2 minutes at most, and after that, the ape demon king will fall into a month of dormancy."

Lin Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, isn't this another village, Lin Yu, who was already preparing to take risks, did not expect that things actually took a turn.

"Good 9527! By the way, 9527, will this affect the potential of the Ape Demon King?

"No, Dad! It is only a temporary overdraft of the strength of the Ape Demon King, and it will not affect the improvement of potential.

"That's okay, it's just a one-month dormancy period, let's get past the current level."

The current strength of the ape demon king is the ninth-order emperor level, if the potential is further improved, it is possible to be promoted to the emperor level in the future, if the potential improvement fails because of this reason, it will be a pity, but fortunately, it has not reached that step.

"Ape Demon, there is an eighth-order enemy outside, I will temporarily unseal your strength later, but I may have to wronged you for a month after that!"

"Don't worry, master, your enemy is my enemy, just dormant for a month, just sleep, and I feel that my body is undergoing some kind of change, I have a hunch, when my dormancy is over, my strength will be further improved, so I also want to thank the master for the gift!!"

Lin Yu didn't expect the Ape Demon King to be so sensitive, and he could actually sense the changes in his body, and the Blazing Flame Tiger couldn't feel it before, it was worthy of being a powerful psychic beast with ninth-order strength.

"Well, that's improving your potential, you'll know the benefits when you're done, okay, I'm going out first, you wait here for a while, I'll release you later!"

"Good host!"

Lin Yu explained to the ape demon, and then directly left the Shenwei space with a Shenwei.

Outside, the Flame Secret Realm, Lin Yu just came out of the Shenwei space, he stumbled, and the little spiritual power that was originally restored with the soldier grain pill was drained again.

"The consumption of this divine power is really terrifying, if it weren't for the fact that my body had been transformed by Mu Dun and had spiritual power far beyond ordinary people, I really wouldn't be able to use it now."

Lin Yu felt the empty aura in his body, sighed secretly, and then grabbed a few soldier grain pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

After a while, with the dual cooperation of Mu Dun's strong recovery effect and the soldier grain pill, Lin Yu finally restored the spiritual power in his body to its peak.

"It's time to meet the Right Protector of the Eternal Night Church! I don't know how Sister Xuejun is now.

Lin Yu sensed the Flying Thunder God Mark that he had carved on the battlefield when he had just left, and then directly teleported over with a Flying Thunder God Technique.

As soon as Lin Yu appeared, he heard the sound of fighting not far away.

"It's okay, it's not too late."

Lin Yu's hanging heart was temporarily relaxed, but before Lin Yu could take action, a familiar roar resounded in the sky,

"Dragon Shadow Shattered Sky!"

Lin Yu's face changed, following the prestige, he saw a dazzling blue light turn into a green dragon tearing through the endless darkness and rushing into the sky, and then the green dragon fell heavily with an indomitable momentum, and as the green dragon fell, the dark curtain that shrouded the entire battlefield was violently torn apart, revealing the two people inside.

I saw Ji Xuejun holding the Green Dragon Heavenly Halberd with both hands, slashing fiercely towards Sikong Luohe, and Sikong Luohe stood calmly in place, and the endless darkness above his head turned into a pair of giant hands, supporting Ji Xuejun's domineering blow.

Ji Xuejun watched his most powerful attack being caught lightly by Sikong Luohe, and felt a pang of despair in his heart.

So far, all her attacks had not caused any damage to Sikong Luohe, but she herself had been exhausted by Sikong Luohe's peculiar dark ability.

At this time, the spiritual power in her body had been exhausted, and she knew that in the next face of Sikong Luohe's attack, she would have no power to fight back.

"Miss Ji, I've been playing with you for so long, that's enough! Can you come with me now?"

Sikong Luohe looked at the exhausted Ji Xuejun and said with appreciation in his eyes!

The girl in front of him is worthy of being a genius in the Federation, and he can force half of his strength at a young age, don't look at him now unharmed, it is because his strength is too much higher than Ji Xuejun, causing crushing, if he is at the same level, he is really not Ji Xuejun's opponent.

Sikong Luohe now wants to pull Ji Xuejun into the Eternal Night Church more and more.

Not only has a strong background, but also has superb talent, such a genius is simply the best helper for building the kingdom of God.

"Huh. Are you thinking about fart eating, and want your aunt to go with you, unless you make your aunt your god! Although

Ji Xuejun was very embarrassed at this time, it was obviously impossible to let her tie her hands, she clenched the Green Dragon Breaking Halberd in her hand, and frantically squeezed the dried spiritual power in her body.

"It seems that there is no way, Miss Ji, offended."

Sikong Luohe no longer kept his hand after speaking, and under his control, the giant hand transformed into dark energy slapped fiercely towards Ji Xuejun's small and stubborn body.

"It seems that I have to explain it here today! I don't know if they have escaped far away! Ji

Xuejun watched the Optimus giant hand shoot over with a crushing momentum, and smiled bitterly in her heart, she raised the weapon in her hand and resolutely greeted it.

At this moment, Ji Xuejun Muran felt a huge gravitational force on his body, and then his body changed to fly backwards at a super fast speed.

"Vientiane Heavenly Lead!"

Listening to this familiar voice, Ji Xuejun was stunned, and then his face changed wildly, and then Ji Xuejun felt that he fell into a warm embrace.


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